Sunday, May 14, 2023

Inner Peace

As  I travel my little circle of society I feel the tension in the air.  It’s as though the whole world is waiting on some distant voice to make things clear.  Confusion is the devils partner, together they make this life harder.  

When troubles come & doubt sets in, that is when you’re at your weakest.  Those that stay strong & fight thru the pains, learn from the experience.

 Those that dwell on what they can’t change would be better off to change where they dwell.  You may not be able to pick up & move to greener pastures….but you can search out the flowers in a field of weeds.

Many ask what is happening in the world today.  No one can answer that precisely, but we can look at the past, observe the present & look to the promises of the future.  By doing this we can as a whole, start to make sense of a deceptive & confusing world.


And maybe that’s the problem.  We’re distracted by events around us, that we forget about the importance of what’s within us.  I can’t begin to fathom the depths of life without wading in the shallows first.  I can’t begin to unravel the confusion around me, without first settling the conflicts within me.  How, how to do this is something I’ve prayed for since I can remember & thru these prayers I realize there is only one solution.

The biggest problem I see in the world today is people who are in position to play God.  They use their power & influence to mold the world into some utopia that will never exist in a man made world.  You see the calamity of their carelessness all around you….while the goodness of nature waits patiently for their folly to end. They don’t praise God, they please themselves.  They don’t acknowledge God because they’ve never internally accepted Him, although externally they pretend they have.  These are the most wicked out there.  It’s not the petty thief or those struggling for survival, it’s the ones who exalt their own worth at the expense of the people & natural world around them.


What’s happening today is what’s happened before.  We are at a crossroads.  We see the darkness down one road & the light down the other.  The darkness has a facade of calm & resting, but in reality it schemes to lure you into its snare.  The light is constant and caring, choose the right road, accept the Light into your heart….change your external facade into an extension of your inner truth, the truth we’re all born with, but must find it within ourselves before we can better ourselves.  This was the answer to my prayers.

It is not easy, no one ever said it was.  But what’s harder, living thru the lessons of heartache with the knowledge of peace resting within you…or struggling thru life trying to find peace when it’s never found you.   

The Good Book says those whose names are in the Book of Life, where there before life even started.  What’s happening today is the exposure of two worlds. A world of love & hate, of good & bad, of deliverance & deception, of Faith & evil.  You have to understand your inner self drives your external self, your spiritual self controls your physical self.  If your spirit is corrupt, you see the results around you in the mayhem of the wicked.  If your spirit is enriched with the Love of God, you’ll hear a voice of clarity cutting thru the corruption.


Do not be disheartened by the distractions around you.  Gather them up, sort them out, categorize & prioritize them…but first & foremost search your inner self & accept or rededicate your spirit to Gods Love acknowledging a sacrifice was made on your behalf so your heart can find that peace you so desperately desire & deserve as a follower in Faith.

Evil is being exposed, that is our world today.  It’s not just the lawlessness in the streets, it’s worse than that.   It’s the lawlessness of our leaders, too many of which are consciously or subconsciously destroying the world around them, as they rot from evils within themselves.

Let their evil be exposed, so the Light of Jesus can bring justice to their wretched souls.  As an individual you can only do so much, but as a whole we can make a difference, a difference that starts from within, is never without & will always be with you.

Go in peace & those that hate will fall on their own sword.  Accept Jesus & let God fight for you against the evils of this world.  He always wins & always will.

✨✝️πŸ•Š πŸ™ ⛲️🌻🐝

 Jeremiah 51:15-18…Acts Chapter 10…Luke 14

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