Sunday, April 30, 2023

Church or church?

When you read, do you pay attention to details?  For instance, maybe you’ve noticed sometimes in mid sentence it’s a Church…& other times it’s a church.  What’s the difference?  A lot!!!  Your life’s lot.

A church is a building where people gather & get their weekly 90 minute religious fix.  Religion is to me a ritual, a defining of duties to some deity they may or may not have any kind of real relationship with.  Whereas a Church is a building or place that people gather to receive & enhance the spirit within them because His Spirit is all around them & in the Church.

I give those going to church a bit of credit, at least they’re trying.  But, those of you who attend or have been to a true Spirit filled Church, know the difference.

I went to a church once in North Carolina, as I looked around the lady in front of me was texting & scrolling  on her phone almost the whole time.  Why is she even there?  I see children being baby sat in a separate area instead of learning about what Church is all about.

Your spirit resides within you.  Gods Spirit is all around you & Jesus’s Spirit is in the Churches.  Over time the spirit of many men & women has been tarnished.  In our purest form our spirits are translucent with His Light in & all around us.  But, time can melt any metal, so for many their spirit starts to darken, from clear, to gray, to complete darkness.  Faith can be a fickle friend, so if faithful it’s best to surround yourself with others of true faith & keep life’s light strong within you.

Where are these angels in the physical realm found?  Well, in all sorts of places, but on Sunday mornings many will be at a Church strengthening their faith in fellowship, while others simply go to church.

If you do not feel like the Holy Trinity of Father, Son & Spirit resides at your church, find a Church & experience the power of prayer, the passion of praise & the preaching of His promises.  Your spirit will thank you, the Lord will bless you & you’ll want more of what a real Church can deliver…not a ritual, but a true life saving & soul searching relationship with the Lord.

Roman’s Chapter 8 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Freedoms Abuse

 We’ve reached a point in our society where apparently it’s OK & even encouraged to be insane, or at least deranged.  I find that comforting to a degree, cuz if any of these nut jobs wanna analyze, critique, criticize & cut me off…I’ll just play the tape of their life. 

Used to be freedom seekers sought less government, less oppression of personal views, less intrusion in our lives & more opportunities to enhance our lives.   Well guess what cup cake…you got your precious freedoms, but what are you doing with them?

Acting a fool is what you’re doing.  This current administration has put folks in charge not because of qualification, but because of queerification…they’ve been influenced to believe that somehow a man can be a woman or vice versa…& it’s Ok….Hogwash.

For years liberals have used “science” to defend their twisted agendas.  Ok let’s use science…if you can not define a woman or a man…you’ve been disillusioned by depths of deception you obviously can’t see.   You can not have it both ways, use it or lose it.  

Transvestites & those desiring to be something, anything, other than who they are & how they were born have multiple personality syndrome.  No different than someone who says they’re a bear or a bird or a snake or whatever.   Many, many folks have different personalities to one degree or another.  Some may have dozens…it is not their true self, however.  And many folks with this trait have found ways to use it for the cause of good.  Turning a curse into a gift.

What we see today in all sorts of everyday examples is the inner self of many people taking over their physical self.  Or, their spirit, or spirits, are showing themselves. 

Today in our society, the devil & his evil fingers has gotten into the hearts, minds & souls of so many, spiritual cleansing is needed on a National level.

How do you do this?  Well, I believe God is helping us by witnessing the exposure of twisted spirits.  It’s how we as a society react to it…that matters most.  

These folks that can’t decide which side of the fence they wanna be on, or whether to wear pants or a dress, I have no care for…decide or die, your choice not mine.  If you can’t decide who you are physically or mentally you dang sure are not in a good place spiritually.  And the folks that encourage this behavior, that influence young children & confuse them…are even guiltier.  

We’ll all stand before God in the end…you make your own peace, or don’t, it’s only your soul at stake.

Do not use your freedoms to diminish mine.  For my true freedoms you can never take, but He can take yours.  You’ve had plenty of time to decide & times up. 🐝

Friday, April 28, 2023


Many years ago in my mid years I had times of great financial stability.  But, I also had a couple years of financial hardships.

It was during one of these life challenges that I had a discussion with my step-father, Bill.  I distinctly remember him saying, “You’re living in a pipe dream, the Lord won’t provide you with anything…you gotta work & earn it.”  I listened to those words, and didn’t say a word.  I didn’t say anything because at that time, I didn’t have a good response, that lesson had yet to really be learned.  But, inside even then I knew his comment although mostly true, wasn’t completely right.

Last year as my moms health faded Bill & I had more time together than ever.  We talked about all sorts of things.  One evening I said, “Bill, you remember telling me the Lord doesn’t provide… years ago?”  He didn’t remember, but I recapped the past memory & offered this:

I said…that was a long time ago & involved the physical realities of financing your life.  It’s true you have to work to earn, as cash is king in the physical realm.  But, what about life at its core, your survival instincts that far too many have lost.  You say God doesn’t provide, well maybe not cash, but He provides hope in the Faith of His promises.  He has said,  “Do the birds worry about where to find food & water?  No, they always seem to survive & find what they need.”  

