Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Rumor of Murder

Murder has been around since Cain killed Able out of jealousy (Genesis Chapter 4).  But rumors have been around even longer…since the serpent deceived Adam & Eve (Genesis Chapter 3).  So, if you’re ever asked what came first…rumors or murder…you know the answer.  But really, they are the same.

Wait, what…how can murder be the same as rumors?  Well, according to scriptures they are.  In Romans Chapter 1 versus 28-32, the Apostle Paul includes gossip, slander, & deceit in the same context as murder & all other manner of evil wickedness, verse 32 says all these deserve death.  In the eyes of God, sin is sin, no matter the level of evil we put on it.  In our world perjury might get you five years but murder results in a life sentence.  But spreading falsehoods & murder both result in spiritual deaths according to scriptures.

So how does that make you feel Ms. Busybody with all your false gossip?  How does it make you feel race baiters?  How does it make you feel, liars.  You are all just as guilty as a murderer.

These are hard statements for many to understand, so let me make it easier for you.  For example, your dream job is finally going to happen, you’ve worked hard, paid your dues & now you are about to be awarded the position of CEO of a large corporation.  You stand to make millions of dollars & provide a life for yourself & your family you didn’t think possible, but it’s about to come true.  On the day of the promotion & announcement, you find out it has been cancelled.  Apparently, there’s a story floating around that you made unsavory comments and sexual advances on a coworker…ten years ago!!!  The rumor is false, but the damage is done, you don’t get the promotion…but guess who does…the guy that started the rumor.  See how that works…a rumor just killed that man, maybe not physically, but his dreams are dashed & his hope in the future diminished to a point he becomes an alcoholic and dies at an early age of liver failure.  Think I made that story up?  Well, you’d be wrong about that.

Here's an even easier one, for you youngsters out there.  You are a girl in high school, have a crush on a boy and he’s asked you to the school dance.  You are so excited, but three days before the dance he changes his mind.  Apparently, a rumors going around that puts you in a not so flattering light.  Your friend’s distance themselves from you and you skip the dance, and you find yourself alone, an outcast because of rumors started by who?  The girl that went to the dance with your crush, but you’re the one crushed emotionally & as things get worse & spiral out of control…you kill yourself.   

Now I ask you…when is a rumor equal to murder?  In our world it is when jealousy, hate, envy, greed, and power lust make people do & say things that impact others in sometimes severe ways.  No one charges the coworker or high schooler with murder, no one knows they were the root of the deception, but the results are two dead people.  Think I made that up, well you’d be wrong about that too.

Family matters are even worse.  People will tell lies that can split families in two, separating families and causing great emotional distress, all for selfish reasons.  What is the result...satan wins again as he inserts deception into an otherwise peaceful family.  In the corporate world, financial rumors can be a boom or bust.  In the political world, lives are slandered, races are won & lost by the false lips of chatter, spread by a world wide web of deceit.  We have very recent examples of that, need I say more!!!

So, to all you rumor starters & deceivers out there (media included) know your deeds are not unnoticed, just as the murderer faces trial, so will you…it just might not be in a courtroom you’re used to.

And if you hear an unsubstantiated rumor, don’t repeat it, ask the serpent for some proof, before you bite from that apple, otherwise your life may never be the same.  

Be Honest, Be Truthful & Be Loved.

Bryan A. Stross 11/28/2023 6:05 PM EST 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

A Plural Personality

Not sure how many folks may read this, but I know there are at least 14 who will…& that’s a good thing.  It’s a very lonely & frustrating feeling to know at times that no one cares & no one listens.  I get it, we’re all wrapped up in our day-to-night world & we do what we do to make it by.  But then we begin to wonder at some point in our lives, what is important, what are our individual lives culminating to be?

Unfortunately, our world today has drifted more towards individualism which erodes a stable community.  Lone wolves & untamed stallions wreak havoc on peaceful pastures.  The same is true in any society.  We all have our dreams & aspirations.  I ask you…are yours of you, or of them?  Are your goals for selfish gain or worldly wealth?  You cannot have it both ways, but you can gain yourself while making the world wealthier.  Should that not be all our dreams…to make the world better than we found it & in so doing enrich ourselves in ways that money & possession has no equal or claim. 

