Wednesday, April 26, 2023



No one wants to hear least of all listen Lord.  I am all alone surrounded by evil.  There is so much wrong Lord….where do we start…this time.

“It was started long, long ago.  The mountains were mere hills & the rivers but bubbling brooks.  Man’s spirit was brought out of the dust to dwell in this physical realm, where you were given the breath of life & told to adhere to the Words of Life.”

Yes Lord & although difficult we have tried to walk in the Way, but time is ticking, the world is fading, in many places the Word is tarnished & the immorality & falseness of many around me is disturbing.  Battle lines are being devised & the wicked gloat.  I have Faith in the Word & often see the Way to travel, but roadblocks persist, as they have from almost the very beginning.

“Time….Time you say is running out.  I am here, I am not leaving & I am certainly not running out.  What do you fret over time, that can’t be undone, redone & well done.  As men you say…we’re running out of time! If I gave you life, can I not give you more time?”

“As men & women, do you not feel at times that time is endless?  Think about this thought, search your memories, was there ever a time in your present lifetime that you felt time was endless?  Ever a time where you had not a single care of time, you were totally relaxed & care free was your attitude.  No worries, no deadlines, no schedules & no due dates.  Do you have it, are you finding & remembering those special moments in your life where time was of no concern?  Good, that is how your spirit feels when free.  Few can really say they’ve been there.  Few can really say they remember.  But many are those that desire to be there.  And be there you will… in Faith & in Time.”

Lord, my heart settles.  As always You have the Words I need to hear.  All my life You have been there.  You asked me to search my memories, You have Blessed me with so, so many.  So, I search as You have taught & I reflect back to my first memories, my very first in this life. 

As I know the rules…I can only pick three (3) memories.  And, of those three (3), your fave.  My 3rd would be my grandparents huge dining room table.  There with my grandfather learning mathematical flash cards, before I even started kindergarten.  My 2nd would be my grandmothers & aunts cooking. Not just the meals, oh no, but the before & after.  As a child I was curious & observant.  I watched the preparation, the attention to detail & the time spent on a 20 minute dinner, with clean up…could be four hours.  Everything, everything from scratch in old European styles with an American touch.  And the best memory Lord, of that memory…were the subtle aromas & dominant smells.  Just found my good watch, thanks Lord.  Guess that’s a back story for later?

“Yes, some stories are best between us until the right moments in time.  So, you’ve brought Me your 2nd & 3rd earliest & fondest memories, lemme ask you, do you think of these times often?  When in despair, do you reflect on cherished thoughts?  The mysteries so many seek answers to are often left to a solitary search. Your memories stop in this life at around 3 or 4 years old.  By age 5 you were introduced to a whole new world that few at such a young age have ever experienced.  I brought you there in those moments of memory, but they’re more than that, as you know.  I know your fondest & earliest memory, because it’s what started your earliest & fondest dreams.”

Wow, I never thought of it that way ever before.  Again, You’re so right in Your Words.  Since you know it why should I tell it?  But, yes Lord I do think of my grandfathers teaching & my grandmothers cooking, but You know what my #1 (One) is, lemme recall it, it’s not hard cuz I think back on it so very often, at any time.

The forest line at the end of my grandparents vineyard. It was there, where over time, I ventured deeper into unknown greenery & wildlife.  It was there where You first had me listen, really listen to the birds & where You had me watch, really watch, the creatures as they interacted.  From the smallest beetle to the biggest buck deer, You showed me all there was to see in a SouthWest Michigan forest, except a few hazard & dangers, by the time I was six years old.  It was there I learned I had friends, beyond the dining room table of learning & beyond the kitchen of cooking.  This was Your Creation & I am so very grateful for all of it.

“It is that gratitude & not your want it tude that makes Me realize you took that memory to heart.  Of course I knew it all along, but that bestest first memory set the stage for your whole life’s production.  Other folks have other memories & dreams that shape their inner being.  Your outward physical existence is borne of these moments in time where you physically experienced it, or spiritually dreamt it.  What separates the Faithful is good intent.  When the memories are founded in solid teachings & the dreams are of spiritual freedoms it shapes your intentions in the physical realm.  Your inner being, becomes your outer being.  In this world today you see it happening all around you.  Good becomes Better & bad becomes worse…but Good vanquishes all evil…in any given Time.”

Thank You Lord, I gotta get to work, but of course you already know that.  Thanks for the Birds & the Bees 🐝

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