Thursday, November 30, 2017

New Priorities

I often have a hard time writing…not because of writer's block…but because of a dreamers imagination.
As many of you know, I am in my last weeks of obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree.  Some may thinkwow got your whole life ahead of you, as most graduates do.  But mine is not the case.
Priorities…that is what I struggle with.  As a dreamer, do I put my dreams first, or as a realist do I put my career first…or…are they the same?

My thoughts first and foremost eventually return to the unselfish notion of doing and giving for others.  In so doing I serve to make my dreams a reality.
I am tired; I am worn out, I am sick, and I am sore.  But I am full of life, energetic, healthy and sane at the same time.  Where should my priorities lie?  They should lie nowhere, but rather rise up and conquer the demons that have held you in chains your whole life.

This is gonna be deep, but here are a few thoughts that may shift your priorities.  If you knew you had three days to live, what would you do?  If you knew the last words you spoke or wrote where gonna be your last, what would you say?  If you knew you had one last person to hug before you left this lifetime, who would that be?
I have many priorities.  They have been shaped by the faith I have that my actions, words, and who I meet on any given day are set before me for a reason.  I do not know why I am up so early writing this when I have school work to do, but I am.  And I don’t question it…I roll with it.

For in the end I know I serve not my priorities but His.  And if for any reason my words or actions should turn corrupt, I know He will set my path straight.  I do not question my God…for He has already given me the answers.  They are all around us and inside of us to discover.
Do I make plans, not knowing what God’s plan is?  I told you this was deep.  But at the surface the water is warm, and in the shallows, there is more color.  Why spend your days searching the night, when the light of day makes for easier discovery.  In five weeks I am finished with school, but I will continue to learn every day.  I grow in His ways, to know that no matter how complicated my plans, simple solutions are found when you trust in the Lord.

Why do I spend my time writing this blog…when there are so many other priorities?  Because right now, in this place and time, it is God’s plan; and I do not question it…I roll with it.
All His Blessings to You and Yours my friendsKeep the FaithIt is Our Highest Priority.

In His Loving Service:   Bryan A. Stross 11/30/2018    2:22 AM EST
Revelations:  Psalm 78, Jeremiah 7 thru 9, & Luke Chapters 9 & 10    

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I Have

I have perceived the depths of hell and pondered the grandeurs of Heaven.
I have lived the life of a king and been humbled as a peasant.
I have wandered the halls of the insane and shared with others in chains.
I have won and I have lost. I have lied and I have stolen.
I have repented and I have been forgiven.
I have made good decisions and I have made bad choices.
I have scorned love and I have chased lust.
I have polluted my body and I have been baptized in His Holy Water.
I have done many things, most of which I am proud & grateful for.
I have cried and I have laughed. I have spoken and I have listened.
I have fought but never surrendered. I have killed but never murdered.
I have worried and I have been drunk.
I have problems for which there seems no solution.
I have written with no one to read.
I have dreamed of a better place a better time.

I do not have all the answers, no one does.
I cannot tell the future, that is someone else’s lies.
But I can perceive hell and I can ponder Heaven’s Glory, & this Glory is all that’s left after all is gone.
For what is a man but his memories and the memories he leaves behind.
Some will say our destiny is sealed and our fate rests with God.  But scripture tells us God gives us choice.
And we know satan spoils & confuses us and often we make the wrong choice.
We hope and pray to learn from these mistakes.
God does not wish us harm…but satan does.

Why do I say this? A simple question to answer.
We were created in God’s image. That being the case and the fact satan hates God, it is no wonder he tempts us & diseases us & kills our loved ones all in an effort to make us question and turn from God and be less of His Holy Image.
I told you it was a simple question to answer, didn’t I.
One last thing to chew on. How do you think a cave man would feel if he suddenly came back to life in today’s world?
Another simple answer…he’d think he had died…& went to Heaven!

Think about it…I have.

© BAS …:}…September 4th, 2008 12:00 AM 
In His Service: Roman’s Chapters 11, 12 & 13


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Thunder Clouds

 Originally written in 2008....As I rewrite this I am watching a historical recount of the STAX festival and record organization on the local Public Broadcasting Channel (WJCT). It is programming like this that educates and inspires me. On another note why does the black generation of today continue to produce music that degrades humanity and erodes moral integrity. It is not rap…it is crap. All these gangsta crappers should watch this documentary, maybe it will touch a part of their soul that is clouded and corrupted. I hope and pray so, for music is more than a string of foul and tasteless words mixed with electronic beat noise. Music is harmony & rhythm first and its’ history lies deep within all of our roots. Return to the spirit of music and it will take you places unknown.

