Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Shimmering Light

In the distance I see a shimmering light
Its’ name is Faith and is full of might
The path to this light is twisting and turning
At times its’ stones feel as if burning
You must stay on this path to glory
It is in you to tell a mysterious story
The light shines dim often at times
But even then the beams dance in rhyme
The glow of this beacon guides the weary and lost
It is always there for the caretaker paid a heavy cost

Always strive to follow this glimmer of trust
For your life and soul it is an unquestionable must
At night it shines the brightest and highest
For in the darkness the weak need its’ greatness
Seek and follow the twinkling glimmer of hope
It lives inside a great fortress and helps you cope
To help you navigate the rocks of destruction
And to all of us…it is a promise of salvation.

© BAS ...;}... July 29th, 2008 7:30 AM EST
In His Service, in Her Service & at your service:
Pics, edits…5/2/2023 5:20 AM EST 🐝

1st Thessalonians Chapter 5

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sleep & Dreams

As I sit here and listen to Aerosmiths "Dream On" (one of my favorite all time songs) on one of the local radio stations the following thoughts come to mind:

Sleep is not just your body resting from the days activities. It is an important part of your life and the actions you make every waking day.

When we sleep our mind is open to receive and develop thoughts and ideas that you otherwise would not think of during the clutter of your working day. Our mind does not need rest to the extent our body does. It is in constant motion. Sure it may slow down at times to reenergize a bit but it is always either thinking new thoughts or remembering old ones.

Have you ever woke up with a fresh idea or solution to a problem you’re struggling with? Where do you think this came from? It certainly did not come from a dormant mind. No, on the other hand it came from your mind churning ideas thru the night.

The Lord works in mystical ways as you know. We also dream at night. Many of these dreams we do not consciously remember, but they remain a part of our subconscious memory. He works many times in your thoughts and dreams you have when you sleep. What a better time to place His Wisdom in your inner self, when you will not question it or criticize it.

Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night with an idea of creating something or the possible solution to a problem? Do not waste these moments. Sure I know you’re groggy and tired and say to yourself, “I’ll remember it in the morning.” Fat chance of that, you’ve missed the moment of opportunity God placed in your mind for your consideration. Instead of shrugging it off and going back to sleep, pull yourself up and write the main thought down briefly. When you wake up look at that note and the entire thought will replay itself for you. Often times those are the most important thoughts you may have in your life time so don’t ignore them and waste a possible golden opportunity to better yourself and those around you. Just ask Steven Spielberg who says most of the themes for his books and movies come to him in dreams that wake him in the night, or remembered when he wakes in the morning.

Also, if you fall asleep with the radio or TV on don’t think your mind is not absorbing that sound and it may be enriching you or it is cluttering your mind from receiving and developing the very thoughts our mystical God is trying to convey to you. Silence holds wisdom and useless noise drowns it out.

You may be wondering about nightmares and waking up in cold sweats. Often times when we sweat a lot at night it is our body fighting off and releasing toxins or potential illnesses we may have and not even know it. And sometimes it is the reaction of a dream we may have had.

Dreams and nightmares are the outcome of our minds ability to take us places and experience things we would never really be able to do in our normal day to day existence. I like to think of them as a science fiction movie unfolding in our sleep. If you are a believer and you seek Gods’ Ways then you will probably have pure thoughts in your sleep. If on the other hand you follow the ways of wickedness than guess what, your mind is open to that dark side of thought which will only make you a more wicked and sinful person than you already may be.

Let the wicked have dark thoughts. Their ways will soon be cut short. Do not overly concern yourself with that. Keep pure and holy in thought and the Lord will work His magic not only during your waking hours, but in the peaceful silent times we call sleep.

Sleep, it is an important part of your life. One-third of your hours of life on this planet for the average person. Gods’ plan does not include wasting a third of your life, nor should yours.

Sleep tight, sweet dreams, pure thoughts and remember to say your prayers.
Night Night termite. Your Daddy loves you, see you in the morning for coffee and juice.

(c) BAS July 28th, 2008 10:20 AM EST
In His Service:
Matthew 20 1 thru 16
Jeremiah Chapter 29

Deja-Vu doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been there before,
But rather you’ve dreamt it before.

The Arrow

The arrow pierces the sky
Arching swiftly, its target unknown
A feathers shadow, it can only try
Piercing the heart, no more grown

The arrow pierces the soul
And touches the seed sewn
The blood drips a crimson blue
And no wind can it ever be blown

The arrow pierces to the depth
Of only one mans past
To reach a destiny of death
The bow releases a final fatal cast.

© BAS July 28th, 2008
Proverbs 28

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Random Thoughts

Body sore with yesterdays grind
Heart broken with memories left behind
Thoughts scattered, a tormented mind
Soul confident in glory of the simplest kind
Nightmares often show what next to find
Hands scarred from the copper twine
Muscles ache from time in the mine
Burden heavy like a fattened swine
Spirit uplifted by the gifts of time
Dreams tell me what next to rhyme

I was hungry and sold eggs to a chicken farmer

The size of your customer base is not as important,
as the relationships you have with your customers.

I’d rather have five good customers who give me several referrals
Than 15 customers who only call when they need something fixed.

I was thirsty and sold water at the Hoover Dam

What’s better my 5 customers who witnessed for me to 10 others
Or 15 customers who want everything fixed under warranty.

Do good work at a fair price and your reward will be greater
Than if you do shoddy work at an inflated price.

Selling is like magic, it just happens.

I was barefoot and sold shoes to a shoe salesman.
I was walking and sold a new car to a used car salesman.

We walk together lonely thru a life with many turns
Some on worn out dusty roads, others in shiny new Rolls
But we all travel lost…. until we’re found.

What would a fortune teller tell if the future was already here?
What would a prophet prophesize if tomorrows news was yesterdays passage?
What good is a magician when everyone knows your tricks?
Strive to be a little different, something unique, as we all are.
The world is full of normalcy, what we need is more real fantasy.

