Saturday, April 1, 2023

Revealing a Revealing


Prophesy…not a look to the future but a statement of truth to guide the future…your future.  Prophesy is what the faithful are asked to do, to share their gifts and deliver a message.  Prophesy is living in faith, walking with God and telling someone about it.  Some of Jesus last words to his disciples after his resurrection were “Go & prophesy”. That doesn’t mean, go & tell the future, of course sometimes it does, but it really means, go & tell the world what you have seen & heard.  In that sense we are all prophets to share His message.

I am not a healer, but I am a child of God & in this faith I can do all things thru Him that strengthens me.

I am not a fortune teller, but I know my future & the future of this world is secure.

I can not teleport, but I know I can be called to His Grace at anytime, just as we all can.

The following comments, like the David & Goliath post, are not formed over nite.  The David & Goliath post was a culmination of timing.  I had recently been to a large church in the Charlotte area years ago.  The message was on David & Goliath.  It was the 4th week of the pastors sermon on David’s life,  the final week.  It was the same old same old story, no pizazz, no spark.  One of the greatest stories of human triumph in the Bible & it’s one chapter of many, that is bigger than one chapter can hold.  It embodies what faith is and can do.  

I had also just seen a great documentary on David’s life & times & the Goliath story was covered in more factual detail, than just religious discourse & opinion.  It showed Goliath with a helmet similar to what Achilles wore in Brad Pitts version of Troy.  It was maybe that night, or day or sometime shortly thereafter that thoughts of what really could’ve happened entered my head.  An answer to a question I had had for years.  

So these following comments may hit hard to some, but to others they are words of faith delivered & shared.

My life is a mystery to some & an open book to others. I have nothing to hide & neither should you.  So I can not hide these thoughts any longer.  Thoughts of answered prayers??? Well, that’s yet to be determined.

The mysterious part of me, or anybody, is what you do when no one’s around.  How do you spend those moments of solitude, no matter how few & precious.  Well, I spend mine trying to solve mysteries.  Not crime mysteries, but life’s mysteries.  I’ve done it my whole life in various ways & means.  The answers may not always be precise, but they are often one more piece to a jig sawed puzzle.  

Like you & countless others, I have questions.  My own interpretations of the end times.  That’s where I differ from a lot of folks.  To me it’s not the end of times…oh no my friend…it’s just the beginning.  Here’s some truth, delivered by faith for the faithful to know.

The Book of Revelations is in many, many ways a history book.  The history of man, with symbology used throughout many, many parts.  This makes it the most confusing & debated Book in our modern Bible.

There are thoughts & messages throughout this blog of some of the answers to mysteries I’ve researched & commented on. They are my opinion of course.  I do not have a PHD in religious studies, but do I have to have a degree or two to share my faith?  Of course not, my faith is worth more & stronger than any piece of parchment.

I have never answered this question, that I’ve been asked dozens of times, officially on this blog.  I’ve prayed & asked for guidance on this mystery since a teenager.  That was my world.  Not a made up reality, but a truly possible one.  Right now I’m listening to Steve Winwoods live CD, “Back in the High Life” is on.  When I hand wrote the rough draft of this last week I was listening to Bob Dylan’s The Essential double album, it was Saturday morning, as it is now.  I turn to Revelations chapters 17 & 18 for the 100th time…and the message is clear.

I live in the United States of America.  So obviously my perspective is different than someone in Arabia, Africa or Asia.  The symbolism of Revelations is meant to inspire the faithful & confuse the unknowing.  It can in many, many ways be applied to any major country or culture in the history of this or any world.  So from an American perspective….where are we???

One could claim, as I do, that 9/11 & the devastation it brought on the great city of New York, is foretold in these chapters.

 The falling of the Twin Towers, in the financial hub of the world, where business from across the globe is conducted & where the greed & lust of men & women resides in great magnitude…do you not see it?

 Read chapters 17 & 18 carefully & apply it to modern times.  Do not look at Babylon as a far off land, but one right in our American back yard.  Don’t look at the great prostitute as a woman, but as a mindset of greed, lust, desire & deception, with all the deceit & distractions that goes with it.  The beast she rides are kings & leaders who fight against the faithful & all God stands for.  In that perspective, in that untwisting of confusing symbolism, does it make more sense to you?  I hope it does & I have faith it will.

Mysteries are meant to be solved.  I don’t & never will claim to know all there is to know.  No one has all the answers.  That is reserved for Him & those that do.

In my search for answers I struggled with how to share what I found.  Too often scoffed at, I held my thoughts in reserve.  Then in 2008, I discovered blogspot & it has been a God send to me.  I’ve posted about that before & I’ll tell you this now:

As Dylan’s “Knocking on Heavens Door” plays, many think of this song as an ending to life.  I look to it as a beginning.  A beginning to understanding the mysteries we’re meant to discover & share, lest we fail at our faith.  I will close with this:

This world is not alone.  Look at those stars at night, each one the potential source of life past, present or future.  Each world is different, each has its own symbolism, but the Word is unchanged.

In this world we are fortunate at this time that the Word is strong & the faithful are many…that is not always the case…trust me on that score.

As Steve Winwoods “Bring Me a Higher Love” plays I know thru faith we can all rise above & glory in the true richness of Gods Grace & Natures Wonders.

It’s not a mystery, it’s this planets destiny.

God bless you & yours.  Be safe & be happy. 🐝

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