Thunder Clouds

Off in the distance storm clouds gather
To do their destruction of The Father.
Thunder clasps and lightning bolts
The wild horses call for their colts.
The rain holds back as darkness sets
All the world in one panic they get.
Flashes of light and sounds that rumble
The mud slides where trees stood humble.
The valley awash in a sea of dirt
No survivors of this washed away hurt.
The shorelines all cluttered on the beach
Homes within an angry seas reach.
Nothing can escape the rising water
The aftermath is undistinguished clutter.
Another example of the foolishness of man
Build a weak foundation on shifting sand.
Rape the hillsides so no rock can stand
Build with sticks in a flood plains strand.
In time when the storms release their fury
Everyone & everything will be in such a hurry.
Only then it will be too late and we’ll all have to answer….✨
At Heavens Holy and Mystical Gates.

© BAS …;}… 9/4/08 3:00 AM EST

In His Majesties Service: Matthew 7: 24-27

P.S. In a previous post  I mentioned several ancient historical leaders who were bipolar.
Well there are many I didn’t mention but one comes to mind now…
Achilles was multi-polared !!! Imagine what went thru his head on any given day.

“It is only strange if you make it so
It is only real if you believe it so
It is what it is, but it needs to go
It is it no more, so just let it go.”

Revision 11/28/2017   As I read something the Lord delivered to me in 2008 I am listening to Whitney Houston's Greatest Hits, the song "The Greatest Love of All" is on.  Now this is classic Whitney but I have a problem with this CD.....where is our National Anthem she sang at the Super Bowl ? The greatest rendition ever....I don't care who you are....Thank you Whitney for being a shining light in the darkness of human kind....miss your wonderful voice ...sing a song to Him for all of us down here....til we meet again...BAS  5:05 PM  EST

“You are only limited by what you think is possible. 
So remember….
It is possible to think without limits.”   

Bryan A. Stross 10/19/2022   6:00 AMish EST

Monday, November 27, 2017

Brain Matter & Moving in the Spirit

As you may have read in previous posts I have said that one of the greatest gifts from God is to reach a point where your heart, mind, body, soul and spirit act as one. We all have a spirit within us. We all in our lifetime have been moved by this spirit.

Some have received it in fleeting moments they probably don’t even remember consciously. Others remember it and question where it came from. Some have experienced it and longed for its return. Others have experienced it, cherished it and retained it.

I feel I first got in touch with mine as a very young boy on my grandparents farm in South West Michigan. There were times I would go for long walks down the dirt road to the vineyard and beyond to the forest that bordered the farm. I remember I would walk thru the forest and wonder at the majesty of it all. I would hear the birds sing their songs. I would see the rabbit and deer play thru the trees. I would enjoy the beauty of the flowers and I would breathe and take in the fullness of the fresh air and natures aromas. I was comfortable and unafraid, even at the young age of five. Of course I was too young to categorize this as a special time in my life that developed my character, my memories and yes my spirit.

Thru the years I have experienced many such episodes, as I’m sure you have. These moments in time are special and whether you remember them or not they are a part of your life that God placed in front of you in an effort to shape and mold you into a child of His Grace and an adult of His Wisdom.

A long time ago I heard on an educational TV program that the average person uses only 5% of their brain capacity. Geniuses such as Einstein used maybe 7% as the program explained. I didn’t question this but I always wondered what the other 95% was there for.

Well, I feel I have been blessed with a possible answer for your consideration. When the first computers were developed one of the biggest problems was storage capacity to file away all the “stuff” we create, download, or use to manage and utilize the many programs we use on a daily basis. I feel our brain is the same way. The other 95% (or a major part of it) is storage. Our memories from the time we were born to the present day.

Maybe you’ve been told that when we pass our life is played back to us in an instant. All your good deeds and yes all the bad ones too. Where does this life history live? In that other 95% of our brain science says we do not use. We do use it. It is everything we’ve ever learned, every song we’ve heard, every experience we’ve lived, every pain we have suffered, every thing you have seen, heard, smelled and touched. They are all remembered the key is in the skill of recall and utilization.

