Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Path


Where do we go from here?
So much to see, so much to do
So many issues, so many priorities

Who do you trust to share the journey?
So much to share, so much to learn
So many stories, so many works

What do you say to the deaf?
So many sounds, so many signals
What do you show the blind?
So many sights, so many wonders

We all choose our own path of destiny.
Our fate is left to choice.
Sure, there is a path
But you must clear the thatch to reveal
The boulders that stand in your way

Do not let a concealed path
Set you astray of your dreams
For if you follow your heart
Listen to your soul
Your spirit will find that path again.

And chances are this time
The path will not be so cluttered and hidden

Enjoy the journey; it’s the path you’re meant to take.

Have a safe and happy day.

In His Service:

BAS ...:}...
Proverbs Chapter 13

Handwritten: 1/16/2008 10:20 PM EST
Digital Post:  5/4/2008. 6:30 AM EST
Post Edit & Pics 6/22/2023 8AM EST 🐝

✨✝️πŸ•Š. ⌛️⚖️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. πŸ¦¬πŸ¦…πŸ¦Œ. πŸ™πŸ“‘πŸΉ

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Framing Success

 It amazes me the money some folks spend on things today.  We’ve trended into a throw away, wasteful society that doesn’t appreciate quality materials, craftsmanship & value.

These younger folks would rather buy unassembled pressboard dressers from a big box store for $400, or an inflated priced dresser for $2000 from a designer store  instead of going to a thrift store & getting that $2000 dresser, slightly used, for $200….1/2 the price of pressboard junk & it will last for years.  It makes no sense to me.

Why buy newfangled junk you got to put together yourself, or fancy my dresser is better than your dresser dressers, instead of quality products at a reasonable or even give away price.

I can tell you why…our society has been sold on convenience & flash.  How many big box or designer store advertisements you see in a week…100’s.  How many thrift store ads you see…1 maybe.  You’re a victim of subtle mind control that you’ll never free yourself of, unless you venture out of the mass media bubble, which is really more like a narrow-barred cell.

You see in a Capitalist country you have that choice, to be controlled…or not.  In a socialist or even worse Marxist regime you will have little or no choice.

I guess that’s why those that criticize the old school Entrepreneurial Spirit of the United States do it so aggressively.  They are mad at freedom, they won’t admit it, but they want either a handout or to take everything you’ve worked so hard for. That’s socialism & Marxism in a nutshell.  I don’t need to write a book on this ridiculous argument…let history teach the ignorant, that includes you Kap.  Maybe they’ll see the light, maybe not.

So, in an effort to help the faithful & educate those on the fence I offer the following example of capitalism at work in my own personal life.

I have some unframed prints my mother had in her possession when she passed.  They are rather unique & she obviously saved them for a reason, so I went out just today on a quest for picture frames.  A web search revealed a custom frame shop, family run, within 3 miles of where I live.  Based on my budget, they suggested I try the Life Ministries Thrift shop…about 5 miles away. Going there I got these five frames PLUS the pictures for $40…that’s not a typo $40.  The fountain pic & frame was worth that to me.  They are all wood, matted & glassed. Frame quest complete.

But I just moved into a new place four months ago & am always looking for a bargain.  I have been to the mall a dozen times to get coffee at a locally owned shop there.  I like to watch people & their interactions, so the mall is a good place to see all walks of this life.  I also see all kinds of ridiculously priced items…a $600 pair of Crocs gets the prize for biggest losing investment someone could make.

It is no secret if you read parts of this blog that I was diagnosed bi-polar years ago.  Most of my “episodes” involved heightened activity levels…including buying sprees of illogical intent.  So, I offer to my doubters, (which at times includes family) if I was on a “manic” high, I would’ve surely bought something during all those recent mall visits besides just coffee.  Nope, nada, ain’t gonna do it…it’s my choice not to, there’s nothing there I can’t get for less somewhere else.  Yes, you pay for the convenience of all those stores under one roof.  I’ve spent $1000’s on frivolous unneeded items, that felt good & right at the time, but left me empty & broke at the end.  I’ve also spent $100’s of dollars where I could have spent $10.

This picture is $20 worth of items I got at the thrift store as well.  Look closely that’s two Norman Rockwell mini plates with wall hangers, an owl figurine by Andrea, a Hallmark hummingbird ornament, a painted lighthouse plate (my bathroom is a lighthouse theme), a genuine German beer mug with a pewter lid (to add to my collection) & a honeybee cutting board.  I saw a similar Andrea owl at the mall for $50 by itself.  My guess, I got about $300 at retail for $20 at the thrift store.  Capitalism.

