Thursday, April 27, 2023

Time Continued

So Lord, now that it’s late & the world is mostly asleep, I have a question.  When, if ever, is it my time?  I don’t mean to sound selfish, but I see those living in demonic ways lavishing in luxury, while so many toil in labor.  You know I only wanna glorify You, so why the wait, why so much lapsed time?

“Do you remember the mathematical flash cards at your grandfathers table of learning?  Did you start multiplying 2x2 or adding 2+2.  Of course you added 1st, same as you subtracted before you divided.  How could I possibly teach you to run before you walk?  How could I set examples & signs in place for those special moments in time when everything was in the right place at the right time for the right result?  And, how could you learn book 5 before reading book 3?”

“ This world is learning, it never stops learning.  But I speak of Nature, not man.  For it seems many on this planet have forgotten more than they’ve learned.  Too many young souls spoil your spirit.  They scream and stomp like children in a playpen, but this isn’t a play, that was last week.”


Yes Sir, that is another great story.  A truly learning experience for me & those who played important parts & share as witness to Your Glory.  I can not wait to tell “ The Story of Two Studios” but it’s gonna take a bit to write.  But I know Lord with your help, the words will flow like bubbling water over moss stained rocks.  

You know Sir, I really knew why time in my life took so long to unravel.  It was an answer you gave me about a year ago.  Constantly hounded by others over why I do this & why I did that…you put words in my mouth for me, words I hadn’t thought til that very moment in time.   There’s one maybe two witnesses to this.  When asked why I did & do what I do, my response was, I’m in training.  Training.

Training by experiencing every memory You wanted me to have, so at the right time & place it can be recalled.  And, I must say some lessons are spectacular.

“Yes, special effects are one of My specialties.  Now that you’ve been thru so much, were the memories worth it?  Sure you have good & bad memories, but hopefully those first three memories you can recall are good.  But, you know what, there’s many folks whose first memories are not good.   You have had the luxury of a stable upbringing & decent lifestyle, but so so many others do not.  How bout the memory of being raped at 5 years old, or having bombs destroy your home at 6.  Or how bout extreme hunger at 4 years old, so bad your stomach was the size of a pea. How would you like your first memories to be of murder, watching horrible actions by men butchering men, women, children, for no reason other than blood lust.”

“These are some of your fellow inhabitants today on this planet.  The victims remember the horror, evil men & women create & forget it.  And, the beauty of this life is often the victims of the darkest evils, become the brightest light for Good.  While the evil doers fall into an abyss they can’t climb out of.  That’s the way of the Way.” 

“Time catches all, until it stops its chase.  And the chase doesn’t stop until it catches all the tormentors, manipulators, power lusters & evil doers.  It takes a short time to undo what’s been done over a long time.  Get yourself right with yourself 1st, then those around you, then the Nature around you, then the God that loves you.  So many of you have done this, but there is more work to do before time settles from the chase.”

Yes Lord you’ve proven that have to undo to re-do lesson to me, well almost daily recently.  I see the pain & suffering around me, I see the wealthy & powerful having their way, but it’s not Your Way.  But I know in time You will settle the score & Your judgement is final.  To crush evil & uplift good, that was the task You gave me long, long ago.  There have been many victories & time is unbeaten, so I lay all my words & actions at Your feet…judge me Oh Lord & cleanse me of my sins & failures so I only remember the victories of our battles & the ultimate sacrifice You made for us.

You have brought me this far, do not leave me stranded in time, I know You won’t, experience has taught me that.  I thank You Lord for Your time & I thank You for answering my 1st question.  To answer is simple, I’ve reached a point in this life where watch dial time has no over riding hold on me…I’m on my time, Thank You.

“Of course & as always, you’re welcome…anytime.”


Book of Mark Chapter 9 ✨✝️🕊  🙏🦅🇺🇸  🐝

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