Moving in the spirit captures these memories and utilizes them to create that specific moment in time you experience when blessed with the revelation of the heart, mind, body, soul and spirit. The more you can capture these treasures in time, the more you will feel the spirit moving you and guiding you along your path. Also, many people retain these memories and recall them more easily than others. Remember those kids in school who could read something one time and pass a pop quiz the next day no problem, while many others failed and had to reread it several times. This is a major factor of our intellect and ability to analyze and problem solve.

Your destiny may already be chosen for you, but your lasting legacy is created and remembered by you and those you have touched in some way in your lifetime. Remember your words and actions are not only in your “memory storage” but in the memories of those individuals you have contacted in this life time as well.

God created a masterful machine which is you, not only in His image, but with some of His abilities as well. I hope you experience these abilities in your lifetime. They are special and they are a part of you no one else has. You are a unique individual but we are all Gods’ children. Remember this and I am sure your life will be enriched and your soul will be blessed with the movements of the spirit inside you which is in part the embodiment of everything you’ve ever experienced in your lifetime that was processed and remembered by your brain matter.

We glory in our achievements and good fortune. 
We learn from our disappointments and struggles.

In His Service:

© BAS …;}….

July 22nd, 2008 8:30 AM…REVISED 11/27/2017 5:00 AM EST

Revelations and References:

Matthew Chapter 19, 1st John Chapter 4, Acts Chapter 9, Luke Chapter 11

Student Bible New International Bible - The International Bible Society
© 2006 by Zondervan Publishing Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530 USA
Notes by Phillip Yancey and Tim Stafford…. Pages 1171-1175


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Wanderment in the Goodness of America

Cast upon a stormy night of forgotten dreams and delusions of grandeur, he felt lost and, indeed was. Alone, so alone he felt part of an overwhelming universe; a universe as big as the sea to a grain of sand, and yet as small as a second in the span of time.

The night was cold, not a bitter cold, but cold enough to one barefoot with only shorts and a T-shirt, to threaten certain sickness. Lost, alone, cold, and almost naked, he felt like a refugee from a lost nation. But he was happy. So happy and confident that neither despair or loneliness or cold could deter him from his quest, his goal, and his desire to do what needed to be done. Of course he had no idea what that was, but that was fine. He knew when the time came he would respond and the deed would be accomplished, and all would be well once again.

It was somewhere in Texas, probably about halfway to Austin from the Louisiana border. He was hitch-hiking at about two in the morning. People had a hard time seeing him so he was using a toy gun that made sparks when you pulled the trigger. He had bought this toy with some money a nice man had given him for some food. Of course, he did eat with it too, but at this stage of wanderment he could live on a half of cheeseburger and a few french-fries, more than easy pickens at the fine restaurants that dotted the hi-ways. As expected, his prop gained notoriety, but not necessarily by whom he wanted. A hi-way patrolman pulled up behind him and immediately turned on his shiny blue lights. The officer climbed out of his car, dressed in a snug lined leather jacket. Having been told over his radio that someone was on the expressway with a gun he was taking no chances and had his revolver at the ready. But his natural instincts and training told him that guns don't spark as he had seen a few seconds earlier after passing his quarry on the opposite side of the road. Instead he thought he was pursuing a suspect with an uncanny nature, an overwhelming personality, a marvelous sense of humor, yes, he was after another frickin lunatic.

And so the story began as if foretold in some other time, some other place, and some other state...of wanderment.  (To be continued)

(c) Bryan A. Stross 9/12/2008 revised 11/26/2017

Revelations: 1st Peter Chapter 2, the short book of Jude, and the 2nd Epistle of John.

Glory Be to God in the Highest for Jesus Christ is Our Lord and Savior, this day, past days and forever more.  AMEN

Continued July 2nd, 2023, Sunday 5:40 AM EST 

The above opening scene is a true episode from around 1984 or so...I was 23 years old searching for my way in life.  I do not obviously have the officers name, but I'm sure he still has this memory of our encounter as well.  He approached me and I had already holstered (so to speak) my toy prop pistol.  He asked me a couple questions, I showed him my toy prop and he chuckled after seeing the translucent light green sparking pistol, as it started to rain.  I explained to him I was really just using it like a flashlight to get passing drivers attention, as the rain fell harder, now dripping off his brimmed & starched western style hat.  Again, he chuckled standing a good six inches taller than me, without the cowboy hat and said, "Well you got someone's attention all right, that was the Chief of Police that drove by and seen you a bit ago.  You know it's starting to rain pretty hard; you want a ride somewhere?" 