And there’s two things I left out…by buying at the thrift store I support a local Christian effort & I bring new life into items others may discard.  

I spent $60 at the thrift store, got receipts & found my frames.  I think I’ll leave the pics as they are for now…after all the prints I took to the frame shop are rolled paper prints, hard to flatten & frame & really nothing special.

Be smart, shop smart, get out of your convenience zone, you never know what you might find.  Like this picture of one of my favorite finds of the day.  It is a Zena hand painted plate of a harbor & boy waiting to go even has raised acrylics in a few places.  It’s worth the $60 I spent on all this by itself, it was with the items I got for $20…I just didn’t have it in the picture frame.

The Lord works in mysterious ways it is said…but it’s only a mystery to those that have a lack of Faith.  The devil, no matter what form, fashion or folly he pretends, works in mischievous ways to deceive you.  To have you spend money needlessly; to satisfy your wants at the expense of your true needs…the result…a society living beyond its means, a plastic fasad.  With its own dire consequence of interest-bearing debt.

I’ve gone into thrift stores before with $3 in my pocket just to see what I could score.  As I was getting the frames, I knew I had about a $40 purchase.  With my Veterans discount I figured I’d have a few dollars change out of my 2-twenties.  So, I walked over to the book section as several on site witnesses will tell you…I walked straight to the book pictured below, as if I knew it was there.

I didn’t know it was there, but I was guided there.  Out of the $60 & change I spent, all the materialistic things are a great value & nice to look at…but this $2 book, that records Spiritual history will provide good reading & knowledge beyond what physical treasures hold.  

I carry a Billy Graham prayer card in my slim wallet.  I got it in Charlotte years ago when I visited his library & museum.  It is a prayer card of Salvation.  It is the same prayer at the end of this book that has 101 personal stories from just some of the people Billy knew.  There is an account on page 104 from Charlie Daniels…it is a great testimonial to Billy where he says “…I cannot name a public figure I respect more than Mr. Graham.” 

That is a role model to follow & even though we come from different worlds & have a different approach in delivering the Lord’s message…the message is consistent.  A message to frame your life in Faith & bring Salvation to searching souls. ✨✝️πŸ•Š. πŸπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

6/21/2023 10:10 PM EST (the longest day) πŸ™⛲️

A Strong Foundation

This picture is of some of my reference books & some display art. But it is more than that, it represents untold hours of casual reading & study.  I have documented on this blog & witnessed to others in person, how I often read my Bibles.  I generally pick it up, ask the Lord for direction, guidance & understanding…shut my eyes, thumb the sides, open it & start reading.  I often do the same with these reference books…& it goes without saying…but I will…I learn something every time.

Now that the festivities of Father's Day & Juneteenth are over, I thought I’d share some thoughts on a real National Holiday…& one that was made up to appease a loud & delusional crowd & needs to just go away.  What??? Does that offend you??? Well before passing guilty judgements on an innocent man…hear me & many others out.

Father's Day, a minor holiday falling on a Sunday.  A day of family, fun, forgetting the rough times & remembering fond memories of the good times.  A three-day weekend not needed…but having a father in the house would be nice.

Juneteenth, a recently created holiday falling around the same time.  A day of remembering bad times, that nobody alive today experienced.  Although some may “celebrate” this day & try to have positive thoughts, the root core of this festivity is supplanted in our subconscious & it is one that should be remembered, but not relived.  Because of the negative memories, memories now passed on by word, print or video, we learn from…or some are continually outraged over.  Memories of slavery that are no different than 100’s of other enslaved nationalities past & present in this world.  Why are you so special you need a day off?

Slavery is a horrific tragedy in our current right now today world.  I’m willing to bet there’s large municipalities in this country that spent more on “celebrating” their current “pride” & past prejudices, than combatting sex trafficking in their own streets.

Celebrating your immoralities & sexual perversions is no different than continuing to remind us of your struggling past, to meet your current agenda.  An agenda that includes “reparations” …for what?  Struggling with rape, whips & blood like millions & millions of other slaves of many colors in world history.  

Furthermore, first in line in this country for any reparations is the Native American Indian.  Until that populous is made whole for the genocide & slavery brought on them…I don’t want to hear a peep from you & that sentiment is shared with the vast majority of folks, black, white, brown & red I talk to.

