Monday, February 26, 2018

My Interview with Johnny

One of my dreams has always been to be on the Johnny Carson show.  I grew up with Johnny and unlike the opinionated late night hosts we have today I always felt Johnny was genuine and sincere, doing a little research on the man bore out this belief.  He was loved by many and the talk show scene has not been the same since.  I don’t even watch any of them anymore since Craig Ferguson’s show…he was always good for a few laughs. 

Of course being an average white American male, with no claim to stardom, would make an interview an impossibility, the executives couldn’t bear the thought of a nobody impacting their precious ratings.  But, that did not deter my dream, we all have them, some as simple as a walk in the park, others as complex as establishing world peace.

So now that I am in my late 50’s I find I still have dreams of a better life, like most all of you.  What does your better life entail?  Money, fame, power, or happiness, self- reliance and control of your own destiny?  Some may say you cannot have column B without column A, I say hog wash.
As an average American white guy who has worked since I left home at 16 to support myself and those I love…I have a few stories to tell.  Just like you my life up until this point has not been easy, but I see an easier way to enjoy my remaining years.

From hitchhiking around the country, being homeless, to the VP of a $19 million a year company I’ve seen the good and the bad this country has to offer.  I have traveled a bit outside our borders as well and from those experiences learned to appreciate our land and our freedoms more than ever.
Now, as I write in a blog that has seen 1000’s of visits, I appreciate more and more every day the people who take the time to read a bit of what the Lord has gifted me with.  I may not always come across as a Mr. Nice guy, because sometimes folks need to be shaken up a bit to rattle their senses.  But deep down please know that I love this country, I love my family, and I love to tell stories and play music.

That is how I want to live my remaining days, however long or short they may be.  If I could find a way to break free of the everyday and be on paid vacation while I enjoy the blessings in and around me…that would satisfy my dreams.

I still have that dream of being interviewed by Johnny, and one day maybe it will come true, but not in this life or earthly realm.  I miss you Johnny, more than you know.  I once had a good friend named Johnny who passed way before his time.  We used to spend hours talking about life.  In the end he was sick and hurting, so to His Arms he was delivered.  I was never interviewed by Johnny Carson, but I was interviewed by my friend Johnny as we picked each other’s brains on why so many suffer and why so many go hungry, in a land full of abundance and potential cures.

The pages of my blog are my interview; my life is an open book.  I hope you find something here that inspires you to chase your dreams.  I’ll tell you this; if the chase involves horses I’ll be right there with you.

One of my dreams has always been to reach a point where someone, someday, somehow thinks that an average American white guy just might have something to say or a story to tell that leaves those that hear it a better understanding of their own life and the world we all live in.

If you were interviewed today, what would your story be?  I hope it is one of triumph over tragedy, of love conquering hate and of forgiveness replacing blame.

Our country is divided, but only by cracks in the mirror.  Look inside yourself and consider the greater good and it will all work out.  God has a plan, and that plan does not include the word failure.

Since I can’t be up there just yet Mr. Carson, please seek out my friend and co-worker Johnny, he’d make a great average white guy interview, he might even tell you a story or two about me.

All the best to you and yours my friends.

Revelations 27…oh wait that chapter doesn’t exist…or does it?

Bryan A. Stross 2/26/2018 9:00 PM EST
Iron Station, North Carolina

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Body & Blood

Today is Sunday and as I like to do I often reflect on matters of the spirit.  But this post is not meant to be fluffy and inspiring.  It is meant to shed light on something I found disturbing while attending church two weeks ago.
I am a member of a church in Jacksonville, Florida and live outside of Charlotte, North Carolina.  So on some Sunday’s I go to different services in the area to get a feel for the congregation, the message and the leaders of the church.  My experiences have been positive and personal and my criticism held in check as I feel anyone or anything that is attempting to do the Lord’s work should not be chastised.
However, two weeks ago I went to a local Catholic church.  Being the first Sunday in Lent I wanted to partake in communion.  I arrived 20 minutes early and walked the halls of a beautiful church and got a general feel of warmth and friendliness from those I encountered.  I went outside for some fresh air and when I came back in for the service I found the pews filled to the gills.  I walked to the front, no seats, so I turned and started back only to find an elderly lady at the end of a pew with several open spots next to her.  Before I could ask she was already shaking her head, but I said, are these seats taken?  She said they were.  So I went a couple more rows up and a nice middle aged lady with her husband offered me a seat next to theirs, which I accepted.