Again, this was 1984 when it was much safer to be a lone hitch hiker on the by ways of America.  In the years since the time I was 16 and left home, until I was in my mid to late twenties & finally settled back in Florida for a bit, I only had a couple of instances where folks tried to take advantage of what they perceived was an aimless drifter.  Little did they know there was purpose to my walk.  

But for every single bad memory I have of those days, I have ten good ones to put things in proper perspectives.  This episode with a deputy sheriff encouraged me.  It strengthened my belief in the goodness of the United States of America and all we stand for.  Sadly, in the forty years since this time in my life our country has changed.  Not only are the drifters afraid of the passersby...the passersby are leery of the drifters.  This sets the stage for an antagonistic exchange rather than a pleasant one like I had years ago in the Northeastern area of Texas on the interstate chasing dreams I had yet to have.

It is now just after 7 AM.  The message today on the Lutheran Hour, that as you know I listen to on 95.7FM "The Ride" out of Hickory, North Carolina was on searching & finding yourself.  Pastor Haberstein of Canada was the guest speaker for Dr. Ziegler.  His message was..." to find yourself you must first lose yourself, but not just lose yourself, lose yourself to Christ first, then you can start on the path to finding your true self."   Perfect message for not only us individually, but more importantly for our two countries.  The United States celebrating our 247th year of Independence this Tuesday & Canada just having their 150th year of Confederacy (interesting choice of words to celebrate). That is almost 400 years of history.  

A history that in my opinion is filled with far..far more good than bad.  Many more triumphs than defeats.  If you want to continually dredge up the pits of history...please don't leave out the sweet cherries that produced those pits.  Too many folks want to keep us in the dark by litterly & figuratively shutting off the light that burns inside all of us that follow the Faith, so that it becomes your reality.  

Don't let that happen America.  We are too good for that.  We have struggling brothers & sisters to our South that are being misled by an administration bent on breaking the will of the America's rather than preserving & encouraging its' prosperity.  The Faithful in the America's far outweighs the confused.

Do not be confused by the news of the day.  Rather, concentrate on your own path.  A path of righteousness & faith.  Dr. Haberstein referenced Matthew Chapter 10.  In this Chapter Jesus sends out His Disciples.  His hand-picked Twelve to carry on His Teachings & Life Story.  Read Chapter 10 closely and you will realize that yes all that follow the Faith are His disciples...but these Twelve had special instructions and abilities gifted to them variously by the Grace of God.  I read Matthew 10 and tearful memories flood my mind, but I am comforted by Jesus's closing Words.

Matthew 10:40-42...verse 42..."And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded."  (New Living Translation, Tyndale Trust 1996).  And as Pastor Garrett messaged today at Church, these 12 spread the words & ways of Jesus with others who shared & soon 12 became 144, then 14,400, to 144,000 & beyond.

As part of my morning routines, I read the daily message from "Our Daily Bread" here's a pic of todays with some sayings of Agur found in Proverbs.  It references Psalm 62:8 "God is our Refuge" & He truly is.  In those days of searching that our documented in the pages of this blog I cannot deny He was with me every step of the way, just as He is with you.  We cannot question it to a point of insanity, because it has been the cause of many a disillusioned soul.  We can only pray for their spirit, that it will find its way in this world, because that's what we were all meant to do.  We are oh so fortunate to have a strong a Faithful Foundation to work from.  I have said that this is not always the case & it certainly isn't.

In my dreams & in my own life's search I have been blessed with answers to questions that have puzzled me since my early teens.  Many of these answers took years to realize & as we all know, what you know today is based on yesterday's lesson, but what you know tomorrow has yet to be learned.  

As I share thoughts on this blog, I realize much of them I've already shared...& if not my words or actions than those of many, many others.  So, I thank you for your time in reading my message for today...if nothing else it's a message of having Faith in God to fulfill His Promise's as He has done in the past, continues to do in the present & will certainly do in our current future.... AMEN  

Matthew 12: 48-50.   πŸπŸπŸ¦¬

Saturday, November 25, 2017

This World is not Alone - Revised Revision

This world is not alone. This world is not unique. There are other worlds that started as ours did, however they remained pure and are still a Garden of Eden. There are other worlds whose fate has been sealed. They are dark and void of life. The soil is poisoned with death, the air moves more like a heavy metal mist and there is no water left. Then there are worlds like ours. In transition, forming, destroying what is created and creating to keep hope alive.