Speaking of majorities & societies just a bit thru any time in history.  You will see a consistent pattern...majorities rule & minorities bitch about it...some more than others.  Anytime...anytime there is a clear majority populus & one or numerous lesser in number groups feel short changed...drama & deceit unfolds.  It is natural for rules & regulations to seem or be favorable to the majority & it is human nature to feel slighted as any minority of any kind, it’s how that society reacts to it…that determines its fate. 

The sad truth is, it is not the average seemingly disadvantaged angry minority out there that is the problem.  It is the leadership of certain big metro areas & the demoncratic administration in D.C. not to mention the current state of our media that stokes the fires of falsehoods.  These are the only hoods I see lately, but there are those out there that would have you believe anyone not your color…is your enemy.

This is the devil's deceitful way of dividing our Nation...but we have the power & ability to stop it.

I propose the following: Since holidays & days off…even if unwarranted, make us feel better & since we all LOVE 3-day weekends, let's start a new one.  We'll call it Fatherless Festive Day (or something like that).  It will be the same day that Juneteenth falls on, which combined with a day for responsible fathers...will make a fun weekend.

Think about it....who have we left out....

We got those with a father…We got those who never knew their father...& we got those who want to constantly dredge up and relive the past...I don't think we left anyone out...Oh Wait....

Those that think they are fathers but are actually more equipped to be mothers...or fathers that want to be mothers...I guess you don't count because you can't make up your delusional & derailed mind to begin with. 

Instead of trying to feel good about the miseries of the past…how bout genuinely feeling good about a brighter future.  Compare the racial minorities in this country to those around the world & you will find many enjoy a better lifestyle socially & economically here as a minority, than being in the majority in their home or ancestral country.  The majority class in this country whether you define that as white, or wealthy has in large part treated well & gave exceptions to the minority classes in this country.  No society is perfect, because none of us are perfect.  So, once you admit that to yourself, you realize man’s “system” is flawed.  But we have the choice & the will to make it as good as possible & sustain it as it evolves.  The United States of America stands as the best system of governance in the world.  It’s just been polluted by the greed's & lusts of men & women so bold in themselves…they laugh.

There’s no denying racism is a part of our Nation's past & is in the present, but to what degree?  I was in the Mediterranean Sea on the USS John F Kennedy attached to VF -14 the oldest Navy Squadron & we flew F-14’s…well I didn’t, I just helped maintain them.  The incident pictured above happened shortly after I was there on station with JFK’s carrier task force.  There was no time for race or gender, no time for remembrances…unless it was on your training.  We were a team, a team of individuals with a common goal.

 In the early 2000’s we seemed so close to turning the corner on race in our society.  Then something changed.  Promises of togetherness turned to devisive rhetoric & it’s been a downhill slide with an uphill fight ever since.

A Nation is built on a strong foundation.  This country was founded on Faith in God Almighty & His Son Jesus Christ.  In God We Trust, In Faith We Prevail.  A strong family foundation includes a supportive father & caring mother, this is what translates to National Pride.

It wasn’t long ago Title 9 was bringing more fairness in revenue sharing & other protections to female college athletics, another step that seemed to eliminate bias & misogyny, now these ladies don’t know what they might have to compete against…years of effort wasted. 

The same has happened with racial dynamics today.  And the timing of all this nonsense cannot be ignored.  Evil is as evil does…& though there is abundant good in this country…there’s still a boat load of evil out there.  Not just your everyday crime…but horrific scenes of murder & perversions the general population doesn’t hear about because many can’t handle the truth.  Also, it is often covered up for family & privacy issues.  There are elite individuals & organizations that rescue these victims...& the evidence they see & stories they hear are horrific.  We live in a very, very dangerous world.  The very dangers the evil in this world seeks to spread, snares & captures the weak & unknowing.  It’s all deceitful distractions to keep you doubting or even having faith, this is evil's ultimate goal.

I was witness to evil this past Saturday night.  Fortunately, I didn’t have to do anything…the Police were already there when I turned the corner, in pursuit of evil.  They handled the situation very professionally as they are trained & sworn to do.  But I was there & I was ready to do my part in combatting evil in this world.  I took no pics, others did…it was in Ybor City, Florida Saturday night, just before dark.  There are dozens of witnesses, video footage, may have even been in the news, I don't know.  I gave a nice police-lady my business & blog card & told her to contact me if the department needs anything.  It was quite exciting, chasing evil & watching it lose, but I’ve seen it before.