I continued…First you have to separate wants from needs.  In my mid years that was hard to do, but in my later years it’s a walk in the park.  You see that forest line over there?  That is where I can find all I’ll ever need to survive.  I can walk out there with the clothes on my back & I’ll find a way, cuz He’s shown me the Way.  God created that forest line & the life giving stream it hides & that’s all any of us really need to survive.  And who created it? God….so do not tell me sir that God does not provide because He has since the very beginning of time & always will.  He has provided everything we need, already, we just seem to concentrate on physical & emotional wants, overlooking the natural & spiritual provisions all around us that are more than ample to satisfy our needs.  He has provided me with life saving needs for a long time, but He didn’t start til I shed my desires of physical & emotional wants.

And this time he was the one left with no words.

If everything around you was turned inside out & upside down, if we were taken back to having to use our intellect to enhance our instincts to survive, back to our origins…so many would die from their lack of providing the basic needs of water, food, shelter & warmth for themselves.  They have chased their wants for so long, they take their needs for granted.  Until the day comes where power is out, the stores are shutdown & the gas pumps don’t work.  Now whatcha gonna do?  

Be resourceful, be resolute & be bold in the Faith that God has already provided everything you need.  πŸ

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Time Continued

So Lord, now that it’s late & the world is mostly asleep, I have a question.  When, if ever, is it my time?  I don’t mean to sound selfish, but I see those living in demonic ways lavishing in luxury, while so many toil in labor.  You know I only wanna glorify You, so why the wait, why so much lapsed time?

“Do you remember the mathematical flash cards at your grandfathers table of learning?  Did you start multiplying 2x2 or adding 2+2.  Of course you added 1st, same as you subtracted before you divided.  How could I possibly teach you to run before you walk?  How could I set examples & signs in place for those special moments in time when everything was in the right place at the right time for the right result?  And, how could you learn book 5 before reading book 3?”

“ This world is learning, it never stops learning.  But I speak of Nature, not man.  For it seems many on this planet have forgotten more than they’ve learned.  Too many young souls spoil your spirit.  They scream and stomp like children in a playpen, but this isn’t a play, that was last week.”


Yes Sir, that is another great story.  A truly learning experience for me & those who played important parts & share as witness to Your Glory.  I can not wait to tell “ The Story of Two Studios” but it’s gonna take a bit to write.  But I know Lord with your help, the words will flow like bubbling water over moss stained rocks.  

You know Sir, I really knew why time in my life took so long to unravel.  It was an answer you gave me about a year ago.  Constantly hounded by others over why I do this & why I did that…you put words in my mouth for me, words I hadn’t thought til that very moment in time.   There’s one maybe two witnesses to this.  When asked why I did & do what I do, my response was, I’m in training.  Training.

Training by experiencing every memory You wanted me to have, so at the right time & place it can be recalled.  And, I must say some lessons are spectacular.

“Yes, special effects are one of My specialties.  Now that you’ve been thru so much, were the memories worth it?  Sure you have good & bad memories, but hopefully those first three memories you can recall are good.  But, you know what, there’s many folks whose first memories are not good.   You have had the luxury of a stable upbringing & decent lifestyle, but so so many others do not.  How bout the memory of being raped at 5 years old, or having bombs destroy your home at 6.  Or how bout extreme hunger at 4 years old, so bad your stomach was the size of a pea. How would you like your first memories to be of murder, watching horrible actions by men butchering men, women, children, for no reason other than blood lust.”

“These are some of your fellow inhabitants today on this planet.  The victims remember the horror, evil men & women create & forget it.  And, the beauty of this life is often the victims of the darkest evils, become the brightest light for Good.  While the evil doers fall into an abyss they can’t climb out of.  That’s the way of the Way.” 

“Time catches all, until it stops its chase.  And the chase doesn’t stop until it catches all the tormentors, manipulators, power lusters & evil doers.  It takes a short time to undo what’s been done over a long time.  Get yourself right with yourself 1st, then those around you, then the Nature around you, then the God that loves you.  So many of you have done this, but there is more work to do before time settles from the chase.”

Yes Lord you’ve proven that have to undo to re-do lesson to me, well almost daily recently.  I see the pain & suffering around me, I see the wealthy & powerful having their way, but it’s not Your Way.  But I know in time You will settle the score & Your judgement is final.  To crush evil & uplift good, that was the task You gave me long, long ago.  There have been many victories & time is unbeaten, so I lay all my words & actions at Your feet…judge me Oh Lord & cleanse me of my sins & failures so I only remember the victories of our battles & the ultimate sacrifice You made for us.

You have brought me this far, do not leave me stranded in time, I know You won’t, experience has taught me that.  I thank You Lord for Your time & I thank You for answering my 1st question.  To answer is simple, I’ve reached a point in this life where watch dial time has no over riding hold on me…I’m on my time, Thank You.

“Of course & as always, you’re welcome…anytime.”


Book of Mark Chapter 9 ✨✝️πŸ•Š  πŸ™πŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ  πŸ

Wednesday, April 26, 2023



No one wants to hear least of all listen Lord.  I am all alone surrounded by evil.  There is so much wrong Lord….where do we start…this time.

“It was started long, long ago.  The mountains were mere hills & the rivers but bubbling brooks.  Man’s spirit was brought out of the dust to dwell in this physical realm, where you were given the breath of life & told to adhere to the Words of Life.”

Yes Lord & although difficult we have tried to walk in the Way, but time is ticking, the world is fading, in many places the Word is tarnished & the immorality & falseness of many around me is disturbing.  Battle lines are being devised & the wicked gloat.  I have Faith in the Word & often see the Way to travel, but roadblocks persist, as they have from almost the very beginning.

