Saturday, February 25, 2023

When I was attacked, You had my back

Years ago I had a dream, more like a nightmare.  I woke in a sweat at 3 AM…thought I was dying, with only three minutes to live.

What would I do…how to say goodbye?  My wife next to me, in her own sleep spell…I had to reach out & say goodbyes.

So I took my phone & went to my contacts.  I called & let ring one time & hung up, one last gesture to those who mattered most. No words just a hit & send, a single ping.  Too many to reach out to, in the panicked seconds I had left.

No one responded, too little too late in time.  I hit the most important, family first.  Then went back over the list to friends & others most dear.  Altogether maybe 30 or so I sent.

And as I scrolled one last desperate try…your name came up.  I only had 30 seconds or so & to my surprise before I could go, you answered the ring, via text messaging.   Time I didn’t have, but I stopped & replied. That brief human contact soothed a desperate and confused soul.

You were there for me in my moment of despair, someone who genuinely cared.  As the moments ticked past 3 minutes, I realized it was just a bad dream.  But you were there, my friend Dilys & I’ll hold that memory dear.  Thank you so much, my only hope is that you know…I’ll be there for you too, if ever the need arises.

When I was attacked you had my back…actually more than once…& for that I’ll always be Grateful. 

Strength in Prayer…cures many an ailing Heart. 🐝

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