It is hard to explain to those clouded in confusion.  But to those of you that are searching & have seen the subtle clues along your life’s journey & to those that have found the hidden treasure buried deep within yourself, we owe it to those who are lost…but have not given up hope or faith.  We are obligated to share the trinkets of knowledge we’ve uncovered, or this world will never know true wisdom & love.

Last week in Church Pastor Garrett said he knew everyone had at least one thing in their lives they would like to change.  One thing, at least, that you need to pray & work on to be a better person for yourself & those around you.  I have a couple of not so healthy habits, but that is not what I struggle with most in my individual quest of developing into a better person…physically, intellectually & spiritually.  You see, it starts there…right there…with you & only you.  What can you do personally that will help the world around you be a better place.  For some it is basic & simple, for others it can be complex & confusing.

I don’t know your situation or what you would choose to make better in your life, but for me it is very easy to identify.  The one thing I pray every day for (often more than once) is controlling my temper.  It is interesting how the Lord can help you in your efforts if you are faithful & sincere.  A couple of days ago I looked at a sign that said DANGER…for the first time though I read between the letters of that word and what resides there…. ANGER.  Just a subtle reminder.  I saw that “sign” and thanked God for that little jab…now when I get upset over some trivial matter…I think of those words & how letting your anger get the better of you can lead to dangers for yourself & those around you.

This also brought thoughts to me of why myself & so many folks have these shifts in personality at times that make us unrecognizable to others & even ourselves in reflection.  If you are one of the fourteen folks who visit this blog regularly you know my past…if you are new to it, well my past is scattered all thru the messages of this blog.  But to save you some time what I’m referring to is my own struggles through my life to not only control my temper, which affects how people perceive me, but also to stay positive even when in negative situations.  Well, in my defense mankind & science, which does its unholy best to diminish spirituality, has provided me with an excuse for my sometimes-angry behavior & shifting plural personalities.

You see, I was born on April 20th…I do not believe in horoscopes & such, but curiosity gets all of us at times.  So, if you know a bit about astrology then you know that is the “cusp” of Aries & Taurus, or the end of one & the beginning of another.  The pagan sky watchers believe that if your birthdate is on a cusp….you have traits of both.  As I said, mankind & science in its infinite stupidity, has given me the excuse I need to spit in its face…once again.  

Here are some of the “traits” pagans believe: Aries, the ram, uses skill to climb sheer mountain walls…Taurus, the bull, uses strength to go thru the mountain.  Spiritually the ram is a provider, the bull is a protector.  Aries thinks things thru, Taurus just tramples the trail.  So, when someone questions my words or actions, they have already provided me with a built in excuse…according to the stars anyway, I’m a little of both.  But I don’t need the stars to tell me that & it’s no defense for hateful words & dangerous deeds.

I am not a ram or a bull…I am a living person, just as you are & together even thru our shifting times, we can make ourselves better individually which leads to personal growth & happiness, which leads to a better you and a better world for all of us.  

This is my cherished dream of individual worth with shared love & understanding for all, in a civil & moral nation & world environment.  In God We Trust. ✨

Bryan A. Stross 11/25/2023  9:11 AM EST 🐝

Romans Chapter 13: 8-14 Written by the Apostle Paul to the Roman Church in the year 57 A.D.

Romans 13:12… “The night is nearly over; the day is almost here.  So let us put aside the deeds of darkness & put on the armor of light.”  AMEN.   

P.S.  Please forgive me for my occasional bursts of temper…it’s hard to be a bull and climb a mountain…but I promise you when I get there….I’ll share the view. πŸͺΆπŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ✝️

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Oh Megan, What Have You Done?

What do we have to gain if God does not exist?  On the contrary, we have everything to lose.