Yes, I’m rambling, but I’m NOT sorry.  No one in media says these things because they’re afraid of reprisal…I’m not.  What I have cannot be taken from me & what I need is provided for…but like all of us, I want more.

The difference between me & most folks…I want what’s best for them, for all of us…even if I hurt some feelings along the way.  Feelings are emotion, they shift like the wind…but reality hits hard when it’s the truth.  It doesn’t shift, it plows forward, like a tidal wave.

Here’s to next year's Happy Fatherless Festive Day…I for one will be celebrating.  Even though I never knew my physical father in this life, I have a Spiritual Father, that is with me at every turn & that’s worth celebrating.

Maybe in the future our society will mend itself & we won’t need frivolous & forgetful festivities like Juneteenth & Fatherless Festive Day…both of which are based on negative thought, rather than positive progress.  

Let’s put our time, money & morals into eliminating human trafficking, fatherless families & the myriad of other evils in our world.  It will certainly result in a less divided country with a strong, rejuvenated foundation.

✨✝️πŸ•Š. ⛲️⚖️⌛️. πŸͺΆπŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. πŸŒ»πŸπŸ™. πŸ•Š✝️✨

Friday, June 9, 2023

A Recent Dream


I had a dream last night.  It was of the future, many had questions, but few had answers.

We were all standing in line...with the clothes we had on, when we last walked below.

It was like my mind was blank, empty, but in awe of my surroundings.

I had no thought because I didn't need to do anything...but remember.

As I watched there was a Brilliant White Light with people like me around, just staring.

We all waited our turn for what we weren't sure, but our Faith told some of us.

Now I was closer almost my turn, about ten folks in front of me.

From the Throne of the Light, I started to see a shape, but brightness blinded.

A man stood before the throne and was asked a question, then he disappeared.

Another, this time a woman was asked the same & then she was nowhere to be seen.

Now with only a few in front of me, the question I couldn't hear.

But it was there and this time the person in front fell to his knees & he grew wings.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing...but I remembered every detail.

The next person stood, trembling with faith & conviction, but no doubts.  

Again, she fell to her knees and a beautiful set of wings appeared.

The next person stood & before the question was asked, was gone.

Now it was my turn & I didn't need to hear the question; on my knees I already was.

I felt a strange sensation in my back, stood up & turned around.

And in my sight was all the faithful dreams I had ever had.

I couldn't comprehend it all, it was so overwhelming, for now I could think.

Before, I was just an empty shell waiting in line, clinging to the last vine.

Now, I was complete, no more an empty shell, but a living spirit.

As I stood there & took it all in, my head began to spin & I grew weak.

I fell from the dizziness and curdled up in a ball.  But...I remembered.

As I lay there too weak & dizzy to stand, I remembered that vine.

The Vine that was always there to save me...& save me it did.

I opened my eyes and there on the ground at my side was a very old & thick vine.

I grabbed that vine and hung on with all the remaining strength I had left.

And the next thing I remember is...I stood up...& woke up.

It was not the first time I had a dream similar to this, but the Vine was new.

And I am grateful it was there, or I may have never been able, for this to share.

Have a Faith Filled Friday.  🐝

Book of John Chapter 15 Versus 1 thru 17   AMEN.

✨✝️πŸ‘‘ ⌛⛲πŸ™


Thursday, June 8, 2023

A Lesson on Love

 I'm going to share a piece of my life with you that only a handful of people know...and half of them are dead.  It's a love story, that taught me a hard lesson of life...that I can never forget.

She drove a baby-blue Dodge Dart and was a sophomore at the University of Texas in Austin studying ancient archeology...I was working as a home security technician for Master Burglar Alarm Company...the oldest, most trusted & known residential & commercial security company in Austin at the time, which was around 1983. 

We met at a party of about twenty folks.  We were both generally shy & reserved, but as the night progressed, I couldn't get her off my mind & I noticed a few casts of curiosity from her as well.  So, before the night could end, I asked her name & small talk ensued.  It was like talking to an angel for me...she was young, beautiful, smart, well spoken, clear eyed...and beautiful...twice over even.  I was smitten & there was no quitin til I got her number, which required paper & pen back then.   

