Thursday, November 3, 2022

A Continuous Saga

Life is a mystery, well for me it is anyway.

For me to make that statement alone by itself, is an effort.  An effort that is too often lost in today’s world.

Yesterday on Facebook, I said I planned to get some work as a ranch hand, as being a ranch hand working with horses & other animals in the bounties of nature has always been a dream.  Dreams become desires & desires become realities if & only if effort is applied.  And, efforts are wasted if prayer is not involved.  I knew the whole time I wrote it, on Facebook, it was a waste of time.  Why???  Because life…is a mystery.

I have learned so many lessons in my 61 years, that I can’t keep track, so I don’t.  Instead, I utilize those lessons, those experiences, those memories to dictate my initial actions….& then reactions afterwards.

Life is a mystery because we don’t know what tomorrow, next week, or 5 years from now will bring.  One of the hardest lessons to learn is that you, me, we, us & them, don’t really know what will happen one second from now.  Think about that….do you really, really know if your heart will keep beating or stop beating, one second from now….you don’t.  So, life is a mystery.  A mystery you, me, we & us…were born to solve. I left them out, because they have no desire to pursue anything other than their own ill-gotten gains.

Life in itself is one big hard lesson, well for most of us anyway.  Most of those that are spoon fed with a golden spoon from birth have little to no concept of struggle.  Well sir, struggles are part of our life lessons. Nothing, nothing is worth anything without struggle, because to get out of that strangle hold requires what??  That’s right you’re getting it…..effort, desire & prayer.

Life is a mystery, but I’ll solve one for you now.  I am writing this at this very second in time.  Right now it’s 11/2/2022  11:20 PM EST, & I’m writing this now, not fourteen years ago.  Life is a mystery & here’s another one…I did not realize until about an hour ago that I hadn’t done a blog post since October 11, 2022.

That post is called “Untold Story”  and it was written for a reason, a reason 40 years ago I would not even conceived let alone understood.  There are folks that read Untold Story & don’t understand it, yes it does have over tones of being a mystery in itself, but there are folks who can read between my lines & feel the meaning of its effort.  An effort conceived in struggle, resulting in desire that required effort & prayer to solve.  

The lesson I learned long ago was not to overly concern & question myself over my actions & reactions. And why is that??? I feel some of you know, but others gave up long ago.  For those that live in Faith we know the answer to the mystery of the Untold Story, because they too have seen glimpses, heard whispers & felt bits & pieces of the story it relates to.  Then there are others who have no clues & probably never will.

So…I ask you fine lady, what is the premise, the inspiration, the mystery behind the Untold Story?  An answer seems hard to come by, especially for those outside the Faith.  Here are my recent thoughts of distant memories derived from struggle, desire, effort & prayer over the past fourteen years of my life….a life that is a mystery to even some in my own family, where I have friends who know me better than that.

The mystery I said I would solve this very moment in time is really pretty dang simple…here it is…..Why, after posting on my blog pretty regularly & having increased energy levels & clarity of thought, why did I go 3 weeks without posting anything on this blog?

You may not think it is a life mystery, but it is to those out there waiting for me to blog post something, I know you’re out there, & I thank you for that.  Nothing was supposed to be posted on this blog, until this writing, however long it took to develop & when that was as you know in God’s timing, not mine.

You see, well at least I pray you do now or at some point see, the mystery of the Untold Story is not in my words….it’s in my two pictures.  All the pictures in & on this blog were taken by me.  I do not re-copy, photo shop or edit any of them, cuz that’s not what I saw or seen when I took the pic.  There are two pictures, one at the beginning & one at the end of the Untold Story, & that is where the mystery resides; because life is a mystery, a mystery for you, me, we & us to solve.

There is only one other person on this planet that sees what I see in the first pic, after a little help from little ‘ol me.  I did that intentionally so that I had a least one witness that I shared part of this mystery with in case I met some kind of untimely demise; after all I am an under cover observer, not a detective, just an observer, but that’s a whole nuther mystery.

If you haven’t by now, please take a break, cuz I’m going too, & look back at those two pictures at the beginning & end of the previous post to this one, dated October 11, 2022, called Untold Story. 

Both the pics are recent, the first pic I call Brain Cloud…not Bryan Cloud, Brain Cloud & was taken at the entrance area of a marina in Apollo Beach, Florida bout 6 weeks ago, the second is called Tree Thinker…it was taken out my back patio to the West around three weeks ago if I remember right.  The video on & in this post just happened, it really did as I was writing this very paragraph.   God’s timing amazes me daily, lately even more so.  And that my friends solves one of the biggest questions mankind has….Who, What & Where is God…you ready for it??