“Time….Time you say is running out.  I am here, I am not leaving & I am certainly not running out.  What do you fret over time, that can’t be undone, redone & well done.  As men you say…we’re running out of time! If I gave you life, can I not give you more time?”

“As men & women, do you not feel at times that time is endless?  Think about this thought, search your memories, was there ever a time in your present lifetime that you felt time was endless?  Ever a time where you had not a single care of time, you were totally relaxed & care free was your attitude.  No worries, no deadlines, no schedules & no due dates.  Do you have it, are you finding & remembering those special moments in your life where time was of no concern?  Good, that is how your spirit feels when free.  Few can really say they’ve been there.  Few can really say they remember.  But many are those that desire to be there.  And be there you will… in Faith & in Time.”

Lord, my heart settles.  As always You have the Words I need to hear.  All my life You have been there.  You asked me to search my memories, You have Blessed me with so, so many.  So, I search as You have taught & I reflect back to my first memories, my very first in this life. 

As I know the rules…I can only pick three (3) memories.  And, of those three (3), your fave.  My 3rd would be my grandparents huge dining room table.  There with my grandfather learning mathematical flash cards, before I even started kindergarten.  My 2nd would be my grandmothers & aunts cooking. Not just the meals, oh no, but the before & after.  As a child I was curious & observant.  I watched the preparation, the attention to detail & the time spent on a 20 minute dinner, with clean up…could be four hours.  Everything, everything from scratch in old European styles with an American touch.  And the best memory Lord, of that memory…were the subtle aromas & dominant smells.  Just found my good watch, thanks Lord.  Guess that’s a back story for later?

“Yes, some stories are best between us until the right moments in time.  So, you’ve brought Me your 2nd & 3rd earliest & fondest memories, lemme ask you, do you think of these times often?  When in despair, do you reflect on cherished thoughts?  The mysteries so many seek answers to are often left to a solitary search. Your memories stop in this life at around 3 or 4 years old.  By age 5 you were introduced to a whole new world that few at such a young age have ever experienced.  I brought you there in those moments of memory, but they’re more than that, as you know.  I know your fondest & earliest memory, because it’s what started your earliest & fondest dreams.”

Wow, I never thought of it that way ever before.  Again, You’re so right in Your Words.  Since you know it why should I tell it?  But, yes Lord I do think of my grandfathers teaching & my grandmothers cooking, but You know what my #1 (One) is, lemme recall it, it’s not hard cuz I think back on it so very often, at any time.

The forest line at the end of my grandparents vineyard. It was there, where over time, I ventured deeper into unknown greenery & wildlife.  It was there where You first had me listen, really listen to the birds & where You had me watch, really watch, the creatures as they interacted.  From the smallest beetle to the biggest buck deer, You showed me all there was to see in a SouthWest Michigan forest, except a few hazard & dangers, by the time I was six years old.  It was there I learned I had friends, beyond the dining room table of learning & beyond the kitchen of cooking.  This was Your Creation & I am so very grateful for all of it.

“It is that gratitude & not your want it tude that makes Me realize you took that memory to heart.  Of course I knew it all along, but that bestest first memory set the stage for your whole life’s production.  Other folks have other memories & dreams that shape their inner being.  Your outward physical existence is borne of these moments in time where you physically experienced it, or spiritually dreamt it.  What separates the Faithful is good intent.  When the memories are founded in solid teachings & the dreams are of spiritual freedoms it shapes your intentions in the physical realm.  Your inner being, becomes your outer being.  In this world today you see it happening all around you.  Good becomes Better & bad becomes worse…but Good vanquishes all evil…in any given Time.”

Thank You Lord, I gotta get to work, but of course you already know that.  Thanks for the Birds & the Bees 🐝

Monday, April 24, 2023

Time Travel

Time travel…is it possible?  Sure, I do it all the time…in my thoughts & dreams.

But in reality…it’s a bit of a stretch.  But, I do not discount the fact that a very advanced culture could travel space faster & in ways unknown…yet. 

That being said, cuz I did, what’s to say that an  advanced culture couldn’t also have manufactured biologically perfect bodies that they can deliver really… anywhere.  Sounds like a sci-fi movie. But with the advances in technology & biology is it too much of a stretch to think of a “Terminator” reality? After all he said he’d be back too, just no where near as dramatically & with life or death for your soul at stake.

I write many things people don’t want to hear.  But it’s only because they’ve ignored the Truth for so long it’s now a part of their inner being.  People have asked me, “how does the Lord work?”  The answer is quite easy.

When your Father controls time & your Mother is the force of Nature….what other resources could you possibly need to accomplish your task, your work, your dreams.  This question of how does He do it is also quite easy to grasp when you realize all the help His Faithful provide not just Him…but each other.

Yet, today we live in a world of constant change driven by spite, greed, lust, envy, power, wealth & hate.  Evil plots to over throw any & all Good in its way.  The common man says we are doomed, when will it end.  But, the righteous man remembers when wars were fought with guns & bullets.  Now, our Freedoms are threatened by wealth & power lust.  Where if you got enough cash you can change the world…well Bill Gates & others like him may change things temporarily, but Gods Word has & will live forever.

