Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial to the Fallen

 Memorial Day…A day of somber remembrance.

The best memory we can provide those that have fallen…is to pick up that flag & continue the fight.

Too many want you to forget, an empty mind is easier to mold.  Too many want you as a puppet, not a Patriot.

The horrors of war should never be forgotten, so that fresh memories of war are never made again.


The beginnings of this great nation, are rooted in the quest to leave the realities of social tyranny & individual restrictions behind & instead live with social normalcies & individual freedoms.

At the heart of this new liberty were property & personal rights that guaranteed each of us, as American citizens, worth, choice & protections from any future attempt, foreign or domestic, to interfere with the purpose & pursuit of individual & national prosperity. 

Today, we see the results of forgotten memories.  We’ve had it so good for so long overall…that we stumble into complacency as a nation.  This is not what our brave sons & daughters fought & died for.  It’s not what our fathers stood for & our mothers cried for…it’s not the American dream many strive for.  It’s the want of our adversaries to have you forget the horrors that haunt our national memories, so our history is erased with what started us on this great journey to begin with.

This want for you to forget, to have us all blend into some faceless, genderless & colorless individual, where everything is rented & borrowed only leads to a lack of individual worth & the social & political tyranny we left long ago. By diminishing our self worth, our adversaries hope to topple our national pride.

Do not let this happen America.  You, me, we all live in a promised land of milk & honey…don’t let that milk curdle & the honey dry up. 

 Remember today the true American ideals so many fought & died for so you could sleep peacefully in the quiet of your bed, while others in far away lands are haunted by the sounds of bombs falling on their heads.  A reality almost every other country has experienced, except ours.  Let’s keep it that way & stand proud together with our flag…in Memorial to the Fallen.


Saturday, May 27, 2023

One Apple

With all the voices out there, who hears one more?

With all the chaos around you, where is peace found?

Questions…the end of a thought, or the beginning of knowledge.

I have been writing about how to hear those calming inner voices that help us find peace for our soul.

Once you understand your body is a shell housing your inner spiritual self…it is much easier to understand.

Wisdom…is the words & actions you live based on acquired knowledge & understanding its meaning.

Lots of folks are smart, book smart….yet have but a thread of life’s real experience.  Since they have but a thread, when challenges come…they’re tore apart.

Knowing that 2 + 2 = 4 does you no good, when you only have one apple to begin with.

And that’s the best place to start…with one you, one body, one spirit….one apple.

If you start from the beginning your body is weak & dependent on others for survival…just as an apple seed is dependent on earth, water & sun to grow & survive.

Your spirit is innocent, unknowing of the noise & chaos it was just delivered into…just as the apple seed does not know if it resides in fertile soil, whether rain will come or if the sun will shine.

Your body is the husk of the apple seed, the outer shell & protector of what’s inside.  And what’s inside is the true source of the apple seed & of your life.

Your outer being is a reflection of your inner being, just as the apple tree you see above ground is the result of a single seed planted below the ground years earlier.

The farmer has moved on to plant new seeds, while leaving a stand of apple trees to yield future fruit.

Your life is the same.  Realize you have to nurture your spirit so it bears fruit in this physical, chaotic & noisy world.

That is the beginning….& thru your life experiences & the interpretations of those memories you become a fruitful tree or a dying weed, strangling the world around you.

As you grow older will you bear fruit or just be a strangling weed to yourself & those around you?

Spirits are corrupted if left to only the noise & chaos.  If your back hurts, it’s painful to even stand…this will affect your overall attitude & personality.  If you’re worried or grieving this will naturally affect your words & actions.  If you are in physical or emotional pain…it has its effects.

It’s the same with your spirit.  It needs that beginning, that natural silent uncluttered world to really show itself to you.  

Those that say there is no God…I feel sorry for in the fact they’ve never experienced a thread of spiritual magic in their lives.  They were too caught up in their physical world, they never saw or heard the thread of understanding that was all around them.  

If we analyze our beginnings, it’s easy to see the result of the farmers efforts.  In the beginning we are just  helpless bodies with a shining hopeful spirit inside.  Thirsting for knowledge & seeking the sun.  We are not all in fertile soil however, so we struggle to survive.

