Friday, March 17, 2023

David & Goliath

 I wrote this a year ago & at the end I hit the wrong button & lost it.  Guess it wasn’t the right time.  So I’ll try again, as I always do, & see how it flows.

At the end of the Bible, in Revelations, there’s an instruction not to add or take away anything from this Book or the plaques & wraths described throughout will be cast upon you.

But there have been 1000’s of interpretations, rewrites if you will, of God’s story & words.  Do these qualify?

I think one has to look at intent.  If it is your intent to make the Word in a more modern translation given the flow of language & the 1000’s of dialects out there, or if it is to clarify & enlighten based on faith, then I would say your intentions are pure & not regarded negatively in this instruction.  

However, if your intent is to confuse, change Gods spoken words (you know those in red ink), or otherwise complicate the simple truths of the Word, then you are subject to the disciplines of the instruction.

All that being clarified, you no doubt like myself, have read parts of the Bible & had your own thoughts & interpretations.  Since I was 14, baptized at the Wisconsin Dells, almost 48 years ago, I have had biblical questions & wonders.  

I am not a sinless man & I have shelved the good Book for many of those 48 years, but I always come back to it.  It is my comfort, my safe space when I’m troubled.  Between the Word of God, the stories of the prophets, the life of Jesus & the acts of the apostles, along with personal meditation, prayer & walks with nature, I stay occupied & happy, even in times of lonesomeness & especially in the special times of spirituality.  

We live in very confusing times.  Mainly because so many have strayed so far from the truth of the Word they are wrapped up in the lies of men & women.

So when I get tired of human distractions, I turn to the Words of deliverance & in those moments I have questions.  Questions like… how did David really kill Goliath?

Goliath was a giant who wore battle garb including a metal helmet that covered his forehead & temples but yet we’re told David’s stone hit him in the forehead.  Well, in addition to the helmet, Goliath was almost 10’ tall, a giant, one of the last of his kind, with a skull three times thicker than yours…& a helmet.  Now that’s one divinely delivered death blow.

But perhaps further logic should be applied here.  I have prayed about this & asked for answers, this is what faith has provided.  Goliath was in battle armament…helmet, shield, sword, breast plate, boots & leg guards, etc..  But, there was a weak spot.  The sides of the helmet covered the sides of his face & neck, the breast plate covered his chest up to his neck.  The only flesh visible was the adams apple area, a small area uncovered  & exposed & David saw it.

It wasn’t a shot in the dark with the force of a hurricane to pierce helmet & skull.  It was with the Light of God whose placement & timing thru David was perfect & unquestioned…that’s where the stone hit, the only place it could.

Goliath, his adams apple & wind pipe crushed took his last half breath, gasping as he fell to his knees, then his face as he lay there choking on his own spit & blood, the breath of life leaving him, never to return.  🐝

1st Samuel Chp. 17, Hebrews Chp. 2

Proverbs 16:33  ✨

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