Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A Strong Foundation

This picture is of some of my reference books & some display art. But it is more than that, it represents untold hours of casual reading & study.  I have documented on this blog & witnessed to others in person, how I often read my Bibles.  I generally pick it up, ask the Lord for direction, guidance & understanding…shut my eyes, thumb the sides, open it & start reading.  I often do the same with these reference books…& it goes without saying…but I will…I learn something every time.

Now that the festivities of Father's Day & Juneteenth are over, I thought I’d share some thoughts on a real National Holiday…& one that was made up to appease a loud & delusional crowd & needs to just go away.  What??? Does that offend you??? Well before passing guilty judgements on an innocent man…hear me & many others out.

Father's Day, a minor holiday falling on a Sunday.  A day of family, fun, forgetting the rough times & remembering fond memories of the good times.  A three-day weekend not needed…but having a father in the house would be nice.

Juneteenth, a recently created holiday falling around the same time.  A day of remembering bad times, that nobody alive today experienced.  Although some may “celebrate” this day & try to have positive thoughts, the root core of this festivity is supplanted in our subconscious & it is one that should be remembered, but not relived.  Because of the negative memories, memories now passed on by word, print or video, we learn from…or some are continually outraged over.  Memories of slavery that are no different than 100’s of other enslaved nationalities past & present in this world.  Why are you so special you need a day off?

Slavery is a horrific tragedy in our current right now today world.  I’m willing to bet there’s large municipalities in this country that spent more on “celebrating” their current “pride” & past prejudices, than combatting sex trafficking in their own streets.

Celebrating your immoralities & sexual perversions is no different than continuing to remind us of your struggling past, to meet your current agenda.  An agenda that includes “reparations” …for what?  Struggling with rape, whips & blood like millions & millions of other slaves of many colors in world history.  

Furthermore, first in line in this country for any reparations is the Native American Indian.  Until that populous is made whole for the genocide & slavery brought on them…I don’t want to hear a peep from you & that sentiment is shared with the vast majority of folks, black, white, brown & red I talk to.

Speaking of majorities & societies just a bit thru any time in history.  You will see a consistent pattern...majorities rule & minorities bitch about it...some more than others.  Anytime...anytime there is a clear majority populus & one or numerous lesser in number groups feel short changed...drama & deceit unfolds.  It is natural for rules & regulations to seem or be favorable to the majority & it is human nature to feel slighted as any minority of any kind, it’s how that society reacts to it…that determines its fate. 

The sad truth is, it is not the average seemingly disadvantaged angry minority out there that is the problem.  It is the leadership of certain big metro areas & the demoncratic administration in D.C. not to mention the current state of our media that stokes the fires of falsehoods.  These are the only hoods I see lately, but there are those out there that would have you believe anyone not your color…is your enemy.

This is the devil's deceitful way of dividing our Nation...but we have the power & ability to stop it.

I propose the following: Since holidays & days off…even if unwarranted, make us feel better & since we all LOVE 3-day weekends, let's start a new one.  We'll call it Fatherless Festive Day (or something like that).  It will be the same day that Juneteenth falls on, which combined with a day for responsible fathers...will make a fun weekend.

Think about it....who have we left out....

We got those with a father…We got those who never knew their father...& we got those who want to constantly dredge up and relive the past...I don't think we left anyone out...Oh Wait....

Those that think they are fathers but are actually more equipped to be mothers...or fathers that want to be mothers...I guess you don't count because you can't make up your delusional & derailed mind to begin with. 

Instead of trying to feel good about the miseries of the past…how bout genuinely feeling good about a brighter future.  Compare the racial minorities in this country to those around the world & you will find many enjoy a better lifestyle socially & economically here as a minority, than being in the majority in their home or ancestral country.  The majority class in this country whether you define that as white, or wealthy has in large part treated well & gave exceptions to the minority classes in this country.  No society is perfect, because none of us are perfect.  So, once you admit that to yourself, you realize man’s “system” is flawed.  But we have the choice & the will to make it as good as possible & sustain it as it evolves.  The United States of America stands as the best system of governance in the world.  It’s just been polluted by the greed's & lusts of men & women so bold in themselves…they laugh.

There’s no denying racism is a part of our Nation's past & is in the present, but to what degree?  I was in the Mediterranean Sea on the USS John F Kennedy attached to VF -14 the oldest Navy Squadron & we flew F-14’s…well I didn’t, I just helped maintain them.  The incident pictured above happened shortly after I was there on station with JFK’s carrier task force.  There was no time for race or gender, no time for remembrances…unless it was on your training.  We were a team, a team of individuals with a common goal.

 In the early 2000’s we seemed so close to turning the corner on race in our society.  Then something changed.  Promises of togetherness turned to devisive rhetoric & it’s been a downhill slide with an uphill fight ever since.

A Nation is built on a strong foundation.  This country was founded on Faith in God Almighty & His Son Jesus Christ.  In God We Trust, In Faith We Prevail.  A strong family foundation includes a supportive father & caring mother, this is what translates to National Pride.

It wasn’t long ago Title 9 was bringing more fairness in revenue sharing & other protections to female college athletics, another step that seemed to eliminate bias & misogyny, now these ladies don’t know what they might have to compete against…years of effort wasted. 

The same has happened with racial dynamics today.  And the timing of all this nonsense cannot be ignored.  Evil is as evil does…& though there is abundant good in this country…there’s still a boat load of evil out there.  Not just your everyday crime…but horrific scenes of murder & perversions the general population doesn’t hear about because many can’t handle the truth.  Also, it is often covered up for family & privacy issues.  There are elite individuals & organizations that rescue these victims...& the evidence they see & stories they hear are horrific.  We live in a very, very dangerous world.  The very dangers the evil in this world seeks to spread, snares & captures the weak & unknowing.  It’s all deceitful distractions to keep you doubting or even having faith, this is evil's ultimate goal.

I was witness to evil this past Saturday night.  Fortunately, I didn’t have to do anything…the Police were already there when I turned the corner, in pursuit of evil.  They handled the situation very professionally as they are trained & sworn to do.  But I was there & I was ready to do my part in combatting evil in this world.  I took no pics, others did…it was in Ybor City, Florida Saturday night, just before dark.  There are dozens of witnesses, video footage, may have even been in the news, I don't know.  I gave a nice police-lady my business & blog card & told her to contact me if the department needs anything.  It was quite exciting, chasing evil & watching it lose, but I’ve seen it before.

Yes, I’m rambling, but I’m NOT sorry.  No one in media says these things because they’re afraid of reprisal…I’m not.  What I have cannot be taken from me & what I need is provided for…but like all of us, I want more.

The difference between me & most folks…I want what’s best for them, for all of us…even if I hurt some feelings along the way.  Feelings are emotion, they shift like the wind…but reality hits hard when it’s the truth.  It doesn’t shift, it plows forward, like a tidal wave.

Here’s to next year's Happy Fatherless Festive Day…I for one will be celebrating.  Even though I never knew my physical father in this life, I have a Spiritual Father, that is with me at every turn & that’s worth celebrating.

Maybe in the future our society will mend itself & we won’t need frivolous & forgetful festivities like Juneteenth & Fatherless Festive Day…both of which are based on negative thought, rather than positive progress.  

Let’s put our time, money & morals into eliminating human trafficking, fatherless families & the myriad of other evils in our world.  It will certainly result in a less divided country with a strong, rejuvenated foundation.

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