Friday, December 21, 2018

Funding the Wall

If I was a senator as the clock ticked towards midnight and a government shut-down over trivial bi-partisan divisive stances regarding the current funding bill which includes $5.7 billion towards the protection of our southern border, I would have these comments:

Ladies & gentlemen and those not sure what you are…a great Democrat once said. “Ask not what your country can do for you…but rather what you can do for your country.”  Those my friends are words to live by…and if we live by those words….this vote is easy; for we have a business to run and a holiday approaches. 

The business of this country cannot wait for you to make up your mind.  The time is now and as an Independent representative who leans towards Conservatism in this time of liberal socialistic confusion let’s not for one second be delusioned by the likes of those that would have our country ripped to pieces by their aspirations of some kind of unholy one world order.

We live in perilous times.  We live in dangerous times.  Some of the highest crime rates ever witnessed on this planet are south of our border.  What we as a nation must ask is…are these folks fleeing a repressive government, national emergency, or personal persecution…or are they traveling to our borders for an easy way out of a fixable situation in their homelands, which may very well require them to stand up in their own country for the rights of Freedom and Democracy.

If we as a nation think for one second our success should be used as an open door for others to jump on board anytime they feel like it…than we will crumble under the weight of the world’s misgivings. 
Ours was not an easy fight, having won we must protect what we have gained, or risk losing it again.

This spending bill has many folds, but the crease that seems to threaten the passage of it in its entirety is funding for increased security measures on our southern border.  For two and a half years now we have heard of a wall…why?  Why is it still an issue?  Why, is because of whom it appears to show victory. Do you really have any other opposition?  If so let's hear it now, before God and His creation.

Sad, so very sad that it has come down to this, to those of you considering voting no on this spending bill…you as a representative of your people have deserted them and should be ashamed to call yourself a Senator, for you are nothing more than a traitor; a traitor who would put their own self- interests and partisan headlines ahead of their countries. 

Shame on you and shame on all of us for letting this, this funding of a National Security issue, go for over two years while the in-fighting of party affiliations and lobbying continues to heed its progress.

Let me let you in on a little secret…these enhanced border security measures will be accomplished…with or without you.  Do you think for one second that security starts or stops with a brick and mortar iron fortified and steel erected wall…no sir, no mam, no whatever you are over there, it starts and stops with the blood of American Patriots, the sweat of hard work and the tears we shed along the way.

And in the end when we triumph…you will wipe your tears away…as we thank God for delivering us to this victory, for we stood proud in doing what our country needed and He blessed us for it.  

Cast your vote as you may, but be aware the people are watching and waiting to see your true colors.

Bryan A. Stross
12/21/2018 1:56 PM EST 

Isaiah Chapter 62...Revelations Chapters 20-21
Proverbs Chapter 26 & 8      

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