Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Final Page


As the world tries to diminish itself into a Godless existence, where resides your Faith?

Does it reside in the worldly possessions around you?  Does it reside in the leaders who may or may not have a care for you?  Does it reside in the inner thoughts of your soul?  Does it reside in a false & temporary existence?  Does it reside in science?  Or… have you lost all Faith?

I will confess to you that the last two years of my life have been a gift.  A gift that I will have a hard time repaying, but I will endeavor to do so.  I have had the rare opportunity in life to explore the world around me, to observe our leaders, to walk with nature, to mingle with the masses, to listen to my inner thoughts…and strengthen my faith.  I have been unencumbered with the stresses of finance & the distractions of damsels in distress.  But the temptations are always present and easy to succumb to…to those with little or no faith.

This book is a sample of writings I have been blessed to receive.  I have tried to pick the top thirty of the three hundred and seventy plus messages I have posted in the past, to strengthen your faith.  To do that I was tasked with identifying a target audience & dominant theme.  This was not easy…but many of you helped in the process. 

You see…I can see too, and these writings are also some of the most read in the past by those who have visited “Recent Thoughts of Distant Memories.”  I thank you all for that, as it has been most encouraging to know that in the last 15 years since inception, almost 50,000 have heard a message that speaks of Faith, that I have also heard & felt in the most humblest of ways.

As I looked at all these writings, there was a consistent theme…& to me the audience is whoever wants to take the time to read something I have been gifted to create and share.  But to narrow that down, it is obvious who it targets.  I hope these writings speak to those of you who have some measure of Faith…to bring you to that special place where our physical being, our intellectual self & our inner soul drives our spirit, faithfully and outwardly.

I have a simple phrase for it…Spiritual Faithfulness…and I have faith you will find it…if you seek it.  And once found, your spirit sense will tell you to share it & bring others to the faith you have found.  This is the primary focus of these writings.

I cannot take any credit for these messages other than the fact I did live them, dream them & write them…but to be honest the best writings are those that just flowed as if I was a pencil held by another’s hand.  That’s how spiritual faithfulness works, and I have faith that these messages explain it in ways no one has ever expressed before…but the messages of faithful men and women live in our past, speak to us in the present and hold a bright future for His Faithful.

No matter how this world tries to diminish His Spirit, our God, our Savior, our Protector, our Provider, the King of kings & Lord of lords…Jesus Christ Lives now & forever more.  AMEN  

Remember: You cannot eliminate God from this earth…because He created it.  

Go In Peace & Love Will Follow.  In God We Trust…So In God We Must. 

Book of Acts Chapter 8    Gospel of Mark Chapter 4     

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Rock of Faith

It is Sunday morning December 10th, 2023…& I have a bit of an apology to make.  I am not sorry for anything I said or did, except for one statement & two misspoken words, which I will clarify.

This past Friday I went to the Outlaws concert in Clearwater.  The Artimus Pyle Band was the opening set; the concert was over four hours and was an awesome evening. I will share more on the concert in a different message.  But this episode took place before the concert, there were many witnesses & videos…thus the reason for this message & clarification.

I purchased my ticket online and had to pick it up by 6PM at will call…doors opening at 6:30 for a 7:30 show.  I was there at around 5:15 and the box office was closed until 6, so I had a bit of time to enjoy the downtown area of Clearwater which has gone through some wonderful upgrades.  The major addition is the Sound outdoor amphitheater which opened this year and has had some great concerts. But this annual Yule Tide Jam with Tampa’s own Guitar Army…the Outlaws…was at the Capital Theater, a small theater for a homecoming of Classic Southern Rock, that has been with us for 50 years.

I have written about how you naturally seek & feel better when you are with those that see & feel similar to you in life.  For me, the classic rock enthusiast I am, concerts of bands I grew up with are a natural.  But this night, there was an interruption…a disturbance…an unwanted entity…that no one appreciated.