We are past being like we were, but we can change how we become. Our goal should be to avoid the lifeless void at all costs and try to return this Earth as we found it, as close to Eden as possible. The Lord will not come to save us, He’s already done that. This day we must first save ourselves. He will only make his Glorious Second Coming under one of two conditions. We ruin His Garden so terribly that He finishes the destruction and turns the soil inside out and the air upside down. Or we improve the damage that has already been done and make it as blissful as possible. He will then return to rid this world of its final weeds & tell us what good gardeners we’ve become & how to be even better.

Think of it this way; if you wake up in the middle of a deep sleep would you rather be on the highway to hell or barefoot on the garden stones of a beautiful path to heaven. Do you think in your infancy your dreams were of concrete and steel, or trees and flowers? We are born with memories of the Garden; we are poisoned by another man’s pollution. Do you think all you have to offer has already been given? Do you think you are all used up and forgotten? Well, you will never be weak...if in Faith you are strong. You will never die...if you are born again.

This place we call Earth has been before and will be again, it is just waiting to see if we make it as hell, or heaven. When all is said and done the heart controls the mind. Do not let your temptations spoil all your creations. Do not let your creations, be to others a temptation. Do not let the spoils of war become your treasure chest. For it is far better to be honest with what you plunder, than selfish with another man’s treasure.

When all is lost and you can’t find your way, close your eyes and pray, in darkness you’ll see the brightest lights.   If footsteps were left on the sand, He must have held back the tide.  I reached up to touch the Hand of God, and realized there was an Arm attached.  
A healthy mind can live in a wretched body. But a wretched mind will spoil the health of every body.
The  Lord works in often misunderstood and unknown ways. But I can tell you as fact that many of these works weave thru your dreams and inspire you to wisdom and grace. These are the gifts before you to uncover and understand.  

I wish you all the peace and prosperity you can inspire and achieve in this world. I hope you have peaceful dreams and restful nights instead of tormented thoughts of a broken heart. Remember, you are not alone in your journey…it just often feels that way.  Many dreams create a single reality.  
Always remember and never forget that DΓ©jΓ  Vu doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been there before…but rather that you have dreamt it before. Always remember and never forget that DΓ©jΓ  Vu doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been there before…but rather that you have dreamt it before.

Go in Peace & Love will follow. 🐝
In His Service:

(c) BAS 7/7/08 ...;}....Revised 11/25/2017

Hebrews Chapter Nine....Three and Four & James Chapter 5

Friday, November 24, 2017

Life's Fountain (Renewed)

Many times I have questioned the world's religions.  I came away often wondering how they can be so different, yet at their root, many have the same foundation.  This posting was originally written in 2008 as I was blessed with a glimpse of how God can put things in simple terms and story lines to solve complex thoughts and issues we do not understand.  I have traveled many parts of the world and I know good people live everywhere.  My thoughts return to an unselfish belief in that religion is ceremony, but worshipping  is an internal respect and searching for that undeniable force that surrounds us, is inside us, and will return to us in mystical and majestic glory one day in the not to distant future.  In the meantime cleanse your hearts, open your minds, and renew your faith and you will find many of the questions that you have will be answered in the most unexpected of ways.  Please, enjoy this reading that the Lord has blessed me with delivering to you... once again. 
    Life's Fountain

Four men were walking down the streets of the city; one from the north, one from the south, one from the east and one from the west.  They were all heading to the same place, the fountain in the central park.  Arriving at the same time they were standing in the four corners of the fountain.  As they gazed at the rippling waters of the ever-flowing fountain each one had the same thought about the fountain’s life-giving water. 
As they looked down into the water, they each noticed something different, the color of the water. The man from the north was cast in shadows, so to him, the water was brown.  The man from the south was in the bright sunlight, so to him, the water glistened gold.  The man from the east looked to the shallows, so to him the water was green.  The man from the west looked into the depths, so to him, the water was blue.  So here they were all at the same fountain, but each one with a different thought of the fountain's water.
However, as they each looked at the water flowing from the fountain's peak, they all had the same vision. The water was crystal clear and glistened in the bright sunlight. Each one believed in their thought of the fountain's water, and each one was correct in their vision of the water flowing at its' peak.
After this each continued his walk; north to south, south to north, east to west and west to east with their thought and vision to share with others. But they never knew or shared with each other; so four thoughts were created out of one vision.