© BAS …;}…. July 27th, 2008 2:oo AM EST

A Solid Foundation

What is it you seek, that can not be found?
How much more do you need to see, to know it is real?

Many mysteries confuse the mind.
You need to concentrate on one at a time.

I have many thoughts on world matters, foreign policy, domestic issues,
Crime, punishment, life’s worth, science, history, ancient writings,
Nature, global warming, spiritual atonement and awakening,
Law, medicine, future events, today’s news, yesterday’s failures,
Future glory, Heaven, hell, and the meaning of life.

These are my current thoughts brought to me in my sleep,
To be remembered by me, and delivered as felt necessary.

The Lord has brought destruction to many places and peoples over the ages.
And that “cleansing” continues to this day.
Some of these tragedies are fore told in prophecy.
Some are left a question of purity.

I say if a place is made flat by the Hand of God,
You should think twice about rebuilding it again.
The Word says not to build on shifting sand,
But rather the strength of rock.

A mansion built on a loose foundation
Will one day crumble to its’ rafters.
But a simple brick and mortar house
Built on a strong foundation
Will last the ages.

Why are we so blind not to see
The perils we place in our own path?
They strip the hills of their trees
Build their homes in the valley
And watch rain turn dirt to mud.
Mud that slides through their community
Leaving all a quagmire mess.

And the people say, “Help us rebuild, we will rebuild”
I say replant the trees first or the future will suffer the same fate.
Man can not forever hold back the forces of nature.
To try and do so is to place ones abilities above the Hand of God
For which nothing can withstand.

Do not build on beach and marsh
There are plenty lands more stable to build.
Do not build blind to what is below, above, and around you.
Do not build foolishly, and then ask God why He took your home.

Cities come and people go.
What remains is not the strongest foe,
The richest man or the powerful politician.
But the common people who built on high,
Over a mountains base, a valley below,
Forrest all around, a sky shining and rivers of a bluish green glow.

And the wise builder laughs as he looks down at those below,
Sliding in their mud, drowning in the tide, sinking in the sand.
All the while as he says “I told you so.”

© BAS …;}…. July 27th, 2008 1:45 AM EST

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I have, since a teenager, wrestled with temptation as we all have. And I can honestly tell you I have given in to its lure more times than not in the past thirty or so years.

That being said, there have also been times when I have stared temptation in the eye and put it in its place. This has happened several times in my life, but the following actual experience comes to mind.

I was in my early twenties. I was homeless and searching for a home base. I was in Texas, walking in a middle class subdivision around two or three in the morning. It was a pleasant evening, the moon and stars were out and the temperature was spring like.

As I walked a pack of six stray dogs approached from a distance. They got closer and closer so I prepared for the worst. I had a knife and it was drawn. The dogs had stopped about forty feet away, eyeing me intently. I stared back, and postured myself in a confident stance. A few seconds later the Alpha dog turned away and the others followed. They disappeared into the night and I continued my walk.

Towards the end of the subdivision there was a large field with a lone majestic oak tree in the middle. I was attracted to this site so I walked thru the field to the base of the tree. As I looked up thru its branches I suddenly had a vision of a face midway up the tree. The face, a shadowy outline, was staring back at me and it was an evil stare from an evil face. It sent shivers down my spine and I stepped back from the tree, but the face would not go away. So I kept backing up. At about twenty five feet from the tree I stumbled on a pile of fist sized rocks. I picked myself up off the ground and as I did I picked up two rocks one in each hand. I stood back and threw those rocks at that face one at a time until the whole pile of twenty or so rocks was gone. I was in such a furry of emotion that I hadn’t noticed the face had faded away.

At this point I again approached the tree. Looking thru its branches all I saw was the moon and stars. I fell to the ground at the base of the tree and sleep came over me.

The vision never tempted me in such a way again.

Face your temptations head on and watch as they fade into distant memories.

© Bryan Stross July 26th 2008 8:00 PM EST
Lamentations chapter 5
Job chapter 30
Isaiah chapter 2
Jeremiah chapter 23
Why do we have such a hard time saying no?
None of us are perfect by no means.
None of us can ask all the right questions.
None of us know all the answers to everything.
None of us can see all there is to see.
None of us can hear all there is to hear.
None of us can feel all there is to feel.
But in our want to know, see, hear and feel everything out there,
We take chances, we don’t say no, and we do it anyway.
Unless you are totally criminally insane and have no conscious,
Then you know the potential consequences of your actions.
But yet we still say yes more often than no.
We all have are own issues
The best one to judge us here is ourselves.
No one knows you, better than you.
We all eventually face consequences for our actions.
Call it karma if you want, but the actions you make today,
Will have consequences throughout your life.
What a wonderful thing to know that if your actions are good,
Good consequences will follow and bless you.
And on the flip side if your actions are bad,
They will haunt you to your death.
What lies beyond this physical life,
Depends on the actions you make throughout your life.
So the next time you are faced with a decision to make.
Think of it in the simplest of terms:
Is this good….or is this bad.
Realize the potential consequences, good or bad,
Before you move forward with your decision.
I’m sure if we all do this, we’ll say no
A lot more than we have in the past.
And as the good consequences of our actions pile up,
The bad consequences will fade away.
All it takes is one bad decision
To ruin a life of good decisions.
It takes a lot of good decisions to make up for one bad one.
Realize this and you’ll know that our bad decisions
Can have dire consequences on our lives.
Step back and think about your decisions before you act
A few moments of reflection, may save you years of affliction.

Good tidings and Good decisions to you my friend.

© B.A.S. July 26th, 2008 8:00 PM EST

Matthew Chapter 7, .Matthew. Chapter 13 …;}….


