Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Bank of Wisdom

Some of the smartest words ever spoken have been by children.  Why?  Because they speak from a viewpoint of honesty and innocence.  They express themselves before they have been corrupted by the ways and means of modern man and their social environment.  If you haven't lately spark up a conversation with a youngster, you may be amazed at what you learn.  Here are some recent thoughts I had on wisdom.  My hope is that some part of it speaks of honesty and innocence, for that is the essence of wisdom, all else is clutter to the mind.

Sometimes wisdom is learned skill.  Sometimes wisdom is an experienced memory. Sometimes wisdom is a shared commodity.  Sometimes wisdom is fleeting and other times it is staring you in the face, clouded by indecision and misgivings.  But in all cases wisdom is a patient teacher to those that await its charm and power.  By using our skills, memories, experiences, historical past and educational resources we can solve almost any problem and discuss any controversy in the hope of making wise and timely decisions that future generations will remember and learn from, adding to the human bank of wisdom, whose wealth is beyond our capacity to count and perceive.
We must provide a well rounded education to our children so they can add to the knowledge & understanding of our world.  Today our kids are surrounded by threats of climate change & confusion over their own bodies.  Mental health & youth crime issues are on the rise as delusional leaders, teachers  & parents look to science to cure the ills of our youth.  
This fear of nature & confusing social messaging has resulted in billions of dollars being wasted on climate controls & science experiments on our kids.  
Science is not the answer. In many cases it’s the problem.  But in all cases fear based science is a distraction from spirituality.  Our children deserve better…Here’s a final thought…Has the faith in God gotten so weak in this country that we fail to realize that He who created all this…can not fix it?  Can He not calm the sea, cool the air & bring the rains.  Yes, He can.  He can also bring thunder & fire in the sky, dry the lakebeds & crumble mountains.  
Have Faith in God, not man’s foolish science…just ask a child…if science hasn’t butchered it already.
In His service to explore, learn, remember and share.
BAS (:  (c) August 31, 2017  8:50 PM
Post edit & pics 8/17/2023  6:45 PM EST 🐝
Reflections: Jeremiah 29:10-14 
Ezekiel 32:17-21 Thessalonians 1:2-6
And of course how could I forget Matthew 11: 25-30   AMEN    

Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Sleepmare

I had a sleepmare early yesterday morning around 2:50 AM EST. I woke up after 5 hours of wonderful sleep to the thought (which I perceived as reality) that I only had 30 seconds to live. I know what I did, what I wonder most is, what would you do????
What I did was wake my wife… she perceived I was having a nightmare. I told her I just needed to get up and walk around a bit. But the whole time I was thinking I only had 30 seconds to live. I recently got a new phone, so my contact list is being rebuilt. So, there were only twelve people in there, plus my wife and she was here....sleeping. It was almost 3AM and I didn’t think anyone would answer, but as quick as I could I called every one of those contacts…let it ring once and hung up, my way of saying good-bye. As time progressed I sent my son two quick texts and a quick text to two other contacts.  I called my sister back and by some miracle she answered the phone.  We spoke for about a minute and I explained what happened. It calmed me, having a voice on the other end of the telephone line. Then I went into our bedroom, where my wife was sleeping, and I hugged her tight. She was awake and didn’t know this sleepmare had affected me so. So, as the seconds clicked to about three minutes since I woke up in a panic, I realized it was a bad dream. Thank God.
So, that’s what I did with what I perceived to be my last 30 seconds…said goodbye as quickly as I could to as many as I could…even if it was nothing more than a missed call on their screen.
I believe the Lord as well as our enemy satan tries to influence us in a sleeping hours. The Lord sends us good messages; satan plants bad seeds in our subconscious. In your waking hours do your best to separate the two. Cherish God’s messages and dispel satan’s attempts to bring you down. You’ll live a better life and eventually satan will give up. He’ll look for easier prey, like those that don’t pray.
What was the message I believe God was sending me. I think it was His way of shaking my soul to enrich my spirit and trigger my mind to follow my heart, follow my dreams….realize life is fleeting, so make the most with what you have to work with…and that’s exactly what I plan to do!!!
Sleep tight and go to bed with positive thoughts, it will keep satan’s negativity at bay.
Your warrior in Christ:
(c) Bryan A. Stross 8/26/2017 (:>>>>>
Psalm 67: 1-7     Proverbs 27: 1-8     Isaiah 26: 1-15

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Created vs. Evolved

This posting was first written almost a year ago. Before you read it please understand that I am a firm beleiver in Christianity and Creationlism. Having said that I am not so isolated and staunch in my beleifs to not consider the facts of Evolutionism. We as a society have have evolved...our world has evolved. From the time you were created at conception you have evolved to the person and body you are. But, there was and is a starting point and this is where the differences in the various beleifs of how we got here and where we are going seperate. I on the other hand have an open mind to such matters from the stand point of reviewing the evidence and making my own conclusions.

From my school days I have been intriqued by dinosaurs and the "Big Bang" theories. One thing I remember most is the statement I heard a renowed expert say and it went something like this..."To beleive in evolution as the sole method of creation is to beleive you can take a fish and a bird, put them alone in an ocean and a forrest and by some "miracle" they would come together, mate and create a lizard." Kinda says it all doesn't it ?

I submit to you this have all the parts of the staunch theories of evolution to be true is a bigger miracle to beleive than the Book of Genesis and the Creationist beleif of our existance.

A Sliver of Light

This early morning, I look and see a fading sliver of light, shrouded by clouds from nowhere near. Then the night light becomes clearer, a...