In the beginning were two spiritually led bodies, innocent & pure…protected & nourished…thriving & learning…they didn’t need to seek God’s Light…He was all around them.  But there was a catch.

“You see that tree over there…don’t eat from it!” 

Choice, they were given one.  Temptation & curiosity got to them & of their own free will, they ate.

And when they did their whole being changed instantly.  From a spiritual body to a body housing a spirit….big difference.  

Our challenge now is to realize the past, learn & grow in wisdom from it & create a better future, resulting in fertile soil rather than polluted pastures.

It was just one apple, but it changed the course of this world.  From Eden, a world so spiritually magical that physical beauty as we know it, pales in comparison.  To our current world of physical noise & chaos.  

No wonder there’s no peace in the world…it left long ago, in a grove of trees planted in Spiritual Faith, now stuck in all the distractions of physical realities.

The root of all this madness around us is in that Garden.  Temptation, the result of being given choice & free will.  That was our beginning, it’s up to all of us to determine how it ultimately ends.  

Even if our beginnings were tainted by the temptations of physical & emotional knowledge…we can still live our lives in spiritual wisdom.  And in that world temptations don’t exist, because we have all the water, sun & fertile soil we need to live together in peace & in a grove of multicolored fruit bearing trees.

Happy planting…even in the quietest moments.

Acts Chapter 28…verses 23-30  AMEN 

Post pic add 8/11/2023. 5:45PM EST. 🐝

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


 I am at a crossroad in life

One way is darkness & the fear of the unknown

The other way is the the light & a promised future

I have been here before & am lucky to still have life

Like any traveler you think of past journeys

You rely on memories to help you decide

But this crossing is different, for it may be my last

No longer a young man, I feel the urgency of time

But nothing about this decision seems to rhyme

A crossroad, another in an endless maze of confusion

Lord, it seems the road with the light is the choice

But in the darkness I feel the pain of so many others

They’re trying to turn back, but the road is blocked

A crossroad…one way you help yourself & surely live

The other way you unblock the road…& possibly die

After years of travel an answer I received:

“It is not for you to choose the dark or light road

You chose the road of Light long ago

But rather, to listen to the air & follow the breeze

When all else fails & you can’t decide

Release those cares & listen for natures call

No road map do you need, this scene you’ve seen”

So I will take that chance & see what I see

Down this road of fear & darkness I’ll travel

Searching for those fallen off the path

Whose cries I hear in the day and the night

One more Lord, let me help just one more 

To light & find the path of Your Way

Because at the crossroad of the Cross

There is only one direction to His Saving Grace.

✨✝️🕊 Gospel of Matthew 25: 31-46  AMEN

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Are You A Mistake?

Life….your life….was it a mistake, or part of a grand creative design?  This question goes to the heart of your inner beliefs & the root of your life’s outlook.

To believe that we & everything around us is the result of billions of years of evolution, is to believe you & everything around you is a mistake.  Why?  Because the theory of evolution is based on all life forms mutating over time to form new types of life.  One big mass of mistakes, billions of mistakes. Hard to fathom.

The truth that we are part of a grand creative design, that obviously learns, adapts & evolves over time is much more appealing.  Honestly, look around you & tell me this is a mistake.  Search your self & ask, am I a mistake, or part of a grand creation started long ago.

As far as your outlook on life…picture yourself as a young child who hears they were a mistake to be tolerated or the child who believes they were created out of love.  One is tormented, the other nurtured.  Who do you think will grow up with a better life outlook.

Taken a step further, due you feel your body is all you have.  That this design left you with nothing but the aches & pains of a physical shell that grows old & dies to be nothing more than dirt, dust & ash.  Or…that your physical shell of a body houses something more precious than physical life itself.

It is true we are created in Gods Image….but what is Gods Image?  The Bible gives us many clues, but here are two, one from the beginning & one from the end.

Genesis 1:2…Moses tells us He’s a Spirit

The Gospel of St. John 1:1-5 He is the Word.

But to many folks this is confusing because Genesis also says in 1:27 that we are created in His image & likeness.  What is this image?  It is the likeness of Revelations 22:16-17.  “A Bright & Morning Star.”