There is much here to consider
Much more waiting to be discovered
What is written has now been said
What needs to be done is just starting its’ doing
What needs to be undone is starting to crack and crumble

This blog seems at times a waste of time.
I have no idea if anyone reads it and it brings no financial gain.
I have much more important things to do.
My sink is full of dishes, my house needs cleaning,
My walls need painting, and I have little money.
I feel as though I write to myself
I do not need to repeat my thoughts just to see them again.
It is however an outlet for my thoughts and my sense is that it is read by many.

Many fools have written and done works of a useless nature.
They profit from the fools who buy into their deceit
I hope and pray my words and works remain faithful and true
For if not I will cut them off and hide them deep in unknown areas.
My words and works are for gaining some level of understanding
Of my thoughts, beliefs, dreams, goals, and aspirations.
If a fool can live a life of luxury spewing words of disgrace
Then why can I not live a life of comfort in His Graces.

This is my dream, to be given a problem, research it,
Investigate it, pray for understanding about it, and formulate a solution
And carry it out to completion, and profit from it.
In this role an advisor, and problem solver
A servant of the Lord and a leader of men.

A wise man told me, “Build your foundation,
Establish your self in your community,
Set your goals, and contribute to society first.
Then you can be in a better position to influence others
Change lives, and enrich the world around you”.

So this I must do. I have my own company,
Just started in 2008. Thru this I hope to pay the bills,
Feed myself, and allow for some charity and good works.
I can not help in the Lords work without food, rest, and
Some level of comfort and pleasure.
Thru this I can help my fellow brothers and sisters best.
To be a rock among the thatch, hidden deep in cover
Waiting to trip the heathen
And to be a part in the Lords foundation.

I declare to you now as I have before
That my life and works are dedicated to making our world
As best as best it can be.
As I await the next discovery, the next message,
The next sign, the next victory, the next path to travel.
All the while waiting the Coming of my King.

A feather in the wind, adrift from the sands of time
Over seas of blue, to lands bountiful and green.

Yours in Peace and Understanding

© B.A.S. July 26th, 2008 7:45 PM EST

2nd Book of John
Revelations chapter 22

God please touch the innocent in suffering
And thru this strength protect their purity.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Half the rewards in life are trusting your instincts
The other half is having the guts to follow them.

I would rather live a poor mans' dream,
Than a politicians' nightmare.

Go with Love and arrive in Peace,
Those that hate will fall on their swords.

Trust not meerly in words from afar,
Analyze the past and current actions.

Keep your past deeds close to your heart,
Lest your future deeds cause attack.

Stay true to your innermost beleifs,
Your outward self will reflect your strength.

Do not be foolish with your wisdom,
It may lead to a false kingdom.

Do not admire the beauty of every woman,
She may be living in a plastic world.

Do not be led astray by another mans' wealth,
He may be living in a plastic world.

Have a pleasant Friday as you ponder these quips.

Good and Great
Life - Long
Famly - Fun.

Love & Peace

(c) BAS July 25th, 2008 8:54 AM EST

Nehemiah Chapters 10, 11 and 12

A Simple Message From A Simple Man

All thru our lives we desire for people to know not just who we are, but what we are.

Doesn’t it make you feel good when someone introduces you by name and includes your title or profession? We work our whole lives to create not only financial substance but a societal ranking for ourselves and our family.

Obviously the higher your ranking the fewer your peers. And it stands to reason that the more “gifts” you have and can offer to society the greater your chance to climb societies ladder. This effort is borne out of determination, education, experience and who you associate with. But, there is one thing that most people don’t consider when they start and navigate their career path.

You can work and study your life away and climb society’s ladder to its’peak and still feel something is missing. Or, you can get about half way up that ladder and just can’t get to the next step. Or, you climb most of the way only to be knocked down time and again to a point where you feel like giving up.

What you must realize is that no matter what you do or how you do it, your faith and belief is the most important part of your journey thru this life. If you are so wrapped up in your career your faith, family and friends will suffer for it. Sure you may drive a Mercedes instead of a Chevy, but your son will miss you at his baseball game as you work late making some kind of deadline.

There is only one deadline that should concern you and that is to accept the Word of God into your life before it is too late and your inner suffering affects your outward attitude and actions.

As I stated we strive for recognition. It is human nature to want to feel good and have people feel good about and around you. When you are known amongst society you are introduced as to your title or profession. So what are you today? That is the question I ask myself this Sunday morning here in Northeast Florida. I ask myself this question because I hear and sense people around me asking, “Who is that?” And some actually have given me titles I certainly am not worthy of.

I have reached a point where the old saying, “actions speak louder than words” has truly hit home with me. Thru the Grace of God, the Love of Christ and the prayers of the faithful my spirit has ventured out into society to do the Lords Will as He guides me on my life journey.

My career is in sound and lighting for entertainment and production purposes. However, my faith controls my overall actions and help enhance my career. I do not seek attention, and I do not like crowds. I do however feel the Lord has directed me to show His Works and what you can do when you believe in His Powers and how they can form your life and enhance the lives of others.

Much of these acts you do as you go along, like feeling your way in the dark. If you are at home and the lights go out you are familiar with your surroundings and you can move around in relative ease. If however you are in a new home, or a friends home and the lights go out you feel lost and vulnerable as you struggle to find your way.

Some of the acts I do I have done before. Many of the places I go I have been before. But what is really cool is when I do something I’ve never done before in a place I’ve never seen before. These are the times I know the Lord is working thru me in what many consider “magical.” It is not magic, it is not an illusion, it is more than that. It is divine intervention and it is one of the greatest achievements you can experience in this life, no matter your rank in society. Trust me, the feelings are awesome.

So I ask myself, who am I? I ask God, what do You want me to be, how can I best serve You in efforts to serve my fellow man? The answers have been something I have searched for my whole life. No matter how low or high, how rich or poor, this question has always been there.

I am nothing more than you, the son or daughter of another son or daughter. I am the son of my father, who is the son of his father. Christ is the Son of God. We are the sons and daughters of men and women. But the beauty of this is we can live our lives striving for the wisdom and perfection that Christ was graced with as the Son of God.