As generations past the sons of the men returned to the fountain; one from the north, one from the south, one from the east and one from the west.  As they walked up to the four corners of the fountain the water was still and dark. The water barely flowed from the peak, trash floated on the surface, slime covered the fountain, and a thick layer of muck rested at the bottom of the once pure fountain.
As if in unison they all had the same thought. To fix the fountain's pump, clear the surface, scrub off the slime, and remove the muck and restore the fountain to the purity their father's had told them about. So each one entered the water at the same time and looked strangely at each other. The man from the north began to fix the pump, the man from the south began to clear the trash, the man from the east began to scrub off the slime, and the man from the west began to the clear the bottom.

Once the pump was fixed, the trash removed and the slime scrubbed off they noticed the man from the west was still clearing the bottom. The muck was thick and the water deep. So the three men looked at each other dove to the deep depths of the fountain and began to help the man from the west. The four of them working together were able to finish in a short time, and as they reached the bottom of the fountain, they were amazed at what they found. 
The bottom was covered with riches of gold, silver, jewels of all kinds and tokens from all parts of the world from people who had visited the fountain over time. The men surfaced and thought of what to do. Their traditions held these were the wishes, respects, sacrifices, and prayers of the many people who visited the fountain over time. They decided to remove all the riches at the bottom and display them around the fountain for future generations to see and admire. 
As they started their task people began to gather from all over the land and began to help the men recover all the treasures at the bottom of the fountain. Over time the pile grew high and surrounded the fountain for miles. No one could believe the mass amounts of what the fountain held. But soon it was all recovered, and a majestic sight was now surrounding the fountain.

Now the four men talked and decided to clear paths to the fountain. One from the north, one from the south, one from the east and one from the west leading to a single path around the fountain for future generations to visit the fountain. The people from the north and west would keep the fountain working and the bottom clear. The people from the south and east would keep the surface clean and guard the fountain and its' treasures.  After this was done the four men stood at the fountain and admired what they had done;.they were proud of their work, and the people were happy.
Over time treasures grew, and life was good for the people of the world as other places began to be cleaned and returned to the purity they once held. The fountain started something that grew…giving the people of the world a common goal and an understanding of how the world once was.
The fountain of life continued to work and remain clean forevermore, and the treasures surrounded it for miles and miles everlasting. 

Spread Peace and Love will follow.
(c) Bryan A. Stross 10/21/ 2008  Reposted & Edited 11/24/2017.  Post Edits, Pics 6/19/2023.

Reflections:  2nd Kings Chapter 12, Ezekiel Chapter 33, Ephesians Chapter 1, Hebrews Chapter 2.
✨✝️πŸ•Š.  ⛲️🌻🐝. ⚖️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ⌛️. πŸ•Š✝️ 

       10/28/2023 Toad & Fountain Pics 🐸⛲️πŸ“‘                                                                                         

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Be Thankful

If you came to my blog as a result of yesterdays invite on social media, you are a day late.

Well, better late than never and thanks so much for taking the time to visit this site.
This posting is today's.....yesterdays is the next one in date order entitled "What am I thankful for"
Enjoy your holiday and the feasts of your good fortune.  Just remember to save some for those in need.  Safe travels and answered prayers....we should all be Thankful for this day to share.

Some thoughts for a new day:

I worry some around me that I may be slipping. 
But the truth is, like many, I am awakening.
Those who know me and of my past know there have been times when I struggled to maintain my composure and good nature.
Changes in me they seen and wondered, who is he?
Look into yourself first and ask this simple question….
Have I always been this way, do I not change with the seasons, & often for good reason?
As you travel your spiritual journey
Realize there are those not on your path.
Understand that it is not for everyone to understand.
Each has their own time in the frying pan.  Those that endure the heat come out clean as the fallen dew.  Others toil in their misfortune, ignorance nothing new.
On these best of days & of the ones to come…celebrate your harvest & good fortune.
Celebrate your good fortune by sharing in its bounty.
Nothing is better for the heart, than to heal an old wound, especially if that wound is not yours.
For by doing good to and for others we heal ourselves.
To those concerned I may be slipping…
Stretch out your arms, clean out your ears and give a listen.  It is there for all to hear.
The Lord is calling, He lives in the Church’s.
The Lord is gathering His people, that were once scattered like ashes.  In this Faith we will not be dust in the wind, but rather beacons of Light to send.
Yours in thanks for these glorious of times…..
Bryan A. Stross….with an ear to the Heavens, and a look to the Stars.
Galatians 5 & 6 and Isaiah 63-65    
Thanks be to God…  AMEN
When does a hawk look like a sting-ray?  In flight it would seem, to destinations unknown.
Go in Peace & Love will Follow. πŸͺΆπŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ✝️
Post Edit & Pics…2/5/2024 🐝

