Friday, June 2, 2023

Mind Tricks


Some things I do to cope with life’s challenges:

When my emotions turn to anger & aggression, I pause & in my mind I flip a switch.  I try to immediately think of something sad, something that leads to a somber attitude, something that may actually make you cry.  A memory, a movie, a song or story you heard. When you do this you’ve succeeded in personal mind control & your anger & aggression subsides.  

It’s the same with music.  If you’re in your car listening to aggressive music, it’ll affect your driving.  You’re more likely to get upset over another’s actions.  So change your mindset…change the radio dial to something more soothing, it’ll relax you & you’ll get there just as soon & safer.  

We are all products of our environment to a large part.  But, sometimes you can manipulate that environment to better suit your needs & attitude in life.  So, even if you don’t listen to music when you drive….you can take a back road every now & then to change pace & have a less stressful drive.  As a bonus, the sceneries better.

Another trick to play on your mind involves your personal space.  Your house, where you live, sets the stage for not only how you feel on a daily basis, but how you are perceived by others, even if you live alone without friends or family.  Look at your house as if your parents, a good friend, or a first date…was coming over later.  It would be clean & organized, a well run stage.  The trick is keeping it that way, even in solitude.  So here’s another mind game I play.

When laziness & procrastination sets in & your house is a mess…flip that switch in your mind & say…Hey…you, dumbass, the Word is that Jesus & Gods Angels could come at any time…at any second like a thief in the night…do you want them to see your dirt & disorganization?  Nope…you want them to feel comfortable & pleased with your efforts.  If you do this & you are sincere in your faith, you’ll get to cleaning.

The last coping mechanism I use I learned long ago, but it is one of the absolute hardest to maintain.  It is hard to maintain it, cause the lesson is rooted in insanity.  It is common knowledge that many folks who are having delusional thoughts often feel like they’re being watched.  Some so bad they’re a bundle of paranoia & nervous energy.  But, even the most sane person has had moments of uneasiness, often in the dark, that results in fear & trepidation.

So, I noticed long ago, that when I’ve had those moments of thought where something or someone was watching me…I acted different.  I became more observant, I looked hard & listened deep for what was out there & I acted in a more respectable & faith like manner.  I soon realized that if I lived my life like someone was watching me, listening to me & reading my every word…I would be a better person for it.  Live your life like a cameras on you at all times, cuz it is.  You can’t hide nuthin from God, so why try.

Reality TV isn’t real cuz they know the cameras are on & the scenes are scripted.  Pattern your life as if someone’s always watching you..because even in your solitude… He is always watching you.

Stay calm, clean up a bit & be mindful of your words, actions & lifestyle…your mind & spirit will thank you.


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