Well good sir & fine lady I see you brought your children too, thank you for including your most precious possession & they who hold the future.  You see it’s quite simple, all you had to do was read a blog post of mine from 2008 I believe that answers this very question. 

Who, what & where is God?  He is Father Time…He has a hour glass in one hand and a stop watch in the other, among other things, like the purse strings to this nation & this Earth. Where is God…He’s everywhere & anywhere at any time & at any place He chooses.  If you wanna know what He looks like that’s kinda hard to explain, but check out some of the pics from the new NASA Space Telescope & you might form your own perceptions & ideas.

As far as the mysteries in the two pics mentioned & visible in & on Untold Story….the first pic Brain Cloud has at least four maybe five cloud faces  easily distinguishable & another live face in the tree.  All the faces are looking to the left…gotta keep an eye on those snake like lefties, they like to throw curve balls AKA lies & distractions. 

The first face which is the pics namesake is the large face looking upward, the top of the palm tree is where his brain is.  The second face is a demon face low right, third face is midway up the tree & the fourth is a woman’s face with her eye top right.  There’s a possible fifth face between the demon & the woman.  And last but certainly not least, although some would have you believe otherwise, the animal kingdom is represented by the Osprey in the palm tree.  The clouds hold the mysteries of the ancients & the currents, the Osprey is there as a reality check…unedited & in real time.

The second picture Tree Thinker is looking right with his head bowed & Jupiter in line at a 45 off his fore head.  He’s in deep thought & prayer & just wants to be free & left alone to continue his thoughts & prayers.

So there you have a few mysteries to ponder, as I have, but they are not a wonder to me anymore since I wandered into God’s Garden, which is all around us & asked a few questions to help my life’s journey, which as far back as I can remember has been dedicated to solving any of life’s mysteries I can…& pass on what I find.  And, what I’ve found along my wanderment is amazing, so amazing it’s hard to express, but I do my best, that’s all any of us can do & that’s all God asks of us in return for His great favor on our Nation.

As a final example the SkyView pic of Libra on & in the previous FB post was taken while writing this by accident as I was using SkyViews compass to set bearings & this view popped up with the compass at just the right second in time, under the floor at the bottom of the Earth from where I’m sitting.  But that’s the beauty of technology… it can sees things we can’t…even though it’s all been here since the beginning of this Earths time…God’s Time.

Now for the climax of this story, the proof of Gods timing that can not be denied… we have owls here, big brown & horned owls…that make strange sounds at night.  I’ve heard them here in parts of Florida that I have hunted & traveled & lived for a good portion of my 61 years.  I’ve had experiences when hunting & walking & just living that I have wrote about & told people about, but nothing like what happened a little while ago.

So I’ve been writing this while most everyone has been sleeping, with my goal to finish by 7 AM….God is good and has thrown me little bits of encouragement thru not only this writing but thru my whole life.  Owls represent wisdom to us modern & simple folk, it’s in our history & stories.  The brown owl with its silent flight, keen & superb eye sight, talons to grab & hold & a beak to rip & tear, are the forests observers, hunters, counselors & councilors.  It takes wisdom to be a good therapist & decision maker  & owls represent wisdom for the animal kingdom.

So, I walk outside for a smoke during this writing and what does God do..??  There’s at least two owls in the same area of tress as Tree Thinker….matter of fact I know it’s dark but if you look closely you can make out Tree Thinker, that’s not what’s’s their night sounds that I captured & it was only by the Grace & timing of who???? You got it, our wonderful Father Time.  I have never been this close to them making these sounds, but I did have one land in a tree bout 14 feet away from me once while hunting…but that’s a whole nuther story.  Happy Days & Peaceful Nights My Friends….BAS 6:56 AM EST 11/3/2022   ThorsDay.

Life is only a mystery to those that ignore life’s realities

Reflections for Consideration:

Books of Amos Chapter 9,   Mattthew Chapter 20

Books of John Chapter 6,     Acts Chapter 22 

   Be sure to unmute so you hear some forest wisdom.


 Enjoy your day & all of life’s mysteries.

Go in Peace & Love will Follow.πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‹

Go in Peace & those that hate, will fall in their own swords.  πŸ✨πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Take Care & All So Easy πŸ¦…πŸ¦Œ


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