Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Trilogy of Creation


Over time you obviously begin to wonder.  You have thoughts, you have ideas, you have beliefs, you have all this information at your disposal...& yet you have doubts. We are no different, you & I.

Over the last week I have had major, minor, defined & scattered thoughts.  How about you?

So many thoughts, so much information, so much news & yet where lies Truth.  I submit search the lies.

And when you are done with your search… the Truth you’ll find…it was there all along.

You see if you start with the truth, if the truth is in your heart…lies of others are easily exposed.

But, how do you know when your own mind is telling the truth, how do you know you’re not the one living a lie?

Well, for me I pray & ask for guidance & understanding…I trust my faith to console mixed emotions.

This has not always been the case, as like anyone else you must separate survival & stability.

What might be best for you…might not be best for others…what do you do?

If you concentrate on selfish survival, societal stability will crumble.  You see it everyday today.

So how do you maintain your own intellectual stability with thoughts of instinctual survival?

This gets to the core of our origins & to the realities of where we are today…regardless of the perceptions we have of our past.  Does it matter how matter got here? Why worry about it.

Well, this is why I have thoughts on it.  I do not worry about it; I wonder about it & ponder in prayer...

From July 30th, 2023

I am going to share a message of Faith.  It is a message I have never shared & a message that to me has finally come full circle, after years of running in life's circles.

Before I share this, I must make some clarifications as I have no real qualifications to share this message other than those delivered to me by...Faith...which is all the qualifications I need. 

I am not adding anything to the resources used in articulating this message...I am only interpreting & sharing my thoughts & opinions on perhaps the greatest mystery facing all of us today.

This message involves the Creation of this planet & mankind.  Again, please do not think I feel that somehow, I have all the answers or am the only one with similar thoughts & opinions.  I have had discussions on this topic with all walks of folks...but my most recent thoughts just came full circle.

There have been volumes of books on this topic, but only one matters.  I spend a lot of time on this blog posting on the spiritual side of life & the end times & what may be here after.  But it is all wasted words on some folks, because of the confusion & doubts about our origins.  

It is a just concern.  How can you expect someone to believe the history, the teachings, the prophecies, the promises in the Bible...if you don't have confidence in its roots, its beginnings, which are the root beginnings of everything thereafter.  I understand this doubt & confusion, because I've had it too. 

As stated, volumes have been written, documentaries have been filmed & sermons written most all with a fee...but this message is free, as it was given to me. With embellishment I could write a hundred pages on this, but I won't.  I'll make it as short as possible, but my hand is guided by the Grace of God...& He always has the last word.  This is a message of Faith, that I am happy to share with you today.  It is not intended to convince you of anything, we all have our own free will.  However, it is intended to add to your consideration & in my years of living, I have never heard this interpretation, ever, so here goes:

For the most part there are three types of folks out there: 

1) Believers that God created the Heavens & Earth & mankind.  How exactly He did it doesn't matter...our Faith resides it to be so.

2) Doubters who believe in some kind of God, but this whole Creation thing is confusing because of all the other possibilities of creation & opinions out there. Therefore, they have real or even subconscious doubts about the rest of the Bible...they are on the fence.

3) Those that no matter what type of interpretation or proof they see...they'll never's just not in their polluted soul to even consider a God.  They worship nothing or even worse, evil itself.

It is the doubters out there that this message is most intended for.  To get you off that fence and into the Graces of a Loving God.  For the believers, I have faith it will strengthen yours.  And if by chance it persuades even one non-believer to at least consider & learn more about a walk in Faith...all the better.

The Trilogy of Creation:

Some of the greatest events in world history are covered by two chapters or less in the Bible.

You would think there would be a bit more to say about the creation of everything around us…guess that’s God’s way of telling us not to worry about how you got here…concentrate on your todays instead.  That is how it should be, your Faith guides you to the truth.

My Faith tells me that there have been three phases to date in our overall creation. Even though it’s only covered in less than two chapters, the first two phases of the trilogy lay before us in Genesis Chapters 1 & 2.

Phase one is in Chapter One…. the Creation of our universe, solar system, Earth, plants, animals & the early stages of mankind.  That’s where it gets confusing. 

Chapter One says God created Earth, including “people" (a very important word & translation) in six days.  On the seventh day He rested.

An elementary education of God’s Word tells us God’s infinite time & our finite time are nowhere the same.  A day in God’s timetable could be a billion years…His time is immeasurable, it has no start or end, infinite.  So, from day one to day six of Creation, could have taken place over a massive amount of time, as we measure it.

Then in Chapter Two this creation, millions of years of evolving later, with all its bounties comes to life including the establishment of the Garden of Eden & Adam & Eve.  This time the man is created & receives a living soul…not just a “person” a newly blessed & created man & woman. (Genesis2:4).  