Bad enough we have battles on the perimeter with our border, to me the real threat to this country is from the inside.  From the inside of the dragons belly that’s constantly hungry.  Rich & powerful men & women that have relationships & connections have access to changing your world.  Our basic freedoms of choice in transportation, diet, leisure, life style & finance are being threatened as well as property ownership.  All these basic rights we take for granted, until gone.

There are many reasons we are where we are.  But, it’s all part of His masterful plan & one way or the other you’re part of it, whether you wanna believe or not.

So, time travel, is it possible?  Yes, in one of two ways. Physically thru some sort of bio/tech & propulsion we do not have, but other planets may.  Or, Spiritually.  Wait…What?

Yes, you heard me correctly, your spirit can travel, has traveled, will travel & wants to travel if in the Faith of Gods Words you live.  How can he say that, some ask. Well, doesn’t Gods Word say “we are created in His image”& doesn’t our Lord say, “All these things you’ve seen me do, you also have the power to do?”  These being fact, do you think God & Jesus can time travel?  If you answered yes, then guess what, you’re a time traveler.  Pretty cool how I just elevated your spirit a bit with that one 😎Thank you Lord…for words of clarity.

You see to me that’s one of the biggest problems with cultures & society’s today…they’ve lost touch with their spirit.  We live in a physical world that if left unchecked will absorb & devour our spirit & leave us as dust in the wind, never to travel again.  

Leaders across the world play God instead of worshipping Him.  This was satans downfall & it will be theirs as well, don’t let it be yours.  I am not a sinless man,  I am not perfect, I am only human.  But with Gods Grace we can shed our sins, live a faithful life & strive to be as perfect as humanly possible.

Me personally I’m tired of writing & talking about it…I wanna live my dreams & travel the path the Lord puts in front of me.  All for the Glory of the Coming King.


Sunday, April 23, 2023


 I’ve been to Nashville three times that I can recall.

I’ll save the 1st for the last.  The 2nd  visit was in 2008 and is documented in the previous post.

The 3rd trip was in April of 2018 & I went with my wife at the time.  We had a great time visiting the same friends I did in 2008.  But, I also experienced more of the Broadway scene then previously.  It was at that special time in my life when I met Whitey Johnson, Hunter Girl (before American Idol even knew she existed) & Tootsies multiple stage club.

The parks & statues were yet untouched by the ignorance of folks wanting to destroy the past so they can make the same mistakes again & again & again.

Tennesseeans have a long history of Statesmanship.  Patriotic duty, forming friendships & good Ol Country & Blues music to help chase down the shine are all part of Rocky Top hospitality…& I enjoyed & appreciated it all three times I’ve been there.  Thank you so much.

To be continued…..maybe.  πŸŽ»πŸͺ•πŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


2nd Peter & Letter to Titus.

4/23/23 11:50 PM EST 🐝

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

A Clear Picture

 Some random thoughts, which are often the best kind.

I have a very good friend that although we are separated by miles & hours, we talk quite often.  We have known each other for close to 14 years now I guess and we were more than friends for 1/2 that time.  She has been a huge part of encouraging me & critiquing my words & pictures.  We have learned together, she has seen bits of me few others have.  I have seen her at her worst & in the torment of her nightmares.  I have also seen her at her best, when she shares & lives her dreams & gives love to those around her.  It is an interesting dynamic, our relationship, & it gets much deeper than either of us can describe, but we try.  She was there when I wrote on average 2 college papers a week for the better part of 3 years & now…now she often sees things before  I post them, & I adjust if needs be.  

We’ve had good & bad times.  We remember the good & compartmentalize the bad & move on.  Thank you for the years & the love…you know who you are. 😘

And since you enjoy me pointing out & describing my pics…this post is for you…a message from my heart, as always.  ❤️‍🩹

Yesterdays Face Book post was well received, the poem was written years ago, but the pics are very recent.  Since it’s an old message it doesn’t show up in the recent blog posts.  It’s from September of 2008 when I was in a bit of a writing frenzy.  So, you have to get to the message thru my link on the FB post or search it out  in the search bar of the web version of the blog.

In “Rain Washes Away Our Pain” there are 8 photos.   None of the pics on my FB page or this blog are edited or photo shopped, they are exactly how I seen it at the time I took the pic.  Even though I use the word “I”, I know who I give credit.  Right place, right time, right result.  So here’s some comments on those pics.

In the first pic there’s a bird in the right hand tree, right lower palm branch area.  I know he’s there cuz I seen him when I took the shot, but I’ll be darned if I can find him now.  But, even without the bird it’s a neat shot.  Look closely, what else do you see?  Don’t zoom in, take it from afar.   There’s a skinny cloud streaming from left to right at a downward angle.  It intersects the tree & disappears.  Then in the lower right side you see a blue sun spot or refraction.  It is almost perfectly in line with the streaming but invisible cloud.  I think the bird is on that track in the palm tree.  I know he is. πŸ•Š

The 4th pic is my wild but interestingly playful alligator…Wally.  Wally is about a 5 foot gator who owns the little pond he lives in.  He owned it, til I found it.  We have had our encounters, several, the best being a couple weeks ago when I approached his muddy den while he watched from the shore, his head & back mostly exposed.  As I got to about 40 feet or so he was down a slight bank & he was not happy.  I had already hit him, playfully, with my wrist rocket a couple times & he was in no mood to keep playin.  As I stood there my sling shot ready, he bowed up.  His head & throat was completely arched & out of the water, his tail arched up almost like a second head behind him….now 2/3rd’s of his body was exposed as he started talking, or should I say growling at me.  It was like a pit bull growl & bull frog call mixed, very deep & resonate.  I lined up for a head shot….& the sling rubber broke!!!

