Monday, April 24, 2023

Time Travel

Time travel…is it possible?  Sure, I do it all the time…in my thoughts & dreams.

But in reality…it’s a bit of a stretch.  But, I do not discount the fact that a very advanced culture could travel space faster & in ways unknown…yet. 

That being said, cuz I did, what’s to say that an  advanced culture couldn’t also have manufactured biologically perfect bodies that they can deliver really… anywhere.  Sounds like a sci-fi movie. But with the advances in technology & biology is it too much of a stretch to think of a “Terminator” reality? After all he said he’d be back too, just no where near as dramatically & with life or death for your soul at stake.

I write many things people don’t want to hear.  But it’s only because they’ve ignored the Truth for so long it’s now a part of their inner being.  People have asked me, “how does the Lord work?”  The answer is quite easy.

When your Father controls time & your Mother is the force of Nature….what other resources could you possibly need to accomplish your task, your work, your dreams.  This question of how does He do it is also quite easy to grasp when you realize all the help His Faithful provide not just Him…but each other.

Yet, today we live in a world of constant change driven by spite, greed, lust, envy, power, wealth & hate.  Evil plots to over throw any & all Good in its way.  The common man says we are doomed, when will it end.  But, the righteous man remembers when wars were fought with guns & bullets.  Now, our Freedoms are threatened by wealth & power lust.  Where if you got enough cash you can change the world…well Bill Gates & others like him may change things temporarily, but Gods Word has & will live forever.

Bad enough we have battles on the perimeter with our border, to me the real threat to this country is from the inside.  From the inside of the dragons belly that’s constantly hungry.  Rich & powerful men & women that have relationships & connections have access to changing your world.  Our basic freedoms of choice in transportation, diet, leisure, life style & finance are being threatened as well as property ownership.  All these basic rights we take for granted, until gone.

There are many reasons we are where we are.  But, it’s all part of His masterful plan & one way or the other you’re part of it, whether you wanna believe or not.

So, time travel, is it possible?  Yes, in one of two ways. Physically thru some sort of bio/tech & propulsion we do not have, but other planets may.  Or, Spiritually.  Wait…What?

Yes, you heard me correctly, your spirit can travel, has traveled, will travel & wants to travel if in the Faith of Gods Words you live.  How can he say that, some ask. Well, doesn’t Gods Word say “we are created in His image”& doesn’t our Lord say, “All these things you’ve seen me do, you also have the power to do?”  These being fact, do you think God & Jesus can time travel?  If you answered yes, then guess what, you’re a time traveler.  Pretty cool how I just elevated your spirit a bit with that one 😎Thank you Lord…for words of clarity.

You see to me that’s one of the biggest problems with cultures & society’s today…they’ve lost touch with their spirit.  We live in a physical world that if left unchecked will absorb & devour our spirit & leave us as dust in the wind, never to travel again.  

Leaders across the world play God instead of worshipping Him.  This was satans downfall & it will be theirs as well, don’t let it be yours.  I am not a sinless man,  I am not perfect, I am only human.  But with Gods Grace we can shed our sins, live a faithful life & strive to be as perfect as humanly possible.

Me personally I’m tired of writing & talking about it…I wanna live my dreams & travel the path the Lord puts in front of me.  All for the Glory of the Coming King.


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