Some say our ability to reason separates us from the animals.  That our intellect resides with our survival instincts.  That is science’s answer.  The creation of a man & woman who were not just “people” but a Creation with a living soul…a spirit, is what separates us from the animal kingdom, they have their own rainbow bridge & yes, all spiritual & faithful bridges lead to Heaven.  With the introduction of a soul, our minds were greatly expanded, to include reason.  Armed with this new mental & spiritual power…we unfortunately fell victim to free will & choice & the generations that have led us to today started to unfold.


To take it a step further…There are religious scholars who already feel there was a “dual creation.”  There is a clear distinction & a conclusion between Genesis 2:4 and 2:5. Whereas some look at 2:5 thru 2:25 as additional information or clarification to what’s in 1:1 thru 2:4.  Read these two chapters carefully & you will see the perceived beginning & end of Creation, where in chapter 1:26-1:29 people are created & the start of a new Garden and a new more intellectual man & woman is starting in Genesis 2:5.  I’ve just covered in one paragraph my uneducated theologists opinion…forgive me if I was too short for you…do your own research…as I have.  (Hollman Bible Dictionary, Tyndall House © 2004, pg-635-637)

Faithful Truth & scientific reality can give you a combined answer here…if the two sides will only shut up and listen a bit to each other.  Does it really matter if mankind went through one or two creations?  Can we all not agree that at some point a switch was turned on & the light bulb of knowledge went on in our heads?  This is the great mystery…did we always have this ability to reason & think, did it evolve over time, does the expansion of our living spirit enhance our intellect?  Well, the answer is yes to all those questions & statements.  That’s what makes it confusing to so many folks.  They are so wrapped up in their “version” of things, even everyday things, they never consider other avenues of conclusion.  The perception of truth is not always our reality.  We must read between the lines… but stay within the lines.

Ponder this…the Book of Revelations uses so much symbolism it is very difficult to decipher.   John was tasked with writing what he heard & saw…so was Moses when he received the Creation dialog & vision from God.  Why would we not think symbolism would be used in Genesis’s opening Chapters?  So, again we are where we are, and we’re nourished by a shining star.  We have survival skills, intellectual skills & spiritual skills…how we use them is what matters most.  This set the stage for the next Creation, the next step in mankind’s progression.

Our world & mankind was not complete.  Again, generations of time passed, & then came phase three.  This is really the most important stage in the Trilogy of Creation.  We as mankind in all our individual differences had progressed to a point where survival & stability was in peril.  We battled each other over property, lands, religion, greed & conquest.  We had this mindset that all around us had to conform to our norms, for stability.  But survival instincts led to eliminating anything & everyone not fitting to our perceived conformity.  In our love for social stability, our intellectual nature, we were continuing to fall to the lusts of survivability, our carnal nature.

The Old Testament of the Bible is so full of these stories, they are generational & endless.  As I heard a religious scholar recently say, “the law had to be established in the Old Testament, so we not only had an established disciplined direction, but consequences for being undisciplined.”

The first two phases of mankind established in the Old Testament…we were lost as a people.  Our survival instincts dominated most of the people.  We obviously had great minds & discoveries all thru the Earth’s history, but without a push we would never learn to swim.  Just as prehistoric man had developed over time to become more human like, just as developed man had reached a struggle in separating instinct from intellect, Christ came onto this world’s scene & life as mankind would never be the same.  This was the third & greatest phase of our development.

The New Testament is God’s Glory revealed to His Faithful.  We have actual Words in the Gospels from Jesus Himself…my Faith is simple…the Words in red matter most.  The Trilogy being complete, we now knew how we were supposed to live, what was possible & most importantly…most importantly…the curse of sin & death was shattered for our spiritual behalf.

We never, never ever, would be where we are today without the lessons & wisdom contained in the New Testament.  The Old Testament history, law, great conquests, answered prayers, miracles of proof & genealogy all lead & were foretold in & by the Life Lessons and Grandest of Sacrifices Jesus portrayed, projected, prophesized & ultimately paid for you and me.  Where we once had mere knowledge…we now had words of wisdom to guide us on the way to our dreams.

And what have we done with that wisdom in the last 2022 years?  Well, you could say we have wasted it, & in large part we have.  Because we still seem to want to kill each other over our disagreements.  Well again… I’ll say & close with this:

If we start from a basis of Truth & Faith, as taught not just in the Christian Faith but in many others, we can come to concise & compassionate conclusions.  This is what Jesus taught us, to love one another first…as fellow humans…and if that love is scorned, you’ll soon know.  This is also the wisdom of the ancients, the wisdom of the naturalist & the wisdom of the spiritualist.  Which encompasses the Trilogy of Creation…but we have one more event before the final act.

“Go In Peace & Love Will Follow” That is what I heard the Seven Thunders say…recently.

Bryan A. Stross 8/3/2023   11:01 AM EST

Note: As I finished this Stevie Nicks “Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You” came on my Bluetooth system…Thank You…I needed that…& will take it as a sign, to share with the world. ✨✝️🕊🪶

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