Just this week Megan Rapinoe, the United States female soccer super star, said after a tore achilleas tendon, six minutes into her final game in the USWSL championship game, ended her retirement party prematurely…quote,” I’m not a religious person or anything and if there was a God, like, this is proof there isn’t.”  What a selfish, horrible, senseless, and spiritless thing to say.  Many have rushed to her defense saying…” she didn’t mean it” ….” It was a joke.”  Well, the jokes on her & her defenders & it’s not funny at all, for them.

You cannot have it both ways.  Say something, get backlash, then say it’s a joke…or hear something, create backlash, regardless of the fact it was a joke.  The woke joke mob twists words to suit their twisted agenda.  Megan is a spiritless individual who apparently has no qualms about her sealed fate.

She is like many others who have been so distracted from the truth, their whole world is one big lie.  They create avatars of themselves…why???  Because they’re unhappy with reality.  The reality that no matter what color you dye your hair…your roots never change. 

I guess Megan is so ignorant to the Bible that she doesn’t realize there are two deadly & unforgivable sins we as humans can do.  One is killing innocent people for no reason other than hate & doing it in the name of God.  The other is denouncing God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit…turning your back to the Trinity & even worse dragging others with you screaming & cursing into your own created hell.

It is time to stop mincing words & start slicing off some snake heads.  For too, too long loud obnoxious, whiny, screaming crybabies have had their way.  Like any good parent…it’s time for a time out.  Megan Rapinoe is a hero to many young girls, but as parents you should caution your young ones about who they admire.  Just because you’re good at scoring goals in a game, doesn’t mean you’re good at life skills as an adult, nor does it mean you have any kind of moral upbringing or standing.

We see this every hour of every day.  So called stars, leaders, heroes, influencers…influencing their degraded moral standards and lack of American Patriotism on your children.  Do you want that?  Do you want your daughter to be a purple haired, God hating, sexually immoral hypocrite?  Do you want your five-year-old to be confused about being a boy or a girl?  Do you want your kid to be raising a Palestinian flag instead of an American flag?  Do you want what London has…overrun with foreigners that care less about England and more about killing Jews?  Do you want your kids spray painting hateful messages on national monuments?  I hope you answered NO…but you know what?  Turn the news on the right channels and you’ll see it unfolding before your very eyes.

Sometimes I even wonder if what I’m seeing is real.  I see massive pro-Palestine rallies, but who is attending these hate marches?  Well do a little research, ask a few questions, you’ll find out.  Roughly 30% are here on student visas…NOT EVEN AMERICANS!!!  Don’t you have to be a citizen to enjoy our freedoms to their fullest extent?  I would hope so, but apparently not.  Another 40% are young Americans that to be honest will protest anything that goes against their perceptions of “the man” …or the government, or any semblance of National order & sanity.

Today’s woke mob is far from enlightened.  They are foolish & are wasting their lives in a godless reality (for them anyway) that will all come crashing down, just like tore tendons in your final game.  You see Megan there is a lesson here for you & many others…Not only did your team lose to the underdog, who finished last in the standings last year, the event was sponsored by guess who??  Yeah you got it…Bud Light, who lost one of their influencers six minutes into the game.  

But most importantly Megan, you say your injury is proof there is no God… I say just the opposite…it proves there is, and you should take that proof and humble yourself to its reality.  In all your glory days you never once gave Him glory…now He shows you who’s boss and you want to use it to reinforce your godless reality & drag others with you.  Know this Megan, just as all arrogant, selfish, godless, hate filled people should…”” God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole Earth.”” (NLT) Matthew 5:5.

All of us need to take a hard look at ourselves first.  Get right what needs to be made right.  We cannot begin to cure the ills of our Nation…until we cure what ails us individually.  I have used harsh words in this message, but it is time someone did…& who am I…no one…just another humble inheritor.

Go in Peace & Love Will Follow.  πŸͺΆπŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ✝️

11/14/2023 6:00 PM EST

A Sliver of Light

This early morning, I look and see a fading sliver of light, shrouded by clouds from nowhere near. Then the night light becomes clearer, a...