We are not gods, there is only One God, so this can only be referring to something not of this physical world we see, but the soul that resides inside each of us.  An image is like looking at a mirror or a photograph…likeness is similar to, but not exact.  So, we are created as living souls with the Light of God within us…for each of us to search & find within ourselves.  It is there, to one strength or another…be it a fading ember or a bright & shining light…use what has been created for you, let your soul be enriched by His Bright & Shining Light & it will enhance your spirit & physical being.

This is what is meant by being re-born in the Glory of His Grace.  You are not a mistake, you are one of Gods Creations, to do & believe as you choose.  Choose wisely for to choose otherwise only leads to more mistakes.  God bless you & protect you.  ✨✝️🕊 🐝

Thursday, May 18, 2023

A Childs Toys

I have said my life is an open book & it is.  I have bared a lot of my soul in this blog as that is what my spirit has led me to do.  But, I haven’t revealed everything, so here is a very recent experience from this past Sunday.

Very few who know me know I visit cemeteries occasionally.  I am not obsessed with them, but at times I seek the quiet & the serenity of peace a cemetery can provide.  I have never been scared or unnerved & as a matter of fact I often feel a connection, even to those I’ve never known. 

This past Sunday I visited a small cemetery I drive by almost everyday.  I had never been there before.  It had 3 dirt roads, front, middle & back….I drove down the back road with the graves on my left & an old wooden fence to my right.  I saw several graves of teenagers who passed well before their time.  At the end I found several old headstones & a monument so worn you couldn’t read the inscriptions.  As I usually do I look at the names & dates & clean up a bit.  Sandhill cranes like to dislodge flowers & the wind blows over decorative canisters.  I pick them up, straighten them out & move along, enjoying the quiet & feeling good for the accomplishment.  But, then something catches my eye & I remember what else our eyes are good for.

I had walked back to the mid point of the back road & found a bunch of graves in disarray.  There was one in particular that got my attention.  It is the one on the left side of the picture with the white stones & flowers on it.  As I cleared the weeds & sand from the head stone…I noticed the dates.  This was an infants grave, having only lived a day.  As I knelt I was overcome with emotion & my eyes watered for a child who never knew this world.  As I stood up I looked around and my heart sunk as my soul cried.  The graves all around me, 16 if I recall, were all infant graves, most of who visited this earth for less than a day.  I was numb and knelt back to my knees, offering a prayer for these little ones, whose spirit I hoped had found new homes.  The Lord watches over & protects His flock & these little ones He holds dearest, as we all know.

The picture you see, is the after pic.  After I had cleaned up the area a bit & did a little something extra.  Many may think it’s the Cross being placed in the center.  Well that was laying on the ground by the statue of St. Francis of Assisi & I did place it, but that’s not what made this moment special.  Here’s the rest of the story….

When I walked into the area I noticed that grave with the white stones.  I do not have the before picture, but I will tell you it was the only grave in that area with toys.

Actually it had about 20 some toys on it, where the other 15 had none.  A generous family one may think, but as I sat & stared at that white stone grave with all the toys & the others with none, sadness overcame me. I sat there for a good 5 minutes looking at all those toys & an idea came to me.

I thought…if I was a young boy with lots of toys and my friends didn’t have any what would I do?  Put yourself in the mind of a young child who does not know selfishness or greed, these thoughts are foreign to an innocent mind.  So I thought, I know exactly what this little boy would do….so I did it for him.

I took all the toys off those white stones, I left a couple that were by the headstone & a couple more but the rest…I shared, just as any innocent child would do.  I put one toy on each head stone….that’s the pic you see.

Now this little boy has 15 happy playmates, who look to him as a generous friend, rather than a callous hoarder.  I know, I know what you’re thinking…but I don’t think that way.  It is not a sacrilege to decorate & arrange the top of a grave & the trinkets were placed by living folks…I just tidied up a bit, in the Grace of sharing & the actions of spirit guided emotions.

It is not the first time I’ve felt spiritual emotions, some I have documented in this blog, others remain untold & will remain so out of respect & privacy.  I will just say this…when spirits talk it’s not a voice, it’s a quiet whisper that only your inner self hears & reacts to.