A few days later we had our first date.  It was around the time episode six of Star Wars, the third movie, "Return of the Jedi" was being released.  The line was wrapped around the building & was not moving along at all.  About 40 folks deep into a line of 100’s  I thought I seen someone I knew with his date...we cut in behind them & I acted like I knew them, which turned out I didn't.  No matter, we had our spot in line to the chagrin of the folks left behind, but no one stepped up or out, so down & in we went.

Over the course of about a year or more our love grew.  It was my first real experience with this emotion.  Having been with a few ladies thru the years I was no stranger to lusts desires, but romance is different.  Romance involves respect & caring, lustful desires have little of this type of sharing.  

I lived with a room-mate in a two-bedroom apartment.  She had a house her folks bought in town for her & her brother to stay in while she went to college.  They were from Wimberly, Texas and I happened to visit her childhood home & property a couple times.  One such visit I remember we went on a long walk in the forest area.  The Austin area of Texas still has rolling hills, oaks & streams.  Don't think of our walk as if we were in the flat southwestern dry & desolate areas of Texas...oh no, we were in the fertile eastern half of Texas, just north enough with lands of green trees and birds singing, of deer running and steers charging.  It was a special time in my life and hers too.  I had an old motorcycle & we would often go on rides thru the hill country.  I was living a dream, with nary a nightmare.

On one of those rides in the hill country we found a stream and watched as the water flowed over the rocks creating a perfect worn-out area to lay back & relax.  It was a stream recliner couch...made from a timeless worn-out stone.  There's no telling how many years it took for Mother Nature to create this slumber chamber, a million perhaps, who knows.  It was the only time we ever visited that special place, but the memory of the nights magic under the stars with the water flowing over our shoulders as we made love as nature intended, with caring and respect, is a memory no one could forget, unless you're as cold as that million-year-old stone.

As the months passed our love grew stronger & my lease was coming due.  We briefly discussed it a few weeks earlier & I dunno I guess I kinda figured it was a given I would move in with her when the time came.  Especially after I noticed her fixing up the place.  She painted her room & her brother did some stuff with the kitchen if I remember.  Life was great, bills were paid, she was doing good in school & the weather was mostly perfect.  Back then we had the cliffs on the Colorado River to jump off of, it was like 60 feet with all sorts of other things to do & nature to explore.  We were young & happy.  I was playing softball & took up Ultimate Frisbee.  A sport I was unfamiliar with, but her brother & his buddies exceled at it.  Back then it was an underground sport, there was enough local & regional interest to field six or so teams.  It was a fast sport...I was 22 years old & could throw a frisbee...several ways.  So, not only was I enjoying the first real love of my life, I was also bonding with people I never knew a couple years prior & the competition was fabulous on the Softball & Ultimate Fields. was a competition of another sort that I was introduced to that soon became a rekindled love.

I grew up without a father.  My mother married when I was around 11 or so.  But, I had a young boys vision of what a father was & well I’ll just say that vision was never realized.  I had been fishing a few times before that marriage, but not again til after my Navy days.  So as you guess, he wasn’t very outdoorsy. Hunting wasn’t even a thought, til I met Junior…in Austin, Texas.

Junior, was a man’s man.  He was in his early thirties, drove a pick up with a loaded Winchester lever action in the gun rack, among other things.  He wasn’t really a fisherman, didn’t need to be, got all he needed from critters in the forest…if he wanted too.  His girlfriend was friends with the lady I first room-mated with in Austin, that’s how Junior & I met.  Junior introduced me to the sport of hunting, from a survivalists perspective.  Yeah, think about what I just said there.  Puts a whole different spin on hunting if you ask me.  Junior would skin & process a deer & hardly anything would go to waste…& that he gave to his dog or the pigs.  He would tan the hides or give them to someone who would.  He had friends that would even use the bones & teeth to make crafts with.  I have several stories involving Junior & to this day I am so grateful I met him & his Elvis loving self.  He wasn’t a marksman…he was a sniper, that could track a boll weevil on a tiled floor.  But if that didn’t work, he’d throw a rock at you.  But...I never seen him miss.

To be continued...I promise. 🐝

Well...I lied.  Sorry Lord for that.  But priorities change, and computers are just stupid machines.  I woke up this morning at 3:30 AM with the intent to finish this story.  It's now almost 5:30 AM and the past two hours of writing is lost.  That's because after spending 2 hours almost finishing it, I had ignored the low battery signal, the computer died & since I'm typing directly into the blog...none of it was saved.  The rest of the story, that I wrote this gone.  But the memories remain of how our relationship ended.  Memories that have haunted me for almost 40 years...but I've buried them.