The Bible tells us to live our lives as Christ would live His. This is a tall order and a great challenge with all the carnage, hate and crime surrounding us. But as time goes on the good prevails and the hate fades away. You must trust in God for this deliverance, for if we don’t, it will never come and our world will continue to deteriorate and our children will suffer in a world of hate we can not even conceive of.

So I ask again, who am I? My Lord has directed me to receive, understand and deliver this answer. I am a messenger, a musician and storyteller. A researcher and writer. A seeker and a finder. My mission, if you will, is to help explain the mysteries of the world and the Wisdom of the Word. I do not have, nor will ever claim to have, all the answers you may seek. But I commit to you I will do my best to get the answers if they are unknown to me, within my abilities to do so and the Grace of God to be Blessed with the answers we all seek. I am not the only one, but I am only one.

God has a plan and as part of that plan you need backup supplies, people, and plans in case something unexpected should happen. I am a simple man with a simple message given free will to develop it and share it the best I possibly can.

The Lord will return as the Word has promised. The time of that Return is sealed until that Glorious Day in this worlds’ history. In the meantime we have time to make this the best planet we possibly can before His Return.

When your parents come to visit don’t you spend a lot of time cleaning and preparing for the visit? Of course you do. Well, we must do the same. We want our Lord to be proud of our accomplishments and not angry at our dirt and waste. Look around you and clean up a bit. This is a simple message by a simple man. Take heed to do right and be honest and the message will be easier to understand and accomplish.

Today’s message: Give someone a hug and hold that hug for as long as you want, no matter what others may think or what trivial rules someone has tried to constrain you with.

Mans’ trivial rules are meant to be manipulated and broken if necessary.
Gods’ Holy Commandments are meant to be followed to the letter.

Follow His Path and you will be blessed with His Message.

Gods’ Graces to you and yours always and forever more.

In His service:

© Bryan A. Stross
Original March 24th, 2008
Revised July 25th, 2008
BAS …;}…. Psalm 26

All Faiths

Written several months ago, I thought I would share this again.

Why are we so ignorant and selfish?
These are two attributes I have tried my best to overcome.
Along the way you grow in wisdom and charity.
For if you don’t, you’ve never questioned yourself.

I was baptized a Born Again Christian when I was 14.
Since then the Lord has webbed and flowed thru my life.
More times than not in the past 33 years I had strayed from His Graces.
I always had my commitment, my faith, and never did I ever consider otherwise.

Most of my understandings of The Way come from the Bible.
I have several, all with their own story, and I read everyday, and night.
The Word is stronger in me now than ever in my life.
And thru these graces my eyes have been opened to many splendors.

Many things interest me now, early Christian writings, ancient Bible history,
The saints and their stories, and the mysteries incased in His Words.
Many of these mysteries have been revealed to me thru my studies
Others came to me out of prayer and meditation.
Others just happened in real life, and what a cool memory.

So yesterday I got a library card. With it I can get a wealth of media.
I got four DVD’s checked out for a week…FOR FREE.
As I was leaving I noticed a small novelty shop that had some books.
I went in and looked around and seen some very good material
And the pricing was superb; however I only had about ten bucks.

I spent most of my time in the religious section.
I noticed a hard back Gideon’s and a soft pocket Gideon’s as well.
To my surprise they had price tags on them.
I brought them to assistant and told him these were free texts
And should not be for sale in his store, but given away
He immediately said he would get them to the downtown mission

So I continued my search and found an item for two dollars
It was the Book of Mormon. Copyright 1981.
It is a beautiful blue soft back medium print edition.
I have never read a sentence in the Book of Mormon.
But I knew it was the testimonies of Christ in the Americas.

I always felt this was a true testament of His teaching and revelations.
But in my ignorance to it, I never read it.
In my own knowledge and customs I was selfish of it.
Well I can tell you for two dollars my darkness is now lightened
And my narrow mindedness has been lifted.

I do not feel I need to belong to any one faith or religion.
I am a Christian in All Faiths. In All of Gods Churches I worship.
And in All of Gods Churches I have been welcomed.

If you know your Bible, if you have looked at early writings
Then you must read some of the Book of Mormon.
How blessed we are as a country to know
He was here too, and there are many evidences of the fact.

The Indians have Him in their stories and teachings.
He is the Silver Eagle, the White Buffalo, and the Morning Dove.
He is the Wind, and the Fire, the Sun, Moon, and Stars.
He is the Black Leopard, the Gray Wolf, and the Grizzled Bear.
His Spirit walked with theirs, and thru all the ages they travel.

In your travels please find time to read from the Book of Mormon
Mosiah Chapters 24, 25 and 26. I am sure the story will be familiar to you.
The names and places were changed to protect the innocent.
And if that gets you curious read Moroni chapter 10.
Oh how it will be sweet music to your ears.

God Bless You, Have a safe and happy Friday.
Come on weekend!!!!!

Yours in charity and wisdom:

© B.A.S. 1/11/08 6:30 AM EST
Revised 7/25/08 6:50 AM EST
Matthew Chapter 24 ...;}....

Two Spiders

Last night I went to sleep early, compared too many nights when I am up until well who knows. I woke up at around 4:30 AM and something told me to go outside. So I got up and went to my back door and seen a sight I have never seen before.

I have a pet spider. He spins his web at night outside my backdoor about 12 feet out. There is a large tree with the deck to the right and my yard directly in front with a wooden fence to the left. The spider uses these points to secure his web. He is a smart little critter and I have had the pleasure to observe him for a year or so now. I say he is smart because he spins his web outside the back door where the deck light is. His web is about seven feet from this light so he uses it to his advantage to catch the insects attracted to the light. This morning there were two spiders that had spun two separate webs. I had no idea he had a mate and the two were working together to increase their chances of a morning meal.

