Monday, May 14, 2018

When Your Body Is Sore - Repost

Been a bit out of my comfort zone lately, the will to write is there, but the words do not come easy.
I have been wanting to reach out to those who feel life has somehow short changed them.  Please know that you have the power to rise up and realize your full potential, but you must take that first step.

In 2009 I published one post.  It was at a time in my life when I was in the throws of a deep depression that had me caged and trapped into thoughts of worthlessness and despair.  Perhaps you have been there yourself or know someone who has been or is dealing with depression.  It is the most widely diagnosed and medicated symptom in our country; strange how in a country with so much potential and greatness we struggle to remain positive.

It can take weeks, months or even years to turn the tables on depression.  What do you struggle with today?  Do you know someone who may be on the edge?  If you are struggling, please know you are not alone in your struggle.  If you know someone who is depressed sometimes all it takes is a kind word to get them through another day.  Be that kind word and rely on prayer and His Words to provide comfort.

I have over 200 postings on this blog, but this one is the one I have shared the most.  I hope that it brings some comfort to those in need, to know there is always a friend to listen and always a way to climb out of the ashes of despair and soar to your potential as a child of God. 

Special prayers to those that need to change their outlook on life from sadness to happiness.  Depression is one more tool satan uses to bring us down.  Don’t let him win, don’t let his downfall be your downfall…misery loves company…and satan does his best to mask his loneliness by creating misery all around and wherever he can…even in our minds…don’t let him win.  Strive for the good things in life and put his divisive confusing distractions behind you as you move forward towards healing.

I hope this re-post helps you or someone you may know.  The words are meant to comfort, console and uplift a broken spirit…if this post, or any others accomplish that, then all the glory to God.

“When Your Body Is Sore”
When your body is sore
It is your mind that will ease the pain
When your mind is clouded
It is your heart that will clear your thoughts
When your heart is broken
It is your soul that will put the pieces back together
When your soul is tormented
It is your spirit that will overcome the torture
When your spirit is lost
It is God that will find it

Your body and spirit are connected in these ways
The body is the physical outcome of your mind
The mind is the thoughts of the heart
The heart is the feelings of the soul
Your spirit is the movements of the soul
Trust in your feelings they are messages from your spirit.
Realize your potential; it is the strength of your soul
The heart beats to feed the mind
And your mind creates what your body feels.
All are connected in ways we don’t always understand
But rest assured when the body and spirit act as one
There is nothing that can’t be overcome.

We all live for the day; when our spirit drives our heart and soul
When our mind and body react to the feelings of the spirit
I believe in the mysteries of what makes us what we are
To not believe is to not have the answer,
You were meant to discover.
Trust in your spirit it was meant to guide you
Believe in yourself; you are the greatest gift to have
Be of healthy body and sound mind
And your heart will beat the strength of your soul

Your spirit has lived forever
It knows things you will never know
Listen to your inner thoughts
They will not deceive you
Feel the power of your soul
It will strengthen your heart
We all live to find some inner peace within us
I hope you find yours; for it is what you were created to do
To be in harmony with your spirit is the greatest gift from God
But you must work at it and trust in it
Many before us have been successful
And many around us have found it
In your busy day, find time to nourish your soul
And your spirit will one day soar
As if you had wings of an angel.

© Bryan A. Stross 2009

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Cali & other thoughts

Been a crazy week and I have a lot going on in my personal life that I could talk about….but this blog is not about me.  I use personal experiences to better illustrate cause and effect and as a learning tool, but this blog is first and foremost dedicated to making the world around all of us a bit better.  Things going on in my personal life right now can certainly be used as learning tools to better our world.  But there are so many other priorities right now….my personal life issues can wait and work themselves out.

I went to bed last night knowing I would write for the first time in a while this morning.  I read a couple articles last night, one really upset me and the other puzzled me.  So I decided to sleep on it and see what fresh insights I might have in the morning. 

So it appears that Jerry Brown and his merry gang of liberals have pushed a bill through the first steps of becoming a law in California that basically bans the Bible and religious teachings on the grounds it is intolerable and offensive to the LGBPDQXYZ community.  Really….Really.  Jerry you have been and continue to flirt with disaster.  Major portions of your state teeter on the brink of destruction and you want to test the hand and fate of God.  Mercy and prayers to the righteous that may be caught up in this, but the minute your leaders replace the wisdom of God with their own version of wisdom…they are soon the fool.  Californians, what more do you need to see than fire, flood, storm and slide to realize the wrath of God is already bearing down on your fine state.  You have an immigrant and homeless explosion you cannot control because of many of your leaders own foolish ways.  At this time I have nothing more to say than that if this bill becomes law…a big chunk of the state will suffer.  