Now I was pretty defenseless except for my knives, I could’ve fixed the sling shot, but I just stood there looking & listening at something I’ve never seen before…in person.  He continued his warnings, his display of territory & the threat in the hope I’d leave his little sanctuary.  But, I don’t back down from a pesky 5’ gator (12 footer I’m having second thoughts) so I look around and bout 20 feet behind me is a 5 foot long 2“ x 8” board.  I don’t know why it was there, but it was.  So I go back pick it up and start walking back towards Wally.  He’s really watching me now as his posturing earlier was a display of size  & strength on his part…now I was bigger with the big board left to right across my waist.  He started sliding back in the water as I approached & got to about 15’ from him.  His head & most of his body exposed in the shallow shoreline of his den area.  I went to pic the board up from my waist to chest & throw at him…& I never seen a land critter move so fast in the water.  He spun around & disappeared into the depths before I could throw the board, but I did anyway.  Now he knows who the bull gator of his little pond really is. 🐊

The 7th pic has a very interesting story.  There’s a lot happening in that pic.  There’s a tree, a bird feeder, a cardinal, a squirrel & an oriental lady.  I was at the local botanical garden county park enjoying nature for two whole dollars.  I took a bunch of pics and at the tail end of my visit I see an oriental man with his 35MM camera taking pics of the cardinal. I’m about 50’ back on the other side of the tree at an angle to him, he’s to my left.  As I look I see the squirrel at the base of the tree & I see his wife to my right of the tree.  I’m lined up on the cardinal & the feeder & what happens…..the lady starts walking towards her husband & the squirrel races up the tree….& I got the shot.  Immediately I looked at him & said…”did you get the shot of the squirrel?” He said, ”No” & I reviewed my pics & found my shot.  I had walked away for a smoke but when I seen that pic I spun around to look for the husband.

He was still by the feeder, so I walked over & said, “Sir I have something to show you.” I showed him the pic & he was thrilled.  He said in an excited voice “Air drop, can you Air drop this to me?” So I did & we had a nice conversation & I gave him one of my  Sensory Solutions cards to check out the blog.  I hope he checks it out at some point & sees that pic again, I have faith he will.  Right place, right time, right result. 🐝

The last pic, the 8th pic, is the bird, guarding their real nest in the left hand palm tree.  I say that cuz they have 3 nests, but only one is real.  This nested pair I have watched occasionally when I’m in the area for over a year now.  Last year they had one nest, in a 8’ tall bush by a jetted spa I use sometimes.  I watched them feeding their chicks, took some pics & even showed the nest to a little boy & his mother as a learning experience for him.  At that point I was there every few days and one day the nest was empty.  I was confused as the chicks were way too young to fly, but they were gone, all four of them.  I investigated further and found the nest half destroyed & I knew a snake or cat had got the babies & the momma & daddy birds where no where to be found.  πŸ

But they were there & even though the four baby birds were lost to nature, the parents learned a valuable lesson & that last pic is proof.  You see now, a year later, they’re smarter.  They have 3 nests & visit all three as if tending to it.  One nest is rebuilt in that 8’ bush, but it’s empty.  One nest is in the tree on the right I referenced earlier (the 1st pic) but it is also empty & the third nest is way high up in the palm tree on the left, the actual nest.  So, what’s natures lesson here???

Well, the birds have learned that by having decoy nests if any predators are watching, they won’t know which one has the babies.  By having 3 nests instead of one they can guard the real nest better.  Just my thoughts but why else would birds make extra nests & leave them empty while still tending them, why else indeed.  Now, if they could just get the young ones to be quiet.  πŸ£

Well there you have it, every picture has a story, some better than others, but all meaningful.  ✨πŸ¦‰✝️

Matthew Chapter 6   πŸŒˆπŸ’πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Holy & Promised Lands

Whether you realize it or not you live in holy lands.  All of Gods Creation is Holy…it is us that tarnish it. 

 In the Beastmaster post I referenced Psalm 83.  It is the last of 11 Psalms written by the musician Asaph.

Asaph was a Levite musician who lived at the time of King David, who ruled around 1000 B.C..  David had appointed Asaph Chief Musician of the Temple.  Later generations referred to him as “the seer” as they went on to prophesize their faith thru music & song.  He was the father of the Levite clan that served throughout the history of the temple in Israel.  

In Psalm 83 Asaph is crying out to the Lord to destroy Israel’s enemies.  He names them by country & tribe & prays to the Lord to vanquish them as He has others in the past.  Read Psalm 83 carefully, do you see any parallels to what’s happening today??

Written over 3000 years ago, it’s not symbolic of today, it’s history actually repeating itself before your eyes.

How do we as modern Americans relate to ancient words?  How do we read between the lines for hidden truths?  Well, it starts with your relationship with God.  It is personal first, get yourself right, then you can look around & help make this world a better place.

Through my relationship with God, He has blessed me with relating to His Words.  I read a passage like Psalm 83 & I don’t think of the past, can’t change that.  No, I look for its meaning & relatability to todays world & how it can be used for a better future.