I got my digital camera and with the U.S. flag and the half moon as a backdrop I got some awesome shots. I went back in the house after about a half hour to make some coffee. As I poured a cup and went back to the window….the second web was gone and only my pet spider was there.

Had I not woke up and listened to that little voice inside me, I would have never seen this sight. I would not have gotten some great digital pictures and would not have been inspired to write this story.

The whole episode reminded me of an incident from my childhood. I spent my early years with my grandparents in Lawton, Michigan. They had an 80 acre farm with vineyards. The grapes were sold to the local Welch’s (still my favorite jelly) processing facility in town. My grandmother also planted some gardens and one was an asparagus plot. It was maybe 30 rows each about 100’ deep, so it was a good size plot. I love asparagus and I even liked it raw as a kid. One afternoon I found myself in the middle of the asparagus plot picking some choice shoots. My grandmother seen this and freaked and I mean freaked out!! No, she was not upset at me for picking the fresh shoots, what she was upset about was the fact the plot was covered with 100’s of black widow spiders, which I was oblivious to.

My grandmother played this out very well after I thought about it later. She knew those spiders were there and she knew if she said something like,” Get out of there, those spiders can kill you” I would have panicked and fallen into their tangled webs. However she said, “Boy, you get your butt out of my garden right now…and make sure you walk out the same way you walked in.” So, I did as I was instructed and walked up to my grandmother and told her I was sorry for going into the garden. She looked at me and said...” Grandson, look behind you and tell me what you see.” I turned and the angle was such that the sun was highlighting all those hundreds of webs and black spiders. I knew what a black widow was and my knees buckled at the thought of being bitten by several of them. But, what I also noticed was the clear path I had used to walk in and out of the garden. There was not the first web within five feet either side of the path I took. I guess that’s why I did not notice the spiders as I walked into the garden.

The Lord was with me then as He was this morning when I woke. Often times He is that little voice inside you. Listen to it and it could one day save your life or get you some awesome pictures of a double spider’s web.

Have a safe and happy day.

In His Service:

© BAS …;}…. July 25, 2008 5:55 AM EST

1st Chronicles Chapter 17

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Gifts and Emotions

Many times in our lives it takes great tragedy or other life changing events to break us out of our shell, to stir up those emotions held deep inside, to get in touch with our spiritual grace, to reach out and touch the Hand of God.

As I have said most people cry for help when they are in these emotional lows. When all else has failed you in life where do you go, what do you do and to what extent is that “spiritual” side of your being there to help you thru the trials. I have had numerous episodes of grief and despair in my life. Many of those close to me know these stories. Stories that have been a part of me my whole life. Stories that mirror many of your own stories. I call them stories but they are not fictional, they are in fact, fact. And these factual stories have shaped you and those around you in ways you never consider when they happen….but in reflection you eventually realize how much of an important part of your life they were, are and will be.

Three such incidents in my life shook me to the core and released emotions in me that I knew were there, but hadn’t learned to not only understand them but control them. This control is the key. Many people have a talented and gifted spirit dwelling in them. Many have demon spirits controlling their words and actions. But the vast majority of us are pure and wholesome at heart and when these “emotions” hit us our soul comforts us and we eventually come back to reality.

But what happens when a “spirit”, being good or bad, being one or many, is released from its’ shell like a cocoon to a butterfly. Well, depending on the words and actions played out by the spirit thru the movements of the body and the perceptions of the mind, the outcome can be tragic or blessed and heart felt. Those whose spirit moves them to crime (murder, rape, incest, immorality, hate and jealousy) end up dead, in jail or in some way “chained” for their transgressions which were caused by the lack of control of the spirit and demon(s) inside them. On the other hand when the mind is open, the heart is pure and the body is healthy your soul is enriched by the “emotion” and your spirit gains in the experience and memory delivered by the Hand of God, the Love of Christ and the
Holy Ghost moving in the Spirit.

When Stevie Ray Vaughn passed I felt my soul want to crawl in a dark place and weep the torment of my spirit. When my best friend in life and mentor Mike Phillips passed in his prime I was moved to such emotion I could not deliver a proper eulogy. When my wife left for a summer vacation and never came back in 2005 my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit were shaken to such depths I can not begin to describe.

As those who know me will testify on my behalf, all my actions over the past  years although not always understood, were heartfelt and wholesome, with at no time a vision to hurt any one else emotionally or harm physically. On the contrary they will be my witness’s that my reflection was back to the spirit, the enrichment of not only my soul but the soul of any and all I ever came in contact with. To this I am most grateful to the Lord for. For I know the prisons and asylums are full of individuals who lost control of their spirit, logic lapses & emotions take over & they act out in some form of aggression or insanity that causes their incarceration.

We all know about prisons and asylums. But what we don’t all know about is the good that can come out of events in our life we categorize as tragic and life changing. By the Grace of God our creativities, our nature walk, our dealings with our fellow man and our outlook on life changes and we become a changed person that may very well be someone more in kin to the person you always wanted to be and had dreams of since the day you were born. My “episodes” have always resulted in an inner finding and an outward searching to understand this power inside me that controls your thoughts, your words and your actions. I become much more creative in art, music and word. I am closer to nature and the animal kingdom than even my dreams hinted at thru my life.

And now, now, I have reached deep for the “magic” my spirit offers me. I perceive and understand things I never even considered before. I am doing things physically I seen in my past in fleeting shots of glory…but now they are constant and consistent.

The Lord has blessed me in ways that are worth more than any amount of money in any bank account. For I know that if I lose it all…I will always have the gift of the Sprit my Lord has touched me with…and finally…finally…showed me how to control it and use it to teach others His Ways so one day we will all walk and talk like He would’ve and how He expects us to walk and talk. Now and in the future.

Over the past years I have done my homework. I have not spent time reading “mans” word but rather Gods’ Word. I have watched endless hours of spiritual, nature and educational shows on TV. I have listened to 1000’s of hours of various types of music and I have prayed….Oh Lord how I’ve prayed…for the deliverance of this enrichment in the ultimate goal to help my fellow man and serve my Master and Lord.

