Monday, March 27, 2023

Intervene or Interact

Two words…very similar, yet totally different in context.  Intervention & Interaction.

Intervention is an interruption.  A pause & change of direction or a split second of a timely intercedent. Divine intervention…the hand of God.  Minimal if any effort by mankind, the will of God.

Interaction is a carrying on.  An effort between two or more forces to bring about a desired result.  God helps, sometimes all thru our lives by trial & triumph, to bring you to that exact moment in time, to taste victory in whatever ails or challenges you.  The assist of God…mankind’s involvement & faith is crucial.

In my opinion, which is what this blog really is, many of the classic divine interventions in our history & even today, are actually divine interactions.  

Mankind working thru faith to utilize the timing & wisdom of God, often in conjunction with nature, cooperating & contributing together for a common individual, family, group, team, society, nation or even worldwide good.  Interacting with God, through your personal relationship with Him.

As in …. David & Goliath…divine intervention or divine interaction?  You already know my answer if you read a version of the David & Goliath story, I had one night while dreaming of classic battles.  

David had practiced & used his skill his whole life for that moment in time.  One of the greatest Bible stories ever recorded & told, yet it’s one chapter of 1,189 chapters in the Bible.  1st Samuel chapter 17, not even written by the prophet Samuel as his death is recorded towards the end of the book.  It is not God’s direct words, but a recording of events by an unknown historian or court official.  And as we all know, stories change over time based on perception & punctuality. 

Goliath had a weak spot in his battle dress.  Thru divine interaction David saw it, took the shot, & faiths persistence paid off.  It changed the course of history for two nations & the world for that matter.  

In your daily life seek, pray & practice for those special moments in time where divine interaction calls on you to perform.  You may be a doctor performing a lifesaving operation, a childcare provider consoling an upset child, a fireman rushing in to save a life or a soldier defending freedom & liberty.  Your faith, our faith will see us through…always has & always will.

Just as we have faith to interact with God & the good forces around us…He & His angels have faith in us.  Our Lord, like any parent, sibling or guardian, would rather you do for you, than do for you.  To glory in the achievement together is the ultimate test of faith in this ultimate game…of life or death.

But know this, that even if this world loses all faith in Him, He will never lose faith in Himself or His creations.  This world was created before mankind & will survive with or without our existence.  Let’s help create the Heaven on Earth we’ve all dreamed of.  It won’t take divine intervention; He has already done that...but divine interaction, God with His Faithful, be reality.

Go in Peace & those that hate will fall on their own swords. 

Where Love shines, Faith sees no darkness.  ✨✝️🙏  🐝

Psalm 118...Romans 15: 1-13    AMEN 

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