So, Asaph is distressed over the threats to King David & the Holy Lands of Israel & cries out in song.  Do you see any similarities to today??  There’s plenty.

I have always thought of Israel as the Holy Lands & America as the Promised Lands.  We are so blessed in so many ways as a country, that we take it for granted.  We have it so good, others want a piece of it.

Psalm 83 versus 1-8 is exactly our world today.  Just change the countries of old that plotted to destroy Israel to how China, Russia, Iran & others are forming alliances to take us down as a nation today.  I’m not rewriting these words, I’m relating to them.

These countries look for weaknesses to exploit & take advantage of.  We have by far the weakest & most corrupt group of leaders in Washington right now than ever before.  The failures of leadership that caused the mayhem in the Afghanistan withdrawal embolden our enemies.  A President who is weak, frail & senile.  A country divided over itself.  A border wide open & military men in leadership roles who identify as women & wear dresses.  Yeah that’s who I wanna go to battle with, someone who doesn’t even know their gender I want no where near a trigger.

People look to Revelations for guidance on the future.  Many are confused.  You have to look throughout the Book of Life to understand this life.  Not one passage, not one chapter.  From beginning to end the Bible is history, your history, past present & future.

With that the case in fact, I could go thru Revelations & point out moments in world history many of these plaques, calamities & events have already taken place.   I can show you where I believe we are as a people, nation & world right now….& I can show you the future, I just don’t own the hands of time, but I can hold them.  I can do this thru Faith & thru how I relate to God & how He relates to me.  It’s a wonderful relationship that all His faithful have or will one day see, because it is ours & your destiny.

So, what does history tell us?  It tells us every time Gods faithful was challenged…they came out on top.  You want proof…the Six Day War & World War Two come to my mind and there are 100’s more less dramatic & global examples of Faith prevailing over falsehood.  It has, it does, it always will. 

But, do not let that spoil you into complacency, that’s what got us here.  We must be strong, smart & steadfast in our resolve to do for ourselves & protect our faith, even knowing He’ll save our butts if needs be.

One last thought.  Evil, as I have said & written, hides in darkness.  It often can not be dealt with unless exposed.  What is happening in our schools, government & world today is all part of Gods Master Plan.  A plan to embolden evil, so it exposes itself & is ultimately destroyed.  

Evil has been chained for a long time.  He’s out in force now gathering his unholy armies, for a short time anyway.  Where are we in the Book of Life…right where we’re supposed to be & where He wants us to be.  No one knows exactly, but my Faith tells me we’re beyond the symbolic 1000 years time stamp & more in the middle of Chapter 20 in Revelations.  Read Revelations 20 verses 7&8, I think you’ll see it.

Just my opinions of course & if you’re wondering how I came to this conclusion…well there’s over 300 posts on this blog & many speak to this very point.  I don’t like to repeat myself unless I’m paid, so it’s there to read & relate to, for free…as it was given to me.

Have a great weekend, read a bit of the Good Book at some point….you might be surprised what it says.

Now if you’ll excuse me I have some animals to tend. 

✨✝️πŸ•Š πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦… 🐊🐬🐝

Thursday, April 6, 2023

A Nite with the Marshall

 I woke up on a Monday morning a bit over a month ago to a nice surprise. Like a cowboy on a long & lonesome trail who sees the stream ahead, one of my favorite bands was making a surprise visit here to Tampa…& they’re from the Carolinas.

It was one of the best nights I’ve had in many recent days and I made a promise to one of the guitarists & the bass player that I’d share my experience with a post.

Promises…they are meant to be kept…it’s your word & in the end… our words & deeds are what matters most & the most important words are your prayers & your promises.  So I’ll gladly keep that promise.

Deep Purple was being heavily advertised with another band as the opener.  I had been hearing the radio ads for weeks… but on that Monday morning the ad was different.  The Marshall Tucker Band was gonna be the opener.  Now either my ears played tricks on me before, or this was a new development in the show.

I had just started a new job & had laid out a saddlebag full of cash for a new apartment, funds were tight…but I had to see the band that kinda started my rock & roll journey.  Marshall Tucker played Milwaukee with either Kansas or Jethro Tull…it was one of the first concerts I saw…I was around 14 years old…yes this was the type of music I listened to over 47 years ago.  Since those early days of concert going I’ve seen the Marshall I guess 4 times now, but this night was different & most special to my Southern Rock spirit.

Monday February 20th, 2023 at the Mahaffey Theater…8PM EST…I got there early hoping to get a good deal on a ticket, but no one was out selling so I drove around the parking lot, windows & moon  roof open with the radio blasting.  I finally parked & hoped the ticket booth was open.  With minutes to spare I got a ticket, orchestra section, mid stage, 16 rows back….I was thrilled & excited I would be so close, but my expectations were soon exponentialized.

Don’t get me wrong “Smoke on the Water” & “Space Truckin” by Deep Purple are classics, but I was there to see & hear the Marshall.  I walked in and they were just starting.  As I found my seat, which was awesome, I noticed no one 4 or 5 seats to my left or right, but the place was pretty full.  I had most of the row to myself as I listened & watched them do “Can’t You See”, then they went into “Take the HighWay” which had solos by Marcus on the flute & BB on the drums.  It was an extended version of the song over 20 minutes long.  They wrapped up with “Heard it in a Love Song.”  I know, only 3 songs, but they were a last minute back up that played about 40 minutes I guess.  It was an awesome short set…I was pumped & needed a smoke.