I am there…I have never been more in touch and in tune with this “gift” than ever before in my life, but I sense there’s so much more to learn, share & experience to continue reaching for my dreams.  It is so cool at times I amaze my self, but I smile & thank the Lord for the moment.  When time & nature come together & the “magic” truly happens…I reflect and thank my God for I know without the guidance of the Spirit and the Love of Christ and the prayers of the faithful…none of this would be possible and therefore would never happen.

Thank God this “gift” has not been wasted, cut down, left uncontrolled, or taken by itself. It is a wonderful time in our history to learn, understand, use and teach these “gifts” that are in you just like they are in me. Oh people if only you could experience it on a consistent basis for even one day…your life would never be the same again.

I pray you are blessed to find it…it is the greatest gift you will ever receive…for once opened it is cherished, never forgotten and held close to the heart.

Go in Peace and those that hate will fade into the abyss. Much Love and Happiness especially to all the mothers out there. You pain in our birth, so we can ease that pain thru out our lives. Make your mother proud…she is an important part of your climb thru this life and onto the Heavens. May His blessings be your blessings now and forever more. With Love & Peace…..Bryan 🐝


What are we waiting for? What are we looking for?
It seems we are all hanging on to the thought…
That something will happen to reveal what we have hoped for.
Spiritual enrichment is now a billion dollar industry.
A new movie about alien invasion grosses 100 million dollars in 6 days.
Most of us are intrigued by the afterlife or simply numb to its existence.
Is it mere dribble, or fact that supernatural forces exist?
We are fast approaching a society where almost everything to be known is.
When that happens I can’t help but feel many will say,
“The evidence was there all the time, why didn’t we see it?”
I can tell you why.......we were not supposed to see it, until we earned it.
Until then keep waiting and looking, it is all there for the solving.

(c) BAS 7/24/08 6:30 PM EST
...;}.... Matthew 7:24 - 7:27

TheTruth of the Past

As we walk along our muddled past
We find history molded as if in a cast.

Often times we stop and wonder
Do we really have the right to plunder?

As we should, for however wrong it certainly may seem
It appears a divine right, that makes us gleam.

However, we must be careful, for what takes seconds to take
May take nature years to make.

So hold back not a single thing
For one day we’ll know what made others sing.

Leave no stone unturned
Only then will we know when the first fire burned.

Now in our feast for glory
We’ll soon know the whole story.

The waters are still to be searched
The desserts were not always so parched.

Keep striving for your goals
The earth has many folds.

And always remember the truest truth
Often is revealed with the slightest proof.
We hold the keys to Pandora’s box
All that is missing is the lock.

And never forget the moon and stars
Are the heavens battle scars.

Hold tight to all you dream
It is in these you’ll find a seam.

Words are fine to read
But what really makes a mind bleed

Is some tangible, unmistakable proof
That makes us all share the same truth.

And once found it will forever last
For it is always there, the truth of the past.

(c) Bryan Stross Date Unknown

Message From Darrell

I was killed because of another’s words
Left here on stage, my blood drained
Why oh why go this way?
No final words given or could I say
Over in a flash from the corner of my eye
What drives people to make others die?
Is it really possible that mere words
That may not even be true chords
Have led to my death and even sadder
This insane blood shed took three others
Now you know why I never liked crowds
Now you know my deepest scariest nightmare
My nightmare unfortunately came true
I hope in the night, you don’t have such thoughts
And that only sweet dreams you have
Under skies of blue
Goodbye for now my friends
Your journeys are just beginning
My life journey reached a tragic ending
My spirit journey touched and moved
By the tears of so many who cried
One more now I see, with tears in his eyes
Years later he heard the story
This guy didn’t even know me
Or our music, or our struggles
And yet here he is, an outlet I needed
To share some words I couldn’t
Carry on dude and if you ever need to talk
Here’s a dime. 🐝

Dedicated to Dimebag Darrell and those who suffered
a tragic and senseless death on stage in December 2004

    Psalm 68 🪶😎🇺🇸✝️ 


In days of old healing was more of an art than a science.
In today’s world we have the power to do wonderful marvels.
Doctors that save lives every day are living proof man can perform miracles.
I can not begin to name all the recent breakthroughs in medicine today that have increased our standard of living, eased our pains, prolonged our lives, spared the grief of others and done so as if touched by the Hand of God.

Our health as a country depends on our ability to continue these marvels and make it reasonable to suspect that an average American family can enjoy the gifts God has given to the healers of the world to make this life as best as it can be.

At no time in history have we been so close to truly experiencing Heaven on Earth.
This Earth has many faults, but if we can do so many wonderful things, than surely we can overcome this madness around us. We have them outnumbered by the millions; we just don’t make the news like they do.

My experience with the medical field is very minor in a formal sense. But I have certain thoughts on things that have never been discussed, at least that I know of, in a public forum. Some of these topics are controversial, but only from the standpoint that certain individuals make it so. In short I will state there is a link between our physical body’s ability to heal and our spiritual realities ability to heal. One can not live (or fully heal) without the other.

Our society is the best in the world. Our root beliefs and strengths are superior to all.
This is the promised land God has ordained, in addition to Israel. I look at the USA as the work place and the play ground so to speak. I look at Jerusalem as the Holy Ground and Church proper. So many people in the world know this, but nobody campaigns for it. Why do you think so many in this world hate us as a country? This hate is founded in jealousy. The jealousy and envy that has haunted their kind for generations. They do not have the power to heal like we do, among other blessings God has granted this country and its’ people.

So, let’s use this strength to our advantage. We need fair health care, not run by the government. We need affordable medicines and doctor care. I am familiar with the life styles and excesses of the medical industry. It is time this waste at the poor mans expense stops. More than half of what we pay for is not for the medicine or the doctor care or the hospital room. Our doctors and facilities deserve to be paid well for what they do. But the industry as a whole, including the insurance and pharmaceutical companies have expense accounts that boggle the mind and we pay for that. That has to change first or we will never get this under control.