This is where my clarification starts…at 6 PM I went to the box office and got my ticket.  While talking with the agent I hear a guy yelling at the top of his lungs how we all must repent or go to hell.  Now although that is true, it is what he kept saying that was most untrue, distracting, disruptive & unwanted.  He was screaming how rock & roll was the devil’s music, how we were all sinners for listening to it, he was chastising men with longer hair, he was calling Catholics heathens for worshipping Mother Mary, he was going on & on & on screaming & yelling, fifty feet from the only door into the theater, with one of his minions holding a repent or die sign.

The street in front of the theater is permanently blocked off for a couple of blocks for pedestrian traffic and there are numerous shops, restaurants, clubs & condo/apartments in the area.  There was a club a half a block away with a solo singer guitarist outside.  The repent or die guy was so loud, he was drowning out this guy’s acoustic set.  People were annoyed & some said things to this nut job.  I had to use the bathroom so I just walked in and went to the third-floor balcony, where you could still hear him.

I had several conversations with folks on the balconies…including Artimus Pyle and the head sound tech for the Outlaws.  Artimus was yelling at the guy to “brush his teeth” …classic.  Well after 10 minutes, at around 7PM I had had enough.  I politely dismissed myself from Artimus and his sister and went downstairs for a smoke, which put me at the front door, forty feet from repent or die guy.

Well, he starts in on me about being a sinner…and I asked him what he was…I said you know we are all sinners…I told him if he had real guts, he’d go to New York City and have his little tirade with the those supporting Hamas…I said repeatedly to this guy…HAVE YOU EVER LISTENED TO THE OUTLAWS LYRICS!!!  He obviously hadn’t…just another misinformed delusional misfit, like those protesting in our cities.   You cannot listen to “Green Grass & High Tides Forever” a classic rock & roll southern rock anthem and not hear the spiritually faithful message it contains…if you don’t hear it, you are not listening.

At this point, in this two days ago story, I must tell you there was a police officer between me and this guy, as well as two big guys at the doors to the theater.  There were numerous folks videoing this guy before I got involved and the officer came up to me and said…” you can say anything you want, just don’t threaten him.”  Cool I thought…so I did…I yelled “JUDGE NOT & YE SHALL NOT BE JUDGED!!!!”  I yelled this numerous times, and his only response was….” what’s after that” to which at one point I said in jest…” go forth and enjoy a good concert”!!!   Which is where one of my apologies resides as we all know it says in Matthew 7:1-6…. Jesus own words as recorded by Matthew… (verse 2)”” For you will be treated as you treat others.”” Those are Jesus’s words right after, (verse 1) “” Do not judge others, and you will not be judged.”” (New Living Translation.) But here is what really jumps out at me…read verses three thru six and you will find one of Jesus’s simplest, yet greatest lessons for us to learn & live by. AMEN.

My apologies for being ill prepared at that moment, but I was not expecting my Faith to be challenged by a delusional demon possessed individual who thought he stood on higher ground than I did.  He is wrong in the worst kind of way.  Here’s why, to borrow a line form Paul Harvey…& here’s the rest of the story.

After the Artimus Pyle Band had their set there was about a ½ hour break.  I went out the front doors to have a smoke and noticed repent or die guy was gone…but the police officer was still there.  There were many folks milling around & the atmosphere was much less stressful without us all being berated for our choices in music.  I struck up a conversation with the officer at the door…you must understand this.

I asked the officer when the repent or die guy left and he said that when the show started, he left, no one left to yell at.  He continued and said…” you know they had body cameras on”.  I said what???  Yep, he said, “that is their hustle, they want someone to attack them in some physical way so they can sue them.”  I was flabbergasted.  He said, “that’s why we just stand there and don’t say or do nothing because they’d love to sue a city or county agency…which they’ve done before”.  If this is true, which I have no reason to think it isn’t, I ask you…. Who needs to repent or die now?  Yeah, we all know that answer.