So I go outside, turn left & see two guys walking on the upper deck area, there was a ramp that went down to the lower area, I lit my smoke & took the ramp.  I walk around the backside of the theater & no one’s stopping me, there’s no fencing, just a drive around & walk way…so I keep walking.  I come around the back side & there’s their big red tour bus.  I look to my left and there’s a picnic table, with several people at it…four of the band members & a few other folks.  I’m like in partial shock no one’s asking what I’m doing there.  I go closer, now I’m like 10 feet from the table and who walks out the back stage door… Mr. Doug Gray, the Marshall himself.  He comes down the stairs, walks within 3 feet of me & I said, thank you for coming to Tampa…he looked at me & we hugged…I am not kidding ya’ll, one of my musical heroes still standing, & we hugged, a manly cowboy kinda hug.  Best hug I’ve had in a long, long time. Thank you Doug πŸ‘πŸ‘.

The story doesn’t end there.  Doug went to the bus & I sat down with the band members.  We talked about who knows what, I probably made an ass of my star struck self, but I stayed composed & didn’t even ask for autographs or pictures…I wanted to hear a bit of what it’s like being a musical road warrior.  I listened as Ryan & Chris talked with Tony LeClerc of the band Twinkle about an old common friend of theirs & some of his antics.  I shared a special moment with Marcus, BB & Rick thanking them & telling them about seeing the original band over 45 years ago.  They have a new rhythm guitarist who I shook hands with as well.  They were all genuinely gracious and treated me like I belonged at their table, which was so comforting.

I think it was Chris or Ryan that had a bottle of Crown, but they weren’t drinking much if any of it.  I asked them if I brought some Captain Morgan over if they’d share a drink & they agreed, so I went off to the car & got the bottle, came back….& everyone was gone.

Guess they had to get on the bus, I don’t know why in the hell I left that table, but I did.  As I looked around I seen a small white coffee cup, I wiped it out & poured a generous shot & saluted my musical heroes with a Captains cheer & went to my car.

Now in the past I’ve been known to escort tour busses out of town after a show & this night would be no exception.  Their bus pulled forward a short distance & I pulled in behind them…& something wasn’t right.

The bus was way to wide…I looked closer & their engine compartment was wide open!! So I pulled up along side & beeped the horn.  The driver opened the bus door, I told him about it & he got out & fixed it, came back & thanked me.  Then for some reason I gave him a small antique ruler I had in the center console & asked him to give it to Doug.  I was gonna escort em a bit but I got twisted around & lost sight of the bus not long after that, so I went home.

Since then I’ve listened to a lot of older Marshall Tucker songs on You Tube.  I’ve discovered a bunch I hadn’t heard before.  With over 20 albums, 50 years of touring, fans all over the world, platinum & gold records & a day (June 9th) named for them in South Carolina they are American Music Legends, & I am so grateful to have crossed life’s path with them.

There’s three songs I hadn’t heard before that are really good classic Marshall jams.  Cattle Drive, Running Like the Wind & Virginia.  I play harmonica to all their classics & now I’m practicing those three.  

Perhaps one day I can show my appreciation for your music by playing wind harp for you guys.  Til then be safe, be healthy & know you are loved & appreciated.

Oh yeah, one other mostly important thing.  To those of you reading this I am no stranger to many rock musicians, they just don't know my name.  Over the years I have met many celebrities & I always treat them like everyday people.  I think they appreciate that & have faith they will appreciate this little nugget.

Music to me is more than a beat…it’s a message.  If you listen closely to many rock & roll songs you’ll hear a message, not just any message, but a prophetic message of faith.  The lyrics of a song make it complete, the beat just gets your attention.  I paid cash for my ticket & got seven dollars in change. As I looked at the $5 bill it had a note on it…It said…..Jesus Loves You…& I have no doubt His hand & His timing was involved in this special night.  So, to Doug & all the past, present & future Marshall Tucker Band members & fans, have Faith….Jesus Loves You too.

Thank you for a special night & sharing the gifts of your soul with an old Southern Rock spirit. 🐝

Hebrews Chapter 11 ✨✝️πŸ•ŠπŸ™

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

I Dance Alone


I dance alone, but I’m not lonesome.

I dance in my head, waiting for you to come.

I twirl & I jump, hoping to catch your eye,

But at the end of the night, I just cry.

These however are not tears of sadness

They are tears of kindness

For I know as you should too

That in this world there’s only you.

I dance alone, because that’s what I’ve been shown to do.  That in the quiet moments of our dreams, there’s only one other to take away our blues.

And this is what is known, because I’ve been shown.

Your bestest partner is always with you & here.  As a man it’s Mother Nature who’s everywhere & dancing over there.  As a woman it’s Father Time who always cares & is just relaxing over there.

As I dance alone I am comforted to know both.  Mother Nature to explore & view & Father Time to make it all come true…in a majestic sea of greenish golden blue.

Have confidence & faith in knowing you are never, ever, never alone.  Dancing alone with your bestest partner & not having a care in the world…never ever.