I will tell the rest of this story...but in hindsight I owe it to my true first hear it first.  Sure, she lived it too, but after we split...we've never talked & I have no idea where she is or if she's even still alive.  It was a long time ago & I have so many higher priorities to spend time on.  But I will close and try to condense my two-hour thoughts to one:

She wasn’t my first love, but Judy Eason was my first true romantic love.  The forest, was my first true love.  Don't take this next sentence the wrong way as I am not making a direct comparison here but a reflective one.  Whether you realize it or not the opening two sentences of this paragraph reflect off of the story of Adam & Eve.  Here's why...God created Adam to live & prosper in His creation of Earth & all its bounty.  He created Adam to survive in this new paradise.  That was Adam's top earthly priority...survival.  But He knew Adam would soon became lonely.  God knew he would want to share this paradise with someone.  So, God created Eve to provide companionship.  Eve’s top earthly priority…companionship.  Two dynamics, survival & compassion, together they formed one and were complete.  Adam first enjoyed & loved the paradise around him...then he experienced human compassionate love.   Survival & Companionship, sounds like Faith & Fellowship to me.

Judy & I did not have a church or spiritual life.  To be honest, I’m not sure we ever discussed it.  We were young and enjoying the bounties of Austin.  Looking back, faith & fellowship would have made a difference, but it's in the let it lay.

Our relationship ended when I said something I really didn't mean to say, the damn words just came out wrong.  But there was no taking them back & the damage is done.  The words I said were not made during an argument, we never had one.  It was a comment made in a confusing time of my life...trying to separate survival from romance & have it all make sense.  Coupled with my lack of experience in romance...the words & thought did not come out as intended.  Here is my confession:

We woke up one morning at her house & as I laid there with my whole life ahead of me & the love of my life next to me, I said..."I'm not sure I could ever love you"... ...let that sink in a bit.

Why, why would I say such a thing?  I have asked myself that question for 40 years.  I have only a couple theories.  It was satan destroying a good thing, as he does, or God redirecting our futures.  Had I said "I love you" hers and my life would've been much different then they turned out to be.  I lost all contact with her, so I hope she did well for, well I'm here telling the story.

But there is one more thought to conclude this that took me years... oh so many realize.  As I said this question of why I said that has haunted me ever since I said it.  So much so I have prayed about it & pleaded to not ever say it again, because it's a lie.  How can anyone say such a thing?  The person you said it to, could be a different person tomorrow, not physically but certainly emotionally & intellectually.  By making a comment of "never" you are ending a relationship, which is what happened.

So, the Lord answered my prayers.  He knew my struggle, He knew my pain, He knew I didn't mean He gave me this answer..."The reason you said because what you felt for her...transcended your understandings of the time".  And that answer resonated with me.

When I said "I'm not sure if I could ever love you" it was only part of what I meant to say.  I was confused & trying to express myself romantically.  Here's the full content of what I meant to express:

"I'm not sure I could ever love you...because what I feel for more than just love".

I always loved you Judy and always will...I'm sorry for my idiotic attempt at romance.

So, I left Austin shortly there-after having lost the first romantic love of my life, but enriching my first true love, the forest.  That first romantic love is gone & in the past...but the forest is always there & I can always run to it with my Faith in front of & behind me to guide & encourage me.  Nature will never leave me no matter what I say...that's true love & that's my lesson on love for today. 🐝



Saturday, June 3, 2023

A Living Dream

 Along a trail of shattered & scattered dreams I searched for the one with special meaning.

So many dreams…there’s still plenty of time, cuz a real dream…never dies.  It lives on in the unseen world of hope & prayer.  For in time you’ll realize that your dreams only come true…if in Faith they are first based.

So, I continue this walk thru garbage & ruin, thru broken glass & busted bottles, thru cracked mirrors & rusty needles, thru heartaches & pain…all started with someone’s dream.  But dreams don’t come alive until your deceptive desires are dead & your spirit lives.

As I make this journey I see dreams.  Some with long sharp & dirty finger nails reach out and scratch at my heels.  They are clawing for life, but in me they’re dead.  No more deceptive desires, just a will to please.

In some mist filled visions the dream is of nothingness, of calm & serenity, of floating on Heavens clouds.  Well, besides the view, seems like a boring dream to me.  Why live a life…only to become nothing?

