Friday, December 2, 2022

Words in the Wind

 December 1st. 2022….A great day for a fresh start.

As I leaf thru my Bible & listen to one of my favorite CD’s…Feather on the Wind by Golana…at 5:30 EST in the morning… I search for words sent in thoughts, dreams & prayers.  At times the message brings me strength & other times it brings tears to my eyes.  But, to be strong in your grief & use it for a better good….is a great gift from God to have.

A short message for today:

Some definitions are in order to clear mass confusion.

Simple words to explain difficult realities that have been clouded over time.  These definitions are from the Book of Life….words to the contrary are from books of  death…you decide what to believe, you live & die with your words & actions…let them be of Life.

God: The Creator, The Master Time Keeper, His love for us is unbound, He created us thru Grace, but do not underestimate His wrath, it is as powerful as His creations, because He can destroy what He has created in the flash of a milli-second in time.

Jesus: Love embodied, a self-less Leader, God in the physical realm….a teacher who taught by both word & action…because that is the only way to prove unconditional Love. Oh & one minor but yet major detail…He’s the only one to ever conquer death.

Holy Spirit: the Spirit of God who is alive in the hearts & minds of the Faithful.  The Spirit is wisdom & understanding, which is needed in a confusing world.  The Holy Spirit is strong in some, weak in others & totally absent from the wicked.

This is the Holy Trinity…God the Father, Jesus the Son & the Holy Spirit…alive today in the true Faithful.

We are lucky as a planet to have such Faith in numbers, it is not always the case.  The more I write, the more I realize I don’t really have to, because it’s all been said before….When Judgement Days come as Stevie Nicks sings,  “Sometimes it’s a bitch & sometimes it’s a breeze”…..the less Faith, the harder…the more Faith the easier…bitch or breeze…you decide in your own God given free will.

It is often said…”one man can not change the world” these are not my words, because I don’t believe them.   History proves different, men of great good & horrid evil have & continue to change this world everyday.

But real change, the change I pray for is beyond any one man to accomplish.  He would need lots of help from the Faithful & from the Devine Trinity.

But one man has that already…& when the Son of God returns, the sons of men will rejoice or be cast away into pits of fire. 

I, we, us & them are all sons of men & women…but we have the ability to use the Holy Spirit to understand the Book of Life…before this world succumbs to death & destruction.   

The new world order that demon seeded men speak & aspire to today, one created by men to elevate them to some higher level…is doomed to fail because it is demon seeded, created by man to satisfy his power, greed & lust. They manipulate the media as they rely on their words to support their unfaithful actions. 

The only true New World Order will happen when Christ returns with the Wrath of God in one hand &  Love in the other hand…while He uses the power of the Spirit to deliver both Heavenly & hellish justice.

The Word of God, the Book of Life, your Bible holds the truth in these words.  So many references one wonders where to start…..well here’s a few that the Lord shared with me….very recently:

2nd Chronicles 15….Ezekiel 15…. Luke 15

John 15…..1st Corinthians 15….Acts 15

Proverbs 15 & Psalm 15….✨✝️🕊🌻🐝🦉🙏🇺🇸

Exodus Chapter 15 A song of Faith delivered ✨

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