Bible Book of 2nd Timothy…Final words, or just the beginning?  Either way, Paul’s words live thru Eternity. ✨✝️πŸ•Š

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Revealing a Revealing


Prophesy…not a look to the future but a statement of truth to guide the future…your future.  Prophesy is what the faithful are asked to do, to share their gifts and deliver a message.  Prophesy is living in faith, walking with God and telling someone about it.  Some of Jesus last words to his disciples after his resurrection were “Go & prophesy”. That doesn’t mean, go & tell the future, of course sometimes it does, but it really means, go & tell the world what you have seen & heard.  In that sense we are all prophets to share His message.

I am not a healer, but I am a child of God & in this faith I can do all things thru Him that strengthens me.

I am not a fortune teller, but I know my future & the future of this world is secure.

I can not teleport, but I know I can be called to His Grace at anytime, just as we all can.

The following comments, like the David & Goliath post, are not formed over nite.  The David & Goliath post was a culmination of timing.  I had recently been to a large church in the Charlotte area years ago.  The message was on David & Goliath.  It was the 4th week of the pastors sermon on David’s life,  the final week.  It was the same old same old story, no pizazz, no spark.  One of the greatest stories of human triumph in the Bible & it’s one chapter of many, that is bigger than one chapter can hold.  It embodies what faith is and can do.  

I had also just seen a great documentary on David’s life & times & the Goliath story was covered in more factual detail, than just religious discourse & opinion.  It showed Goliath with a helmet similar to what Achilles wore in Brad Pitts version of Troy.  It was maybe that night, or day or sometime shortly thereafter that thoughts of what really could’ve happened entered my head.  An answer to a question I had had for years.  

So these following comments may hit hard to some, but to others they are words of faith delivered & shared.

My life is a mystery to some & an open book to others. I have nothing to hide & neither should you.  So I can not hide these thoughts any longer.  Thoughts of answered prayers??? Well, that’s yet to be determined.

The mysterious part of me, or anybody, is what you do when no one’s around.  How do you spend those moments of solitude, no matter how few & precious.  Well, I spend mine trying to solve mysteries.  Not crime mysteries, but life’s mysteries.  I’ve done it my whole life in various ways & means.  The answers may not always be precise, but they are often one more piece to a jig sawed puzzle.  

Like you & countless others, I have questions.  My own interpretations of the end times.  That’s where I differ from a lot of folks.  To me it’s not the end of times…oh no my friend…it’s just the beginning.  Here’s some truth, delivered by faith for the faithful to know.

The Book of Revelations is in many, many ways a history book.  The history of man, with symbology used throughout many, many parts.  This makes it the most confusing & debated Book in our modern Bible.

There are thoughts & messages throughout this blog of some of the answers to mysteries I’ve researched & commented on. They are my opinion of course.  I do not have a PHD in religious studies, but do I have to have a degree or two to share my faith?  Of course not, my faith is worth more & stronger than any piece of parchment.

I have never answered this question, that I’ve been asked dozens of times, officially on this blog.  I’ve prayed & asked for guidance on this mystery since a teenager.  That was my world.  Not a made up reality, but a truly possible one.  Right now I’m listening to Steve Winwoods live CD, “Back in the High Life” is on.  When I hand wrote the rough draft of this last week I was listening to Bob Dylan’s The Essential double album, it was Saturday morning, as it is now.  I turn to Revelations chapters 17 & 18 for the 100th time…and the message is clear.

I live in the United States of America.  So obviously my perspective is different than someone in Arabia, Africa or Asia.  The symbolism of Revelations is meant to inspire the faithful & confuse the unknowing.  It can in many, many ways be applied to any major country or culture in the history of this or any world.  So from an American perspective….where are we???

One could claim, as I do, that 9/11 & the devastation it brought on the great city of New York, is foretold in these chapters.

 The falling of the Twin Towers, in the financial hub of the world, where business from across the globe is conducted & where the greed & lust of men & women resides in great magnitude…do you not see it?

 Read chapters 17 & 18 carefully & apply it to modern times.  Do not look at Babylon as a far off land, but one right in our American back yard.  Don’t look at the great prostitute as a woman, but as a mindset of greed, lust, desire & deception, with all the deceit & distractions that goes with it.  The beast she rides are kings & leaders who fight against the faithful & all God stands for.  In that perspective, in that untwisting of confusing symbolism, does it make more sense to you?  I hope it does & I have faith it will.

Mysteries are meant to be solved.  I don’t & never will claim to know all there is to know.  No one has all the answers.  That is reserved for Him & those that do.

In my search for answers I struggled with how to share what I found.  Too often scoffed at, I held my thoughts in reserve.  Then in 2008, I discovered blogspot & it has been a God send to me.  I’ve posted about that before & I’ll tell you this now:

As Dylan’s “Knocking on Heavens Door” plays, many think of this song as an ending to life.  I look to it as a beginning.  A beginning to understanding the mysteries we’re meant to discover & share, lest we fail at our faith.  I will close with this:

This world is not alone.  Look at those stars at night, each one the potential source of life past, present or future.  Each world is different, each has its own symbolism, but the Word is unchanged.

In this world we are fortunate at this time that the Word is strong & the faithful are many…that is not always the case…trust me on that score.

As Steve Winwoods “Bring Me a Higher Love” plays I know thru faith we can all rise above & glory in the true richness of Gods Grace & Natures Wonders.

It’s not a mystery, it’s this planets destiny.

God bless you & yours.  Be safe & be happy. 🐝

A Sliver of Light

This early morning, I look and see a fading sliver of light, shrouded by clouds from nowhere near. Then the night light becomes clearer, a...