If your inner self is polluted with desires of this physical world, you’ll never hear the whispers of the spiritual world.  And rest assured if in faith you live, evil spirits won’t even try to disrupt your peace…they’ll just move on to easier pickings.

There’s one last thing I found odd about the white stone infant grave.  As I cleared the toys to share with the others I noticed small plastic snakes, about a dozen of them of all different colors.  I picked them all out of the stones & threw em in the trash, no infant should have snakes on his grave…& this one doesn’t either…anymore or forever more. ✨✝️🕊🙏  🐝

Book of Matthew 18: 10-14

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Inner Peace

As  I travel my little circle of society I feel the tension in the air.  It’s as though the whole world is waiting on some distant voice to make things clear.  Confusion is the devils partner, together they make this life harder.  

When troubles come & doubt sets in, that is when you’re at your weakest.  Those that stay strong & fight thru the pains, learn from the experience.

 Those that dwell on what they can’t change would be better off to change where they dwell.  You may not be able to pick up & move to greener pastures….but you can search out the flowers in a field of weeds.

Many ask what is happening in the world today.  No one can answer that precisely, but we can look at the past, observe the present & look to the promises of the future.  By doing this we can as a whole, start to make sense of a deceptive & confusing world.


And maybe that’s the problem.  We’re distracted by events around us, that we forget about the importance of what’s within us.  I can’t begin to fathom the depths of life without wading in the shallows first.  I can’t begin to unravel the confusion around me, without first settling the conflicts within me.  How, how to do this is something I’ve prayed for since I can remember & thru these prayers I realize there is only one solution.

The biggest problem I see in the world today is people who are in position to play God.  They use their power & influence to mold the world into some utopia that will never exist in a man made world.  You see the calamity of their carelessness all around you….while the goodness of nature waits patiently for their folly to end. They don’t praise God, they please themselves.  They don’t acknowledge God because they’ve never internally accepted Him, although externally they pretend they have.  These are the most wicked out there.  It’s not the petty thief or those struggling for survival, it’s the ones who exalt their own worth at the expense of the people & natural world around them.


What’s happening today is what’s happened before.  We are at a crossroads.  We see the darkness down one road & the light down the other.  The darkness has a facade of calm & resting, but in reality it schemes to lure you into its snare.  The light is constant and caring, choose the right road, accept the Light into your heart….change your external facade into an extension of your inner truth, the truth we’re all born with, but must find it within ourselves before we can better ourselves.  This was the answer to my prayers.

It is not easy, no one ever said it was.  But what’s harder, living thru the lessons of heartache with the knowledge of peace resting within you…or struggling thru life trying to find peace when it’s never found you.   

The Good Book says those whose names are in the Book of Life, where there before life even started.  What’s happening today is the exposure of two worlds. A world of love & hate, of good & bad, of deliverance & deception, of Faith & evil.  You have to understand your inner self drives your external self, your spiritual self controls your physical self.  If your spirit is corrupt, you see the results around you in the mayhem of the wicked.  If your spirit is enriched with the Love of God, you’ll hear a voice of clarity cutting thru the corruption.


Do not be disheartened by the distractions around you.  Gather them up, sort them out, categorize & prioritize them…but first & foremost search your inner self & accept or rededicate your spirit to Gods Love acknowledging a sacrifice was made on your behalf so your heart can find that peace you so desperately desire & deserve as a follower in Faith.

Evil is being exposed, that is our world today.  It’s not just the lawlessness in the streets, it’s worse than that.   It’s the lawlessness of our leaders, too many of which are consciously or subconsciously destroying the world around them, as they rot from evils within themselves.

Let their evil be exposed, so the Light of Jesus can bring justice to their wretched souls.  As an individual you can only do so much, but as a whole we can make a difference, a difference that starts from within, is never without & will always be with you.

Go in peace & those that hate will fall on their own sword.  Accept Jesus & let God fight for you against the evils of this world.  He always wins & always will.

✨✝️🕊 🙏 ⛲️🌻🐝

 Jeremiah 51:15-18…Acts Chapter 10…Luke 14

Friday, May 12, 2023

Your Internal Shadow

 Our shadow comes & goes, it’s dependent on light to reveal itself.  But, even in the darkest of depths, your shadow glows.  