It’s time we go on offense America. We’ve been playing defense to long. Look around you and help make this a better place. Your neighbor and your God will appreciate it.
Have faith in the Lord…and your over all healing will come naturally, with the help of a blessed medical society when needed.
In His Service:

Bryan A. Stross
July 24th, 2008 1:00 PM EST
© BAS …;}….
Romans Chapter 14
1st Corinthians Chapters 12 thru 14

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Rainless Rainbow

How long Lord must I suffer in these chains?
I have committed many sins, but no heathen crimes.
I know that it is Your way of making me humble.
I feel as though for this I have been framed.
I sit and stare so often alone, wondering what’s to come
All the while thinking of the next rhyme
I steady my feet as I try not to stumble
And ask what comes after the storm has rained?
I live a simple life in an average home
I have dreams of better things but am grateful for Your blessings
What will be I can not change, I learned long ago
But even now my heart sinks in pain
My mind tormented with what could have been
As my soul comforts me to see a distant end
I saw a rainbow Saturday afternoon
There was just a slight hint of rain
A thunder cloud blighted out the sun
It was setting in the horizon
A patch of sky was left untouched.
And in this sunshine of glory I thought of the promise
The sky had a rainbow without a beginning or an end
It started in one side of heaven, and ended on the other.
Purple and orange, yellow and red, no words needed to be said
I wondered how many others had taken the time
To look up and see the wonder of a rainless rainbow.
These are the moments most special to me
And for that short moment in time
My dreams seemed to come true
And the chains were released from my spirit.

In His Service

© Bryan Stross

July 23, 2008 5:20 AM EST

Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Do's & Dont's

What is it that we do?
What is it that we don’t?
It seems we would rather wallow in dirt
How we are uncaring although the hurt
Our morals have been to long in the garbage
Not to feel it, but to only see the carnage
Display a word or picture of hate
Only to outweigh a volume of what is great
How sad in life we hear the twisted stories
And in death we learn of the true glory
Not many have graced this world of despair
With love and tenderness, someone does care
Why can’t the hate mongers be the ones taken away
Instead of the cherished, gone before their last say
Moreover to live amongst the stiff
And still be blessed with loves special gift
What is it that we do, we encourage the external dirt
What is it that we don’t, embrace those with eternal hurt
Let us live for the day when a picture of giving
Is more wanted than a picture of grieving.

In His Service:

© Bryan A. Stross July 23, 2008 5:00 AM EST

Wish You Were Here

God Bless and Protect you and all your travels

The Book of Job

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Moving In The Spirit

As you may have read in previous posts I have said that one of the greatest gifts from God is to reach a point where your heart, mind, body, soul and spirit act as one. We all have a spirit within us. We all in our lifetime have been moved by this spirit.

Some have received it in fleeting moments they probably don’t even remember consciously. Others remember it and question where it came from. Some have experienced it and longed for its return. Others have experienced it, cherished it and retained it.

I feel I first got in touch with mine as a very young boy on my grandparents farm in South West Michigan. There were times I would go for long walks down the dirt road to the vineyard and beyond to the forest that bordered the farm. I remember I would walk thru the forest and wonder at the majesty of it all. I would hear the birds sing their songs. I would see the rabbit and deer play thru the trees. I would enjoy the beauty of the flowers and I would breathe and take in the fullness of the fresh air and natures aromas. I was comfortable and unafraid, even at the young age of five. Of course I was too young to categorize this as a special time in my life that developed my character, my memories and yes my spirit.

Thru the years I have experienced many such episodes, as I’m sure you have. These moments in time are special and whether you remember them or not they are a part of your life that God placed in front of you in an effort to shape and mold you into a child of His Grace and an adult of His Wisdom.

A long time ago I heard on an educational TV program that the average person uses only 5% of their brain capacity. Geniuses such as Einstein used maybe 7% as the program explained. I didn’t question this but I always wondered what the other 95% was there for.

Well, I feel I have been blessed with a possible answer for your consideration. When the first computers were developed one of the biggest problems was storage capacity to file away all the “stuff” we create, download, or use to manage and utilize the many programs we use on a daily basis. I feel our brain is the same way. The other 95% (or a major part of it) is storage. Our memories from the time we were born to the present day.

Maybe you’ve been told that when we pass our life is played back to us in an instant. All your good deeds and yes all the bad one too. Where does this life history live? In that other 95% of our brain science says we do not use. We do use it. It is everything we’ve ever learned, every song we’ve heard, every experience we’ve lived, every pain we have suffered, every thing you have seen, heard, smelled and touched. They are all remembered the key is in the skill of recall and utilization.

Moving in the spirit captures these memories and utilizes them to create that specific moment in time you experience when blessed with the revelation of the heart, mind, body, soul and spirit. The more you can capture these treasures in time, the more you will feel the spirit moving you and guiding you along your path. Also, many people retain these memories and recall them more easily than others. Remember those kids in school who could read something one time and pass a pop quiz the next day no problem, while many others failed and had to reread it several times. This is a major factor of our intellect and ability to analyze and problem solve.

Your destiny may already be chosen for you, but your lasting legacy is created and remembered by you and those you have touched in some way in your lifetime. Remember your words and actions are not only in your “memory storage” but in the memories of those individuals you have contacted in this life time as well.

God created a masterful machine which is you. Not only in His image but with some of His abilities as well. I hope you experience these abilities in your lifetime. They are special and they are a part of you no one else has. You are a unique individual but we are all Gods’ children. Remember this and I am sure your life will be enriched and your soul will be blessed with the movements of the spirit inside you which is in part the embodiment of everything you’ve ever experienced in your lifetime.

We glory in our achievements and good fortune.
We learn from our disappointments and struggles.