The service was outstanding; with a song at the end by the children’s choir…a break in tradition for the church.  But when it came time for communion I noticed only the Eucharist was offered, the body of Christ.  The wine, or blood of Christ was reserved in challises for the priest and his two deacons.  They openly drank before and after the congregation took the Eucharist.  Now I do not know for sure but it seemed to me the blood of Christ was missing from this service.  I have been to other services of other denominations where both the body and blood were offered as we pay tribute and reflect on the Lord’s last supper.  So I felt something was missing, especially after I watched the leaders partake in the offering of the blood, but not the common parishioners.

And that to me is the problem with a lot of churches and organized religion today, especially the Catholic Church; many in their congregations and some of their leaders have the body….but not the blood.  They have the bank….but not the wealth.  They have the soul, but not the spirit.  I realize all churches are different, but my favorite church is nondenominational that encompasses the body, blood, soul and spirit of our Living God.  All the banks in the world have nothing in riches compared to the wealth our Savior offers.  After the service I went to my truck and said a prayer.  I also hung a white rosary I received at the church from the mirror in my truck since I already have a multi-colored wooden rosary in my music room.  I do not mean to criticize anyone doing the Lord’s work, but that day I missed part of the Last Supper, while others drank in abundance myself and the others could only look on and wonder why we were not worthy, at least in man’s eyes.  But I do not need another man’s ceremony to worship my God, and I do not need a ceremony to receive the body and blood of Christ, for it is in me and all His believers already.

The Body of Our Lord lives and thrives in the Churches.  Thru church we gain fellowship and enrichment.  The Blood of Our Savior courses through the veins of His Believers once we are baptized in cleansing waters and receive the Spirit in our souls.  This transformation enhances our mind, heart and body to be more Christ like, even with all our human frailties and flaws.  Some churches have the body, but lack in the blood.  The Body of Christ lives in the churches, but surrounds us constantly.  The Blood of Christ is there for deliverance, if only your eyes are open and your heart ready for the infusion of His Grace.  Together, Body and Blood, are an unstoppable force of love, sacrifice, understanding and wisdom waiting for you to partake in its offering of forgiveness.

Say a simple prayer, acknowledge His Greatness and accept it in your heart and soul and your spirit will share in His Holy Spirit and the spirit of His many believers.  Seek out a new comfort zone even if it means leaving other comforts behind.  Seek and you will find others to help in your spiritual journey.  For in the end you will know you may stumble, but never fall from His Arms.

Remember the lady with the saved seats….well no one ever did come and sit next to her.  At the end of the service she still sat alone with several empty seats.  I made a point to walk by her as I was leaving out the front where the prayer candles were, I lit one for this church and one for myself.  And as I was leaving I seen her one more time, only this time I was the one shaking my head…but with a smile she would soon never forget.    

Have a Blessed and Peaceful Day.      Mark Chapter 14:12-26 

Bryan A.Stross   2/25/2018   9:15AM  EST 
Iron Station, North Carolina 


Saturday, February 24, 2018


I grew up on Rock and Roll.  I like all kinds of music, but many of the classic rock songs of the 60’s thru the 90’s stand out to me as a time when musicians were blessed with and touched by the Master Psalmist.  I do not hardly know where to start with a list of my favorites, but it would certainly include Pink Floyd, Kansas, Jethro Tull, Marshall Tucker, REO Speedwagon, The Eagles, Styx, Lynyrd Skynrd, Tom Petty, The Allman Brothers, Molly Hatchett, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Steely Dan, James Taylor, The Outlaws, Supertramp, U2, Bruce Springsteen, Moody Blues, Phil Collins, CSNY, Rush, Van Morrison, ZZ Top, Bob Seger, the Doobies, Steve Winwood, America, Steve Miller, CCR and so many more I know I’m forgetting some. 
My taste in music also ventures into country, R&B, jazz, blues and classical, but my roots are in southern rock.  When I want music to soothe me or inspire me I choose to listen to songs with a message; with lyrics that speak to me and encourage me.  So my tastes also include such classic masters as Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan, Charlie Daniels, Carol King, Linda Ronstadt, Jackson Browne, and Sting.  Wow I just thought of Yes, Santana, and oh my Stevie Nicks.  So many great artists but what songs bring a tear to your cheek and a yearning in your soul?  
Steve Miller has a great song that is rarely if ever played on the radio called “In the Wind” and there is a current one out there that is played occasionally called “Give Me Something To Believe In” by Poison.  The lyrics of these songs as well as Supertramps “School” and “Crime of the Century” helped form my thoughts and have added to my belief that I am not the only one who has dreams of something bigger and better out there waiting for us, while we wait for it.