Our shadow is connected to us night or day, it can never leave you, it’s an external extension of yourself.  It has a lot in common though, with what’s inside you.  It is your internal self that is eternal…not your external shell …it is only temporary.

What’s inside you is an internal extension of yourself, it can not come & go like your shadow however, it is always with you.  It can glow night or day if you choose, or stay hidden behind the shadows so no one knows.  I’m talking of course about your soul & how it influences your spirit(s).

What’s that (s) for you ask….well it’s common knowledge some folks are cursed with multiple spirits, while for others…it’s a blessing.  It just depends on what your inner self is really about.  When it comes down to right & wrong which side does your inner self choose?  In the end, that is what your shadow knows.

We live in a modern world where all the knowledge to date that man’s acquired & shared, is at your fingers.  At no time in this worlds history has information been so accessible, so fast, history can’t keep up.  What’s important is drowned out & submerged in a cess pool of lies & misdirection.  But all spies don’t lie & eventually truth will decide.

With all that’s out there, don’t be distracted from the truth.  The truth that lives inside you since before you were born.  Let the good spirit inside you enrich & encourage your soul and watch your shadow dance in the light of even the deepest & darkest night.

      🎲🎲 Proverbs 16:33 ⛲️🌻🐝


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Seven Hills

A good mystery contains many riddles.  If you follow much of my scattered thoughts, you just might see a trend.  Along that trend includes thoughts I’ve shared that were first timers as well as ancient dreams.  Recent thoughts of distant memories…continuing to learn.

But you can only learn what’s put in front of you…& that takes time…precious time that too many waste.

They waste time chasing dreams based on their physical desires, rather than spiritual realities.  Many can’t separate the two & some simply have no clues.

Recently a distant thought came back to me.  Just when you think you got something figured out, God throws a care or a curve at you…& you cherish the lesson.  

As I listen to the birds sing, I hear a familiar refrain.  It has a steady beat, like fresh falling rain.

The silence is golden between the whistles, I watch them dart amongst the thistle.

Telling me a story, to guide me on natures journey.  Til the day I die & they provide a spiritual gurney.

The story today is a story of old, time will not allow it to be foretold.  Minute by minute it slowly unfolds.

So in a previous post from last month called “Revealing a Revealing” I gave some thoughts on the mysteries of the Book of Revelations, specifically chapters 17 & 18. I messaged how the events of 9/11 could be seen in the passages.  I mentioned how that view was an American view based on current moralities & events.  But, I wasn’t finished, cuz the Lord wasn’t finished with me.

I’m always learning, cuz I’m always asking.  I often find, cuz I often search.  And this morning I read Chapter 17 again…& an additional clue was revealed.

17:9 And now understand this: The seven heads of the beast represent the seven hills of the city where this woman rules…17:18 And this woman you saw in your vision represents the great city that rules over the kings of the earth….

So she represents & rules a great city of seven hills.  Got me thinking….what great cities are built on seven hills.  An internet search revealed quite a surprise.  Here’s a partial list of the major cities in the world claiming to be built on seven hills…. Athens, Tehran, Mecca, Amman, Bhopal, Barcelona, Bucharest, Edinburgh, Istanbul, Kyiv, Liverpool, Madrid, Prague, Brisbane. There’s dozens in the U.S. too including San Francisco & Seattle.  But I left the surprises out.

Rome, Bamberg, Bavaria Germany, Moscow, Staten Island…we all know the history of these cities & yet still not what I was looking for…here’s another surprise….Jerusalem.  If you read all of Chapter 17 you see other prophecies about this city, it is the city that rules other cities around the world.  That’s interesting.

What city could that be?  Well, after World War Two the American dollar became the world exchange currency.  At one point almost 80% of trade world wide was done with the American dollar.  This is a powerful tool & resource that has helped the U.S. maintain its world dominance the last 70 plus years.  

Here’s the best part….take a guess which U.S. city, which yields national & world power, houses the treasury & is infested with evils past & present…yeah you got it….Washington D.C., built on 7 hills.

I’m so inspired our currency says “In God We Trust” I just hope for our sake it’s realistic…& not symbolic, because she rides satan, the beast, himself.

