Friday, March 10, 2023


 A lot of the posts on this blog are of a spiritual nature.  But I do live in a country that has problems & potential.  

So, I am also very observant of the news, both fake & real.  But more importantly, observant of everyday opinions of those around me, in whatever situation.

So here’s a couple of observations of current news events I have opinions on:

The same folks who want a cashless society, think voter ID is racist.  Last I checked it was a lot harder to get a credit card than a voter ID card.

The same folks that want us to all drive electric cars, have absolutely no infrastructure plan to support it.  The same green energy folks are killing wildlife with their wind turbines & raping whole swaths of land for solar farms, never to be recovered to any natural state.

The same folks that are against the death penalty are for abortion.  Under that logic they’d rather a murderous hate filled criminal live, than an innocent loving child.

The same folks who think walls are ineffective, build them around their own property.  The same folks that think we can’t afford to secure our borders, think we can afford an invasion by millions.

The same folks that think they’re entitled to something,  haven’t worked an honest day in their life…& worse yet, don’t feel they should have to.  The same folks that think they’re due reparations, have been getting them for 60 years… while reparations are denied those who suffered the most & ask the least.

The same folks that judge without facts, that use rumor to cast guilt, have the loudest voices in the crowd.  Like squawking crows they have to shout over reasonable conversation & distract you with deeds of deception.

If I hurt your feelings with any of this, that doesn’t matter to anybody; what matters is that you speak, act & think respectfully, honestly & logically.  

That is what I just tried to do, if it offends you, tough’s just my opinion, but my observations tell me…it’s shared by many.  Have a great day 🐝

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