I have so many thoughts on what I could’ve and should have said to this guy knowing this information now.  You see not only do I take issue with fire and brimstone speech that does more harm than good and actually drives people away from the real teachings of Christ, but to know now that he was running a money-grubbing scam the whole time just infuriates me even more. 

We all live in a country where if you are an American citizen, you have rights to free speech.  But that speech has been twisted and abused to a point where it is being used to inspire hate and evil and diminish compromise & understanding.  Not only has the devil wormed into the minds of those weak in faith, but he has also found ways to use our faith against us…trotting out clowns like repent or die guy to make money for some unholy and greed infested entity.

If you are on the fence with your faith…do not let some heathen on a street corner trying to instigate a fight influence your decisions.  Read the true words of God, they are the ones in red in the New Testament.  A Testament of how to live our lives today and I learned long ago you win friends in conversation, and you lose friends in shouting matches. 

I said I misspoke twice during the evening. During my conversations with good folks on the balconies of the theater, twice I said Pakistanis when I meant to say Palestinians, those that heard it understood the context, but I wanted to clarify that…as God only knows who else might have had a body camera on. 

I regret having to spend my early Sunday morning defending my words & actions, but as I said I know several folks recorded these events and there were certainly 100’s of witnesses.  I would much rather write about the concert, my conversation with Artimus and the other fine folks I met at the venue…which I promise I will do…but I had to clear my head of the events before the concert. 🐝

Go in Peace & Love will Follow.   πŸͺΆπŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ✝️

Matthew 7: 1-6    AMEN 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Chasing Demons

I chased a demon away yesterday.  Do you find that hard to believe?

Well, I do it all the time.  Sometimes there’s even witnesses to see.

We have drifted so far from Godliness; fiction has replaced reality.

Truth stares so many in the face, yet they worship stupidity.

A mission of Faith sees through the noise & listens in silence.

Time is endless with no meaning…when Faith waits in patience.

Our world is so caught up in itself, it can’t see the storm on the horizon.

Throughout history mankind has left a trail of poison.

Like a hidden snake that bites, death & destruction in its wake.

Once a Paradise, now a festering den of vipers awaits.

The demons I chase sneak out of their lairs.

They catch the weak in their unholy snares.

She was screaming at the top of her lungs for minutes on end.

I tried to soothe her with music, but she continued off the deep end.

Finally, I had had enough and shouted back…SHUT THE HELL UP!!!


I never saw this woman, from my 3rd floor balcony all I could hear was her ranting and screaming, not in pain, but in some argument or whatever.  She was disrupting the peace, there’s seven buildings around the courtyard & we all could hear this unhinged woman carry on for well over 10 minutes, which she does regularly & her kids are the loudest on the playground…go figure.  When your emotions cause you to act like an unhinged & rabid animal…you got demons in your head.  

Well, once I shouted from my balcony I went in and did my dishes…oblivious to her rant, because I already knew she was silent.  I finished the dishes and went back to the balcony…Silence, just as nature intended so we can all enjoy the sounds of the birds & trees bending in the breeze.  

Demons come & go…but Faith in the Holy Spirit is Eternal.  The best weapon against any demon, be it physical, emotional or spiritual is prayer…& I pray for peace of mind, peace & quiet & the peace only found in a world void of hate & evil.

We live in a country where momentary rants get attention…for all the wrong reasons.  As far as I’m concerned, free speech does not include speech that is immoral & anti-American.  Protesters that are not even American citizens do not have the same rights to protest as Americans!!!

This country & world is full of Faithful people…it is also filled with misguided people who have let demons take over their intellect.  A country divided falls, time we get rid of the poison that slithers around & separates us & live in the Paradise God intended for us. 🐝

 Go in Peace & Love will Follow. πŸͺΆπŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ✝️

Zechariah Chapter 5…Revelations 17…AMEN  

A Sliver of Light

This early morning, I look and see a fading sliver of light, shrouded by clouds from nowhere near. Then the night light becomes clearer, a...