In His Service:

© BAS …;}….
July 22nd, 2008 8:30 AM
Matthew Chapter 19
1st John 4:4

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This World Is Not Alone...Revised

This world is not alone. This world is not unique. There are other worlds that started as ours did, however they remained pure and are still a Garden of Eden. There are other worlds whose fate has been sealed. They are dark and void of life. The soil is poisoned with death, the air moves more like a heavy metal mist and there is no water left. Then there are worlds like ours. In transition, forming, destroying what is created and creating to keep hope alive.

We are past being like we were, but we can change how we become. Our goal should be to avoid the lifeless void at all costs and try to return this Earth as we found it, as close to Eden as possible. The Lord will never come to save us, He’s already done that. This day we must first save ourselves. He will only make his Glorious Second Coming under one of two conditions. We ruin His Garden so terribly that He finishes the destruction and turns the soil inside out and the air upside down. Or we improve the damage that has already been done and make it as blissful as possible. He will then return to tell us what good gardeners we’ve become.

Think of it this way; if you wake up in the middle of a deep sleep would you rather be on the highway to hell or barefoot on the garden stones of a beautiful path to heaven. Do you think in your infancy your dreams were of concrete and steel, or trees and flowers? We are born with memories of the Garden, we are poisoned by another mans pollution. Do you think all you have to offer has already been given? Do you think you are all used up and forgotten? Well, you will never be weak if in Faith you are strong. You will never die, if you are born again.

This place we call Earth has been before and will be again, it is just waiting to see if we make it as hell, or heaven. When all is said and done the heart controls the mind. Do not let your temptations spoil all your creations. Do not let your creations, be to others a temptation. Do not let the spoils of war become your treasure chest. For it is far better to be honest with what you plunder, than selfish with another mans treasure.

When all is lost and you can’t find your way, close your eyes and pray, in darkness you’ll see the brightest lights. If footsteps were left on the sand, He must have held back the tide. I reached up to touch the Hand of God, and realized there was an arm attached.
A healthy mind can live in a wretched body. But a wretched mind will spoil the health of every body. The Lord works in often misunderstood and unknown ways. But I can tell you as fact that many of these works weave thru your dreams and inspire you to wisdom and grace. These are the gifts before you to uncover and understand.
I wish you all the peace and prosperity you can inspire and achieve in this world. I hope you have peaceful dreams and restful nights instead of tormented thoughts of a broken heart. Remember, you are not alone in your journey…it just often feels that way.

Many dreams create a single reality. ………Always remember and never forget that Déjà Vu doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been there before…but rather that you have dreamt it before. Always remember and never forget that Déjà Vu doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been there before…but rather that you have dreamt it before.

In His Service:

(c) BAS 7/7/08 ...;}....

Hebrews Chapter Nine....

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

Somethings to consider this great American Holiday:

Every living soul in this world has an opinion on something of life’s importance.
This opinion is paramount to all their other beliefs they have of worldly matters.

Everyone believes they are the good guy and someone else is the bad guy.
We Americans feel we are the good guys and terrorist, tyrants & dictators are the bad guys.
They feel they are the good guys, and we are the bad guys & want nothing more than our destruction.

Well, someone has to be right, and someone has to be wrong, there is no middle ground in life’s war.
We Americans will stack our good deeds we have done as a country thru history with any other county in the world…. period. Let history speak for itself…it is our best witness.

At the same time, it would only be fair to stack the other side of the scale with our bad deeds thru history. When this is done (in your opinion) how is the scale tilted?
Be fair and search thru our history as a country…our scale is heavy beyond measure with our good deeds. So much so the bad deeds are cast into oblivion like a 300-pound man on one side of teeter totter and a newborn child on the other…oh wait a minute some moron already tried that on YouTube. You get my opinion.

Now let’s look at tyrannies scale. I don’t see anything of value on the good side and the bad side is so burdened it tilts the whole scale over in disgust and deceit.

Every living soul in this world has an opinion on something related to their life’s existence.
What is yours? I hope it is based on fact, wisdom and faith…not lies, stupidity & hate.

God has blessed America…it is up to us to cherish and enhance this blessing.
May the safety and pride of Our Lord and Savior be with our troops & all those in the struggle for Freedom today and throughout history, as it has been and will forever be.

We as Americans in Faith strive to do what is right. It may not always work out, but we will continue to believe our country is the best in the world regardless of the opinions of others. That is what makes us what we are, even when we face struggles of economy and death thru ignorance & war. The strong will survive and we have a strong foundation as a country.

But we must be careful our greatest adversary is not from within our own borders.  We see today in 2023 the rot corruption in government causes.  Years past it was easy to share the guilt among the ranks…but today it starts at the very top & has trickled down to the minions that eat fruits they think are sweet but are sour & spoiled onions. 

We see the efforts corruption goes to mask its lies.  But in the end…the truth will prevail.  We have no choice but for truth to reign; the alternative is a continually divided country with American values destroyed.

This is the outcome the deceitful distractors in today's politics & media wants.  To shrink the elites to their chosen few, while a serf style economy of socialism (& be happy about it) is instituted over time…which started years ago by the way.

Don’t let this continue America.  Vote out these corrupt leaders & put this country back on the track we are destined to live, share & defend.

Have a safe and patriotic Fourth of July 2023
Remember the words of our founding fathers on this Independence Day:
“We the People hold certain rights and privileges…In God We Trust, and forever will!”

I hope you have good guys in your dreams…who else would there be to beat up the bad guys of your nightmares. Say a prayer for the good guys…they serve a greater good in the Glory of our One True God.

In His Service:

BAS …;} ... July 4th, 2008, 7:45PM EST. 🇺🇸
Post Edits & Pics 7/4/2023 5:00 PM EST 🐝

A Sliver of Light

This early morning, I look and see a fading sliver of light, shrouded by clouds from nowhere near. Then the night light becomes clearer, a...