Others have dreams of lavish luxury.  Of sex & money. All temporary, the feeling & comfort short lived, especially so for an old soul.  Young souls know no better, but pray that the old soul finds those dreams that are oh so much better, before it’s too late.

Then there are those dreams of purpose & purity.  Dreams of a world emersed in the brightness of Faith.  A dream of a cobblestone path with flowers in the cracks, while off in the distance others have dreams of concrete & steel…while my dreams rest on a rivers bank.  Only one fishing pole do I need…it’s got a very sharp hook & a tight line. 

So while others toil at the toll booth of life, I’ll continue my search, even in my sleep.  With one eye open, cuz you never know whose dream next you’ll see.  Not all dreams are created equal, make sure yours are based on love & they will  have a happy sequel.

Just keep this in mind about dreams.  Some folks never ever have good dreams…that they remember.  Their whole life, even in slumber, is a waste of desire.  They chase a glory that is Earth bound & not Heaven sent.  They do not have the Breath of Life, they have the stench of death.

 It is really hard to say this but here it is…We are NOT all God’s Children.  There are those in this world who are of demon seeds and that path is full of thorns & weeds, even though flowers they may seem.  Be weary of these creatures, cuz that’s what they are.  And here’s the hardest truth….their unfortunate fate…is sealed.

So, don’t waste your dreams on those who don’t share your glory…they are just distractions to your story.  Creatures come & go…but His Creations last eternal.  Dreams web & flow…in His Spirit let yours glow & as they do your spirit will grow & through His Grace & Timing…the realities of your dreams will show.

All the best of His Grace to you & yours my friends. 🐝   1st Letter of John Chapter 3: 7-10  AMEN 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Mind Tricks


Some things I do to cope with life’s challenges:

When my emotions turn to anger & aggression, I pause & in my mind I flip a switch.  I try to immediately think of something sad, something that leads to a somber attitude, something that may actually make you cry.  A memory, a movie, a song or story you heard. When you do this you’ve succeeded in personal mind control & your anger & aggression subsides.  

It’s the same with music.  If you’re in your car listening to aggressive music, it’ll affect your driving.  You’re more likely to get upset over another’s actions.  So change your mindset…change the radio dial to something more soothing, it’ll relax you & you’ll get there just as soon & safer.  

We are all products of our environment to a large part.  But, sometimes you can manipulate that environment to better suit your needs & attitude in life.  So, even if you don’t listen to music when you drive….you can take a back road every now & then to change pace & have a less stressful drive.  As a bonus, the sceneries better.

Another trick to play on your mind involves your personal space.  Your house, where you live, sets the stage for not only how you feel on a daily basis, but how you are perceived by others, even if you live alone without friends or family.  Look at your house as if your parents, a good friend, or a first date…was coming over later.  It would be clean & organized, a well run stage.  The trick is keeping it that way, even in solitude.  So here’s another mind game I play.

When laziness & procrastination sets in & your house is a mess…flip that switch in your mind & say…Hey…you, dumbass, the Word is that Jesus & Gods Angels could come at any time…at any second like a thief in the night…do you want them to see your dirt & disorganization?  Nope…you want them to feel comfortable & pleased with your efforts.  If you do this & you are sincere in your faith, you’ll get to cleaning.

The last coping mechanism I use I learned long ago, but it is one of the absolute hardest to maintain.  It is hard to maintain it, cause the lesson is rooted in insanity.  It is common knowledge that many folks who are having delusional thoughts often feel like they’re being watched.  Some so bad they’re a bundle of paranoia & nervous energy.  But, even the most sane person has had moments of uneasiness, often in the dark, that results in fear & trepidation.

So, I noticed long ago, that when I’ve had those moments of thought where something or someone was watching me…I acted different.  I became more observant, I looked hard & listened deep for what was out there & I acted in a more respectable & faith like manner.  I soon realized that if I lived my life like someone was watching me, listening to me & reading my every word…I would be a better person for it.  Live your life like a cameras on you at all times, cuz it is.  You can’t hide nuthin from God, so why try.

Reality TV isn’t real cuz they know the cameras are on & the scenes are scripted.  Pattern your life as if someone’s always watching you..because even in your solitude… He is always watching you.

Stay calm, clean up a bit & be mindful of your words, actions & lifestyle…your mind & spirit will thank you.


A Sliver of Light

This early morning, I look and see a fading sliver of light, shrouded by clouds from nowhere near. Then the night light becomes clearer, a...