Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Time & Times Again


I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again….timing is everything & God holds the sand dial.  Those in Faith have experienced His magic, which is real time reality.  I have tried to share some of these moments in my life as proof of this statement, but in all reality I’ve experienced so many, it’s impossible to share them all…I wish I would’ve captured them in picture or pose. But in my memory many remain.

The want to write is mostly to inspire….but when depression sets in its hard to have much of any desire.

To help release from the tortures of hell, but alas it doesn’t pay very well.  But if by chance I could live my dreams….I’d do it all for free. 

A few thoughts:   Capitalism is not the problem…..greed is.  Some argue socialism is the answer, it’s not….taming the evils of greed is.  We should not limit a persons desire & ability to succeed, by stifling the entrepreneurial spirit, rather we should educate the hearts & minds of people to be good stewards  of their wants & needs.  I once read that a person who plants a seed today, knowing it will provide fruit in the future, is the basic concept of fiscal success.

In too many ways our society has got to a point where success is measured by materialism rather than spiritualism.  Look around, even the rich aren’t happy in this country.  We are the most mindfully depressed & over medicated country in the world…& why when we should be the most happy & prosperous.  The reason is simple, our desires are more towards what we want instead of what we need.  We are also one of the most wasteful countries because we’ve become a consumer rather than a producer.  The desires of greed lead us on a path of always wanting more, & wanting it now.  

When we have a perception as a society that success is how we individually prosper, rather than as a nation, too many will suffer.  This is one of the main arguments for socialism, but all systems are flawed if greed & envy get in the way of true success. If Hollywood is so divine…. why do you have to drive thru slums to get there?  Ultimately we will be judged by our greatest failures, rather than our successes.  Will the image of America be a rich man in a fancy car, or just a poor man living on the street?  Will it be of a beautiful young lady, or an elderly woman slowly dying alone?  Will it be of healthy educated children, or poorly nourished zombies growing up in a society based on greed & vanity?  

Capitalism & the entrepreneurial spirit is not the problem in America, greed, envy, selfishness & putting wants in front of needs is.  

Here’s a classic example…there’s a well known star in the sports world filing for bankruptcy claiming he’s $50 million in dept with only $10 million in assets.  Well one of the folks he owes money to is a snake farm he bought a $1 million dollar rare snake collection from.  Lord only knows what other “wants” he’s bought & now he can’t apparently provide his basic needs.  If you spend a million dollars on snakes…you should be the one living on the streets.  Envy, greed, desire, vanity they’re the real snakes in that story..And if we as a nation don’t get the snakes outta our heads, we’re destined for failure morally & financially.

It’s not always our actions, but the reactions they cause.  Capitalism & entrepreneurial thinking is a tool to be used for the betterment of yourself & the world around you.  Tools can build…or destroy. 

When you use the resources around you in good intent, you will find success is much easier to accomplish.  Let that success inspire others towards good intent.

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