Those that feel their God given right to religious freedoms (the one thing California used to stand for years ago) are being trampled, they will leave the state to its own divisive and sinful ways, setting the stage for the land to become ocean and the ocean to become land, for the air to be turned inside out and the earth upside down.  A greater catastrophe awaits California that modern earth has never seen, should the ignorance of man prevail over the law of God.             

With freedom comes responsibility and the discipline to not abuse those freedoms for selfish gain.  I am not trying to judge anyone here, but when faced with abiding by mans contrived and trivial laws or following God’s wisdom and laws, the choice to follow the teachings of God will always prevail with me.  California is fast approaching some vision their leaders have of a free and open society.  They are bolstered in their beliefs by the minions who surround them and the people who continue to vote them into office.  They have no thought for the future, only the now, for they lack the wisdom of the ages which teaches us to learn from your past, absorb your present and prepare for the future.  California is crumbling financially and again if smarter heads don’t prevail, major portions will crumble into the sea.

There….that is what the Lord put on my heart this morning and I can’t say it any plainer than that.

Second thought, many people feel this earth has to succumb to some kind of zombie apocalypse and other nasty ordeals before becoming the utopia we all dream about.  I question that… and here’s why.  Much of the Bible is history, much is about the future from the eyes of the prophets, but very, very little actually pertains to today, this exact moment in time.  I say that because in the 1000’s of pages in the Bible I challenge anyone to point to a prophecy that is about today….right now this moment today.  Truth is no one can.  For every point there is a counter point and the argument continues and this only adds to the confusion.  It is written that way on purpose, why, because we have choice.  The Bible is the physical embodiment of our faith.  Since we have choice and no one knows what choices they may make tomorrow, the Bible covers all its bases.  The wisdom of the Bible covers all possibilities, expectations, uncertainties and realities.  Putting these in the context of the choices man has made on this planet since the beginning of existence and the resulting outcomes, you can see where separating the has been, from the has yet to be, is difficult.

So in that regard, the other article I read was on Bible prophecy and how it relates to today.  Much of the article talked about Syria and its capital Damascus.  It made great effort on several occasions to say that the future destruction of Damascus was prophesized and is eminent with the current state of affairs over there.  That once this happens, the flood gates would open for the trials and tribulations referenced in Revelations and many other books in the Bible.  What puzzled me, especially after doing a little research, is that Damascus has already been destroyed and rebuilt a couple times in its history.  In times past its people were enslaved, beheaded, and displaced.  I am not saying that Damascus may or may not be destroyed again, but what I am saying is that maybe the prophecy in Isiah 17:1 the article speaks about already happened, twice even.

I have no doubt that our world stage is set for a dramatic act.  What that act is and who is involved and to what degree has yet to unfold and be determined.  But many of the players are already at the table, having horderves if you will, while the rest of the cast assembles in the green room. 
What part do you play in the future of your world?  Do you think that you are too insignificant to make a difference, if so than you have been assimilated into thinking that way.  It is so much easier for your enemy to defeat you when you think like the masses.  Be original and keep them guessing, it will help you survive another day. 

Chase your dreams, provided they are wholesome, if not….chase them away.

So what’s the point to all this?  Well it’s quite simple…don’t be fooled by foolish leaders.  Say what you want about freedom, but I will close with this:

Freedom does not give you the right to trample on another man’s freedoms, when those freedoms conflict, the Word and Law of God should and will prevail.
Freedom is earned through hardships and deserves proper respect.  Freedom is not to be taken lightly or it loses all respect.
Freedom can set you free or chain you down.  Freedom…men strive for it and the damned crave it.

Freedom…a beacon of light on a stormy night.  Thank God our nation is founded on the basic principles of freedom.  As a society we must remember what we’ve learned and continue to earn the respect of those who fought for the freedoms we all enjoy today…don’t abuse them…or you may find a modern day Damascus unfolding along the fault lines of California.

Have a Blessed Day and pray for our leaders, theologians and fellow believers.
Psalm 37...2nd Kings 6...2nd Peter 3  

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