I do not think she represents America as a whole, there’s too much Faith in this country for that.  But from an American perspective she very well may represent the immoralities, greed & power lust that resides & rules in Washington D.C.. 

Many of these major cities have suffered…the fall of Rome, the Holocaust, what more realities do you need to see?  It’s so obvious & ominous.

Like I said in previous posts…it’s not a mystery…it’s this worlds destiny, foretold in the infamy of man and the virtuous anonymity of the Angels.  ✨✝️🙏

Keep your recent thoughts on peace & war will become a distant memory.  ⛲️🌻🐝

Monday, May 8, 2023

Scattered Dreams

 My dreams are scattered, not shattered.

There are times when words don’t matter.

You look & see the wicked getting fatter

Led by some deranged mad hatter.

You pray, Dear Lord, bring out the next batter!

But He’s busy mixing the morning batter.

Meanwhile this physical life will flatter 

Until your heart beat is straight & flatter

Wishing you would’ve been gooder instead of badder.

With all the joys of life, why are we sadder?

Start with releasing your pride like a full bladder

In Faith we know our true spirit is gladder

For no matter, even if our dreams are scattered

He’ll put them in order….on a golden platter.

Colossians Chapter One ✨✝️🕊 ⛲️🌻🐝

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

A Tale of Two Studios

 Life is a play.  Life is a chess game.  Life, your life, hangs in the balance scales of time.  Who you associate with & how they interact with you, is a strategic game & a musical play.

I recently moved to the Tampa area from the Charlotte area.  But, our family enjoys deep roots here.  My mother lived in the same beautiful house for over 40 years.  I helped take care of her in her decline from ALS most of last year.  I decided to stay after she passed.  The Lord has blessed me with a fresh start.

The last year I have met lots of folks.  Some who I thought as friends, were not.  Others only strangers, welcomed me into their production.  

The story of two studios is a microcosm of who you know & how you interact.  What is your driving influence….what is really your ultimate goal in this life?  Is it possible to labor & be happy?  Of course.

Happiness in this life is not the smile on the your face, it’s the goodness of your real inner being, your spirit.  Think about this…you can be at a party & you’re not comfortable but you’re still smiling.  Or, you can be at a comfortable party & the smile will come naturally.  

For too long we as men & women in general  have thought, taught, concentrated & committed on the physical world around us & not the spiritual world within us.  No one talks about it much, why?  Is it taboo?  Of course it’s gotten that way cuz it’s the devils way.  The evil around you doesn’t want happiness for you & they damn sure don’t want you to get in touch with your spiritual self.  Two dynamics…good & evil.

Two studios.  One wrapped up in itself, it’s blind to the outside world.  Practicing liberal arts doesn’t have to mean you have to be a liberal.  But, it’s just another example of herd mentality & the vast majority in these fields are no doubt liberal.  But this studio has shut its doors to outsiders for misguided fears.  Someone shows up just wanting to help, meet some folks, maybe see a play…after all they are advertised as an “acting studio.”

Well there’s a difference between just acting out a play & true play acting.  I won’t mention the studios name but I will tell you that after knowing the folks that run the studio for seven months, I show up to a play & get the cold shoulder, hell they may have gone ahead & shot me in the back of the head….filthy cowards.

Anyway, it’s no secret to me that at times I can intimidate people.  And when you’re wearing your spirit & it’s confused & evil…I’ll really intimidate you, did it,  done it & still do it.  No punches need be thrown, they walk right into their own hell.  God sets the trap…I’m just the bait…bait that bites back.

So, after upsetting the feelings of a sexually confused person over a $3 bottle of water (which I thought was included since the ticket said $15 but your bitch ass, or whatever you are today, charged me $20.) I left & didn’t even get or want my $20 back, keep it as a souvenir of your utter ignorance of the real world.  

There’s two or more sides to every story…& you didn’t even wanna hear mine…so why listen to you?  The real issue was I wasn’t part of the group, the click.  That was the main difference between the two studios, as you’re about to read & realize.

To be continued…..

A Sliver of Light

This early morning, I look and see a fading sliver of light, shrouded by clouds from nowhere near. Then the night light becomes clearer, a...