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

What I Am Thankful For

On this Thanksgiving Eve many are asking, what are you thankful for? For me the answer is both simple yet complex. It is simple in that above all else I am thankful we live in a country where our faith can be practiced without the overt threat of containment that so many in the world do not enjoy.
It is complex that at times our faith is challenged as we seek rational answers to the events around us, events that can weaken our faith, or leave us wondering how our faith is often restored and strengthened in the most subtle ways.  When tragedy strikes look to your faith to strengthen your spirit, when good times abound thank your faith for enriching your soul.

Those who know me well know how I read the Bible.  I thumb the edges and open it to wherever God directs me, and read.  I clear my thoughts; I mitigate my worries and humble myself to receive the most cherished thing we can ever have on this Earth….the Word of God.
Today, the first passage I read was Psalm 35.  But then a subtle event happened that gave me thanks, strengthened my faith and humbled my thoughts.

I am not a Bible scholar or have the gift to recite many passages chapter and verse as some do.  But years ago I read a passage that basically said…”Do not worry what to do or say before your fellow man, for God will direct your actions and give you the words to speak”.
  I knew it was in the Bible but I had no idea where, but it remains one of my favorite passages to this day.  Many times over the years I have thought of this passage and wished I could find it again.
As a complex example of my faith, the second passage I read today, while thumbing the edges of the Bible, was Luke Chapter 12.  And what is in the beginning of that chapter in verses 11 and 12 but the very words of our Lord that I read so long ago, and now I have found them once again.  Jesus is talking directly & specifically only to His disciples in versus 1-12 of Luke Chapter 12.  Read it carefully, it is a message not to the masses, but to His most Faithful, to share with the masses, in both encouragement & teaching.  

I am most thankful for my God that consoles me, directs me, and teaches me.  The word faith does little justice to my belief, for it implies believing in something unproven or unknown.  The Lord has proved himself to me countless times in my life and moments like this morning readings strengthen my relationship with Him to that simple yet complex place of knowing.
In my life I have reached out for the Hand of God, and to my amazement I found an Arm attached.  Do not be weak in your faith, for one day you will realize it as truth.   

And now I thumb to the third reading and I pause at Paul’s words in Ephesians Chapter 3.  May the Grace of God enrich your life, strengthen your spirit, and touch your soul.  Thank you for reading my simple thank you letter.  I am thankful for our God allowing our faith to be shared, and most thankful for the Word of God that remains with us this day and forever more.  
Thanks be to God.
Your fellow servant in the Blood, Body and Spirit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. πŸͺΆπŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ✝️

Bryan A. Stross ….}….  November 22, 2017.
Post Edit & Pics 11/22/2023 🐝
Psalms Chapter 35, Luke Chapter 12, Ephesians Chapter 3.  Have a Safe & Faithful Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Wisdom Lives in the Silence

This is another type of poetry.  It doesn’t necessarily rhyme, but if you read it closely you will find each line is seven syllables. It’s quite a challenge to write and another form of expressing thoughts by communicating in patterns that match, and in their own way rhyme with a common beat.

Wisdom Lives in the Silence

In darkness we find silence
In silence we find ourselves

Peaceful dreams talk in silence
In fear we scream at ourselves

Dark silence holds much wisdom
Noise disrupts our thoughts and dreams

You hear the fearful screaming
Its floating on the silence

Its living in the darkness
Chase evil nightmares away

Noise to imagination
In the light we find the source

That disrupted the silence
In darkness fear no evil

For evil makes too much noise
Exposing itself to us

Conquered by the light we hold
It crawls into another’s dreams.

 Bryan A. Stross 11/4/2017 🐝
   Ecclesiastes Chapters 1-3  
Let the rhythm of your heart
Beat the silence of your soul.
Seek and find even dim light
To chase your demons away.


A Sliver of Light

This early morning, I look and see a fading sliver of light, shrouded by clouds from nowhere near. Then the night light becomes clearer, a...