Throughout my life I have also enjoyed nature.  From hiking to fishing and dreams of flight the sounds of nature also speak to me.  When I was but five years old I would walk alone in the vineyards and woods of my grand-parents farm in southwest Michigan.  It was there that my soul was first touched by the magic nature holds for all of us….if we only let that magic thrive and enhance our spirits.  I would hear the birds talk to each other, and would try to mimic those sounds by whistling.  I would sit alone for hours at times and just listen and watch for the sounds of our environment and the movements of God’s creatures.  This is the root and foundation of music, the sounds of nature.  For if you think about it and take yourself back to the beginnings of our established planet what did we as humans have but our own mouths to express ourselves.     
Whistling and humming need no lyrics…but just like a master flutist they can inspire and soothe a weary soul.  As time progressed I am sure the next thing man- kind did was pick up some sticks and beat on some old hollow tree, and the first drum set was established.  And it goes on from there to where we are today with music that is brought forth from the depths of our souls to display our spirits in this vessel of human skin and bones.  Our bodies are but a temporary package of the everlasting soul inside all of us.  It is up to us to use this vessel, our mind and heart, to gain understanding and knowledge as we become wiser in the ways of the Master. 

Listen to the lyrics of the songs of old and of some of the new talent out there and you will likely see a common thread.  It is not an in your face evangelical message, but it is an in your ears spirit filled message.  Bands like Kansas, Yes, U2 and Rush have subtle messages in their lyrics.  But they are not hidden to those who understand.  Those that listen and have deaf ears will only hear the beat, the noise of the song.  They will not hear the lyrical message or the harmony of spirit master musicians pour out in their songs.  And sadly some of the best tracks have never been played on the radio.  They are only found by buying a CD and exploring the tracks some executive did not choose for radio play.  That’s OK, they are there and music transcends the ages and once played drifts thru the universe on the wings of angelical soundwaves.  Trust me, if you’ve played it….it was heard by someone or something somewhere.

There are four songs you’ve probably heard that speak to me, encourage and bring emotions to my being, along with so many others, but here’s an example of some of my favorites that I encourage you to listen too….really listen too…and listen to the lyrics.  They are Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here”, Kansas “Song for America”, REO Speedwagon “Golden Country” and America’s “For the Lonely”.  You cannot listen to these songs without reflecting on our own time and place in history, and without a tear coming to your eye as you realize you are not alone in your journey. 

Two of my favorite songs…one very popular that one day I would like to weave into a short story of sorts and that is “Hey You” by Pink Floyd.  Really listen to that song and those magical lyrics as you try to separate your good fortunes from those not as well off.  It inspires me to share my own musical abilities and writing in an effort to make the world around us a better place.  After all that was my New Year’s resolution, and with a little help from all of you I trust it will come to be.

The other song I want to mention is an example of a hidden gem that is not on the radio.  How it isn’t with all that is going on in our world is beyond my abilities to know, but I have a feeling Stevie had something to do with keeping it on the down low.  Being heard only by those in search of angels, where only demons tread.  I have played this song 100’s of times.  When I lived in Jacksonville, Florida I would go to the Duval County Veterans Wall and play it while I played harmonica to it.  Tears would flow down my cheeks and my breath would be interrupted by the heaving of my soul.  But my spirit would prevail and I would wipe the tears, light a cigarette, and pay my respects to those fallen at the hands of man kinds injustices and greed.  That song is track 14 on Stevie Nicks Time Space CD.  It is the last song and follows “Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You”.  The song is entitled “Desert Angel” and if I had to pick five songs to take to my grave it would be one of them.  Find it, listen to it, and share it.  It will hopefully speak to your heart and the hearts of those that put our young men and women in danger, but a danger that is unfortunately necessary in today’s world.

