Sunday, March 5, 2023

I want to be happy

I want to be happy, but it’s hard when surrounded by misery.  To sit by the shore of a calm sea, but floods of pain scream out their pleas. 

 I want to be happy, but all around me is poverty. To feel the wind thru my hair, but so many claim life’s not fair.  

I want to be happy, but it’s hard when you feel the stress.  To feel the touch of your sweet caress, but so many are in distress.  

I want to be happy, but I soon realized it’s impossible….unless you’re happy too.

I want to be happy, but all around are those who do not see.  To be with you is my dream, when all this agony is washed out to an unforgiving sea.

I want to be happy, as our life is intended to be. But others are so sad & others are plain mad.  It’s wonderful to see kindness & grace make them feel glad.

I want to be happy, as I was when first born.  Not of flesh but of spirit.  I want to be happy & it took years to realize my happiness, depends on yours.  

Everyday I meet people, some have the gift of the Spirit, others think they do & others still don’t see it, cause they’re not looking for it.

I am most happy, as you are, when with people who make us comfortable with ourselves.  Too many folks nowadays live fake, materialistic, artificial & plastic lives,  they have no concern for the deeper senses of life. It’s not their fault…they’ve been conditioned to it.  Their minds have been clouded with so many minor distractions, there’s no room for the major reason their life exists in the first place.  

I want to be happy, but I’ll never be….until all the pain & suffering of this world….is finally washed out to sea.

I want to be happy, I long for the love this world can provide.  I’ve known her before & I’ll know her again.  But while my heart rests on a lonesome shelf, I’m not sad.  For I have God & His Holy Spirit to guide & comfort me.  You see, in reality, I am happy.  Happy to walk with my Lord thru the ages of time, with Nature & all Her wonders, as He helps me learn what needs to be taught & this makes me happy.

If you want to experience true happiness, be born again in spirit.  Forget the past & climb the mountain of your destiny.  It’s what you were created to do.  Expand your mind past the details of this world & into a realm of all things are possible, in Gods chosen moments. This He taught me, so I pass it on to you.

I want to be happy & look to the Heavens, knowing the struggles had lessons, taught by Father Time & Mother Nature, with the Son & the Spirit to help guide & protect us & those we love along the way.

If you want guidance & protection, seek & you will find.  If you want pain & destruction keep on the blind path you’re on.  Trust me, the path of salvation leads to a hi-way of love & understanding, you’ll be happy you’re on roads that lead to Heaven.  You will be happy & so will I.  Stay happy, be fierce,  but stay humble.      ๐Ÿ  3/5/2023  8 AM 


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this post. Please continue to be happy. You can’t get sad enough to make other people happy. You can’t get poor enough to make other people prosperous. You can’t get sick enough to heal another soul. I’m praying for peace, prosperity, and health for you.
~Wanda, Veterans Memorial Park~

Bryan Stross said...

Thanks Wanda, I’m so glad you took the time to read my post. So you know I have no intentions of being sad, broke or sick hopefully ever again…on the other hand my mission is to uplift folks, many to a level they’ve never been or even knew existed. Don’t worry, I’m happy, just need a snuggle bunny to keep me comfy cozy at night…All the best to you Wanda, hope to see you again ๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ

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