Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thank Givings

It is a shame that often times it takes a loss to realize what you have gained.
We go thru our day to day lives each of us with a different level of thankfulness for that gain.
Do not take those gains for granted, one day they could all go up in flames or wash away in flood.
True they can be replaced, but the memories can not.
How do you replace the fishing pole your son caught his first fish on?
How do you replace your grandmothers’ rocking chair?
How do you replace your daughter’s first real bicycle?
The item is replaceable, the history and memories of times shared with it are not.
What will be remembered is seeing your sons eyes as he caught that fish.
The stories your grandma read you on her lap in that chair.
The pride your daughter felt when she rode that bike for the first time without training wheels.
Remember no matter the material gains, the best rewards in life are those with no material value.
Material possessions do not compare to the rewards of faith, family, and friend.
These are what are most precious in life.
So take a moment to thank those most close to you, for the gains and rewards they provide you in your life are not replaceable.
In the balance sheet of life, the things with most reward, do not have receipts and are impossible to calculate.
Give plenty of hugs, they’re worth more than any ledger sheet, and add up to the best rewards in life.
Cherish your memories…in the end that’s all you’ll take with you.

BAS …;}… June 19th 2008

Romans 7:21 – 8:6

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Chase

We chase today the pleasant goods
We chase away the baddest moods

We keep long for the sweet memories
We weep short the horrible haggard days

We walk in the ways of those most beloved
We run away from those most bemoaned

We think about a better life for all the future
We shrink from the thought of wounds to nurture

We rejoice in the ways of those who’ve heard
We choose to leave those deaf to the Word

We look to the sky and ponder what is to come
We bow to the ground and wonder the life of some

We are many and outnumber the heathens
We are few that slumber thru the seasons

We are what we are and will not be forced to change
We are who they once were as if in an invisible cage

We go now to do the chores and clear the way
We show now how the Words will light our way.

Go in Peace and His bright light will show the way.
Choose to hate and darkness will cloud your way.

BAS …;}…
© 6/14/08 12:50 PM EST

A Sliver of Light

This early morning, I look and see a fading sliver of light, shrouded by clouds from nowhere near. Then the night light becomes clearer, a...