I play the harmonica, and I love to get into a good song.  I have fantasies like we all do.  My Rock and Roll fantasy includes playing harmonica with all the musicians I’ve mentioned in this post as well as 100’s more.  I have had dreams of being called out from the crowd to play as the bands harmonica player came down with the flu.  I have lived that fantasy on a couple of occasions with some local bands, but as dreams go, bigger is better.  I continue to practice, to listen and to harmonize with the greats every day at home and in my truck.  Jackson Browne’s the “Pretender” is on the radio now….another great song with a message many hear but few truly understand.

My dreams are part of my soul and if you have read this post to conclusion than I feel safe in saying we have some commonality in our dreams, in our hopes and prayers for a better world.  A world enriched by music and a world that is still in touch with nature and the subtle sound of the wind blowing through the trees and the chirping of the birds.  When life has you down, return to that foundation; step out of your everyday life and find a piece of nature, then listen to a good song, you just might hear a similar chord as you develop the sound track of your own life.  Reflections:  Psalm 98, Psalm 150, Revelations 22 


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Rainbows and Lightning Bolts

My heart is saddened today.  Although he lived a long and spirit filled life it is never easy when as a nation we lose one of our rocks, one of our corner stones that brought us together and lifted souls to salvation.  Billy Graham will certainly be missed, but his gifts are shared with many others who will bear the torch here, while he rests up there.  The word Evangelical is often mis used.   We’ve all seen the screaming and jumping evangelical services that to be honest due little for me but make me want to seek the silent majesty of our God.  I do not like to be yelled at and I have walked out of services where I felt I was being abused aurally.  There is also no doubt that some souls need this type of deliverance for the message to be heard.  I am not one of those souls. 

I can worship and be with my Lord all by myself in the surroundings of nature or with a large group of individuals at a service to learn and grow in the Spirit of our Lord.  We are created in His likeness physically, but need to be shaped into His likeness mentally.  Along the way we make choices and some stray from the path of His likeness, while others gain knowledge and understanding that keeps us searching for more.  And thru this dedication and faith we become more and more like Him.  Loving and caring and slow to anger, but when angered…well we’ve all seen the results of that.

We all have our moments…some bad, but hopefully most are good.  A friend of mine yesterday said that when I walk in a room rainbows fly out my ass.  I laughed and said yeah buddy I do try to lighten up the place…just don’t piss me off or those rainbows will turn to lightning bolts.  I have never claimed to be any ones savior, but I do my best to walk in His likeness, to think in His likeness, and to pray that this world has more of the likeness that it had when first established.  Notice the word established…I did not say created.  Our world has been here for millions of years, but it was not established as a planet until He blew life into the dust, moved the tides of the water, and touched the light of the skies.

Once established our world and the fate of mankind as we know started a journey that is filled with tragedy and magnificent accomplishments and usually finishes in glory.  That is the path we are on as a world body.  Filled with tragedies but surrounded by the glory of His creation.  As individuals we must strive to maintain the innocence and faith we had when He blew breath into our nostrils.  Our hearts beat because of His generosity… we owe pay back to that generosity by continuing to deliver a message of love, peace and understanding.  In this effort we gain knowledge and understanding.  Created in His likeness physically we can do wondrous things, just look at what they’re doing at the Winter Olympics.  Created with the challenge to seek wisdom…wisdom that will meld the heart, mind, body, spirit and soul into a complete vessel; a vessel that contains the breath of life, the water of salvation and the dreams held in the skies.  This is our destiny as mankind, what our legacy tells, is up to us individually. 

We lost a soldier yesterday, but Heaven gained in wisdom.  That is a hard accomplishment, but one Billy Graham accomplished in his life and teachings.  His movement was and is more than a church….it is an association.  An association dedicated to helping us in our tormented bodies reach a peaceful relationship with God.  A God Billy new better than most any of us, but a God that is welcoming a messenger of His Grace into His open arms.  What would Billy say?  Well I don’t know for sure but I think in his own special Carolina way he’d simply ask…”what is the next assignment Your Majesty desires?”  You see Billy was more than an Evangelical; he was one of God’s angels, sent here to deliver a simple message of deliverance.  Thank you Billy for delivering so many souls to His Grace.  Habakkuk 1,2,3. 

(c) Bryan A. Stross  2/22/2018  5:30 AM EST 


A Sliver of Light

This early morning, I look and see a fading sliver of light, shrouded by clouds from nowhere near. Then the night light becomes clearer, a...